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  • Howdy.
    well if it's war they want, i am all for it
    this has been brewing for generations now time to water that Liberty tree.
    Semper Fi.
  • Yeh true Mike , this crap gets me riled up, and true I don't want to stoop down into the pig pen with these guy's i don't have a racist bone in my body. I just don't get these so called tough guys who have to go to this level to get attention. And killing babies? Wow dude you need to go and hunt some wild game in Africa lets see how tough you are, picking on children, you are a gut sucker!! You King Sh@$ Shamir Shi%*&^is that your communist name?--lolol--know that there are more special forces White men out there that can center a bullet through the eye of a bird 100 yards out ? I for one am an expert with a rifle. Would you please volunteer to be my next live target? see isn't that nice how we who are supposed to be Gods children sit here on our collective asses and banter crap back and forth? You know when i was in the service some of my best friends were black? There are sour rotten apples in every apple barrel though isn't there? You are so in the right there Mike, we need to keep our selves up above so much of the crap out there, but are we as adults supposed to look past this insulting black rotten apple? Do you realize that back in the old days some one like that would have been hung in the public square for a lot less? Have we as Civilized men ,are we going to hang our manhood on that tree? Come on wheres the testosterone? That's the problem these days we are sheep led to the slaughter are we not? Our forefathers would have never layed down like this { Manly civilization} does would have they? How do you think we got this great nation of ours? It sure wasn't sitting on the couch drinking beer now was it? All i know is that the America i grew up in is disappearing at an alarming rate and i feel helpless like a whipped pup, my hands are tied behind my back, Or is an illusion we were trained to think by our Government ? Does anyone remember what Thomas Jefferson said about enemies not only within but without our great country? He basically said he would die protecting the freedom so many men have died for. Are we as men , do we feel the same way? We are too soft i believe to stand up for whats right in the site of the God almighty. Why should he protect us anymore? There are so many that do not stand up for whats right why would the Lord do that for us? He loves a good warrior doesn't he? I 'am afraid his back has been turned toward us for so long, there is no pride in being a coward. At least this King whatever he calls himself is standing up for what he believes in. Even though we disagree with what he says are we to arm ourselves against people like him? Are we going to take this, us grown men? I don't even own a gun anymore.So whats our next move people? I for one will use a tree branch to protect what i believe in if that's what it takes
  • And they call us racists--OMG--i tell you what why don't we all ship you and your black president back to Africa, that's where you claim you are from right? I will even chip in for your ticket!! We don't need you or want you here! I or my family have never had any thing to do with your slavery, but i sure in the hell would like to get rid of you. It will come down to you killing white babies and we then will gun you down in return is that what you meant by sacrifice? You are dirt pal and us white folks , us crackers are tired of you spear chuckers thinking you are all that! I'am a peaceful law abiding citizen , but wouldn't think twice of sending you a bullet with love
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