Seems to me that all the talking heads in the house and the senate are for some reason are terrified at the prospect of losing these illegals. My question is WHAT PART OF ILLEGAL DO THESE'S CLOWN'S NOT UNDERSTAND, considering these are the people who make the law. Of course considering the fact that they regurarly exempt themselves from that which they hold the average John Doe too. If one looks to the past statements of almost all these non-representing representatives, which includes Ryan, McConnell, Mc Cain, Shumer, Clinton, (both) to name a few and the list goes on ad nausium. I live in Texas and have some first hand knowledge, Not to demean Mexican' s, but there's little or no jobs in construction, cement work, roofing, flooring, painting,lawn work, and as times have tightened up mostly all of the independent contract work has gone the same way. The State,cities, counties all have numerous Mexicans on their payroll, hell I wouldn't have minded being a flagger on some road repair for 10 dollars an hour when I was younger. The little video below makes the case for Trump and the American workers. I can't find my link for a CBSN investigative report about the new car manfacturing jobs that Trump cited, in which of the construction is being done by H -1B workers.

View this video, I seriously don't believe that for one minute the crooks in The District of Criminals aren't fully aware of this. For some unexplainable reason this link will not highlight, but it does work if you put it in your address bar. ;

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