Is Being Poor in America Unconstitutional?

By John W. Lillpop

Being poor is no fun. As Mae West allegedly once said, “I’ve Been Rich and I’ve Been Poor. Rich is better!”

Right on, Mae!

Being poor is also un-American, anti-capitalism and should be a serious crime.

Being poor in America is a choice. A very bad one.

Most poverty can be attributed to sloth and ignorance, or addiction to drugs and alcohol; conditions that can be reversed by the individual. If said person is willing.

Poverty cannot be fixed by government run by progressives, who have thrown billions of dollars at the problem for decades.

Like most progressive “solutions” the solution has solved nothing and has only made the problem worse!

With progressives in charge, poor people become enslaved to government entitlements, and are stripped of esteem and ambition.

Again, being poor in America is inexcusable and should be declared criminal and unconstitutional.

Poor people living on the public dole are obstructing the constitutional right of Americans to pursue happiness because the government takes money from taxpaers to support the poor.

Which brings me to an astounding fact: The majority of Americans pay NO income taxes whatsoever.

Nada, zero, not one damn penny!

Sorry, moon bats, but ZERO is not a fair share for anyone living in America!

America’s deficit problem and the plight of the impoverished should be attacked by forcing the poor to swear off government entitlements and contribute! By working, succeeding, and prospering.

Of course, many poor have lived in entitlement hell for generations. Which makes their recovery difficult.

Government needs to motivate the poor to succeed, rather than rewarding their dependency with cash.

To President Obama and all Democrats: Get off the backs of the "rich" and go after those who pay no taxes.

After all, this is America!
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