“ I Fear For America, There Is Only One Way To Victory”

                                             image via carolinawild42.blogspot

“ I Fear For America, There Is Only One Way To Victory”
I do... I absolutely fear for no only all American Citizen's I fear for the nation's very existence. I feel this way not because of some sort of trauma I have suffered nor just another tragedy in the news. No, I fear for Americans and the nation of the USA because of all what many American's call themselves and do what they do.
The simple fact is the majority of American's call themselves “Christians” yet purposely live outside the Bible and also what Jesus said how to live. Another fact is that America was founded on Biblical precepts yet God is barely mentioned in the lives or government here. Oh sure, there are general references to “god/God” but no substance to who the true God of the Bible. Many so called “Christians” stand idly by as evil takes hold of our families, churches(pulpits) and government. It is very difficult to find true Bible believing Christians anymore. Most American's seem content to accept ungodly behavior or refuse to call out those who openly violate God's Word even when the Bible clearly states over and over again to expose and remove that evil...both in ourselves and in our society.
The Jesus haters grow in this nation with little to no opposition as well. Our society is being bombarded with so much hatred of God without opposition from the so called “Church”, I'm afraid that America's complete collapse and existence is about to occur any day now. For sure God is merciful and God gives grace but people are blind as well as dumb if they think God's judgment has not already begun because of decades of Americans violating God's Biblical precepts.. One only needs to look at the weather, the destructed marriages, how American's generally treat one-another, murdered children through abortions, gang and school shootings... all to see what I see. If that wasn't enough, evilists rule our nation in taking every step possible to finish off God and remove Him totally from our society instituting instead their; “daddy government” and secular-demonic rules over our lives.
The majority of Americans voted for evil this last election cycle so here we are. We as a nation have allowed our own fate. The military and police in America are largely in favor of evil ruling over us because “evil” gives them a paycheck to lord wickedness over us. Evil is practicing every day how they will take away all your God given and Natural Rights during the soon deceleration of Martial Law here in America. Sure, there will be sporadic groups fighting back against those who participate in evil but in the end---because God is not at the head of the “rebellion against tyranny”, those who partake in resisting“daddy government” will be in the end-crushed. Again, this is due to God of the Bible not being at the fore front and heart of the American's who seek justice. Even against great odds against them, the Continental US Army fought and won against the mighty British Army and Hessian Mercenaries because they knew to put God of the Bible first and rely on the Lord as their strength.
American's are quite conditioned(and have been for years) to do whatever they want or feel like evil and then whine only when evils consequences occur for evil behaviour. If anyone thinks or believes that there will be a cohesiveness in regards to American's jumping up and fighting back when “daddy government” finally takes over every segment of American society; those who believe that lie, are simply. sadly mistaken. Come on, let's be realistic we American's can't even stay committed to our marriage vows, families or jobs no less being committed to rescuing our nation and US Constitution in distress. American's and the USA culture is entirely fractured, it is impossible to see groups with such widely held beliefs come together to get our nation back. Hardly any anyone gets along any more in America. Don't believe me ?? Just log on to any social website and watch all the hatred, name calling, threats and just plain crazy things people believe and say to one-another. After reading and seeing all what so many American's say and do to one another, what fleshly man or woman, without lying to someone, who will be able to make so many splinter groups, organizations agree with one another in one voice and one action without God as the head ? It will never happen.
Let's be honest and real here some more... I am just like you; we are but men and women. We are but of flesh and most American's are to complacent in watching their Superbowl, sports, TV, music, video games, party's, getting drunk or only find that they are good at nothing but whining and complaining. The best most American's can do is giving “the finger” and complaining when adversity strikes. We react, we do not act. We have no good strategy, we have no good plan and the only plan is plainly and historically proven true only in the Bible. gain even with tears, many live as the enemies of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is their shame. We American's resemble Philippians 3:19 'Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is their shame, who mind earthly things.”
Our American Fore Father's were in some ways very different also in their attitude. In fact, there were some serious feuds between them but the vast majority of them found that the only thing that could and would unify them was Jesus Christ and the Bible. Personal Christian denominational, and Atheist or other beliefs were put aside so that this Republic could be unified. As fragile as it was at that time, personal feelings were set aside for Biblical Truth. I know many American's who hate God will deny this historical truth no matter how many US Founding Father quotes I post here so I won't bother. However, there is more truth in what I just shared then what most will admit--- which is really my main point of this article... many American's hate God and this nation is about to tip over without getting back up. It's so very evident. Maybe you're saying “but Pastor, I love Jesus.” OK, That may very well may be true for some, but for many American's Jesus is asking... “Why do you call me Lord, Lord but do not do what I say ?”~ Jesus(Luke 6:46).
This nation will go down to hell without the true unifying “glue” that is Jesus Christ. He said it, not me... “ I tell you, No; except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.” Luke 13:3 also declares all of us to pick and choose. This once great Republic(which is you and I) must choose today. Not tomorrow, because tomorrow may be to late. God will not force you nor will I what and whom to choose but also remember, there are consequences. Is God and the majority of our Founding Father's in what they believed also true or is God and those American Founding Fathers all just a lie ? You must decide.
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. “
Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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  • The game

    The controversy over why the game was won or lost is forever bantered about without as much as a single thought given to the odds and the odds will disclose the fact a team will probably lose without an offensive team on the field and in play. Yes, it is possible to win a game with only the defensive team. The opposing team fumbles and the defense capitalizes on the mistake and scores. I have not been able to remember that scenario taking place, although my memory is not what it used to be. That being said, I will tell you this letter has nothing to do with sports, but is about a deadly game we are all involved in, ‘political ideology’. History tells us that it is a very deadly game. The last century is replete with examples. Liberalism has been on the offense since the Wilson Presidency and has not let up through the decades following. In 1913 the Federal Reserve was created and the ability to create fiat money and there was no defense on the field to stop it. In 1933 by Executive Order, Franklin D. Roosevelt confiscated the very gold from our pockets and there was no defense on the field to stop it. In 1964 the removal of silver from our coinage was complete.  The people were robbed again and there was no defense on the field to even slow it down. Look at the result of government theft, inflated prices, closed storefronts, bankruptcies, Wall Street shenanigans, corruption, and downright debauchery while the powers that be speak of hope and change.

    The clock is running out on the ‘Republic’ and there seems to be no defensive team on the field. The Republican Party has failed as a defensive team and has been totally absent as an offensive team for century or more. Tick, tick, tick State gambling, tick, tick, tick sodomite marriage, tick, tick marijuana, tick gun control, tick….cameras….cameras everywhere.

    As the ‘whistle blower’ for the Lewis County Tea Party I am calling for a resurrection of the principles that founded our Republic. I am asking for direct and continued offense in the face of overwhelming (51%) odds. I am asking that we take the field! That we get off the bench of apathy, subdue the stadium of hypocrisy and conquer once more the hell bent march to an impossible utopia.

    We either stand on principles our nation was founded on or we fall into the morass of hope and change. The offense is coming on the field.

    Bruce Brown

    Lewis County Tea Party       

  • I do agree with you James, in part of your post, but I think many Christians do not understand God because they don't know His word, the bible.  God did not create us then go on vacation.  He gave us His complete word of Scriptures and it is the responsibility of every person who claims Jesus as their personal savor to find out what He has to say to {them}.

    When I first accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savor over 28 year ago, I only knew that something had happened to me, nothing more.  I had no idea who Jesus Christ was or the plan that God the Father put into action long, long ago, however, I did have to have knowledge in order to put my faith toward.  I begain going to church (non-demominational) and the pastor who was this old gruffy German man that studied under the best theological minds in the last few generations.

    In the first few weeks of Sunday's at church, I understood enough about what God the Father did to His son Jesus Christ that saves our souls from eternal damnation.  John 3: 36 is a nut shell.

    After I became a Christian, then baptism was taught, giving me another opportunity to express faith in the one who gave me eternal life, but professing my faith in Jesus Christ in a public setting.

    My hunger to know God drew me to attend church every Sunday, (morning & evening classes)  plus an additional book on Tues and Thursday evenings.  I attended these classes, on this schedule for over 8 years, missing very few classes.  According to todays standards, Christians would even call me radical, but that was the way it was back then for me. 

    People now can hardly sit for 40 minutes listening to their church pastor before wanting to dash out the doors on their way to a football game.  You see---things have change among Christians.  Along with this they have left their first love, being Jesus Christ.  This is why America is in the mess it is in because of the Christians.

    This has happened before in past history, when Israel's Christians did that same thing by leaving their first love and began giving their time to idols (being anything that takes your heart away from their God).

    Knowing God is not as hard as people think.  He didn't make it hard for those of His to know Him, but those people who have placed their lives in His hands have never taken the time to seek His face and find Him.  God does not bully people. He is a true gentleman. He is not pushy or demanding.  And when His people fail, He is there to pick them up, dust them off and grant them His grace.

    People do not see God as I do and I believe whole-heartedly, that they don't make the time to invest in their future with Him.  God still protects, provides and ushers them down the path of His will like a sheep who has lost their way.

    Yes, God is sometimes very incomprehensible and unfathomable, because He is infinate, while I am only finite.  This is the glory of following Jesus, because He is the only person that can teach me what no man can and sometimes through hardship and suffering.

    So, that gives meaning to what you said that "Understanding God is not possible at this time" but only at certain times.  He gives us to understand what we "need" to understand.  Anymore would only burst the blood vessels in our heads.

    He only desires that His people follow Him, while He works out all the logistics and outcomes in ours and other people's lives. Only He knows how to prompt someone to do or not do something.  He built us and He knows how He wired our minds and bodies.

    But, I do like what you said in your post about bend our knee the Lord of Lords and King of Kings as our creator, giving Him thanks that He has ALL things under His control.


    But, so if the government kills me because I endorse my Lord, yet I will live forever!


  • I some times wonder if any of us knows God because he is so far outside our ability to understand even his simplest parts.  The fact that he is not constrained by time as we understand time makes him unknowable and unfathomable !  You need an example in the realm of Omnipotent !

    The I AM [Jesus of the bible] can be [is when ever he chooses] anywhere in time and space.

    He can be at the 1st day  of creation speaking things into existence, or Hanging on the cross, or as the King of Kings coming back as promised , or anywhere else he desires to be.

    That alone is outside our ability to comprehend!

    Understanding God  is not possible at this time.

    Like explaining what a human knows to an bacterium living in your gut...

    This does not change the fact that we should bend our knee to that LORD OF LORDS and King of Kings as our God and CREATOR !  and give thanks and follow what he asks of us. [ through the spirit]

    God ordained that we should seek to be free and treat our neighbors as we wish to be treated

    Those who seek to rule over others should watch out for Jesus said sell your garment and buy a sword

    if you do not have one and defense is your God given right [not a  privilege that government controls ]

    So if government kills me because I know this <> I will yet live for ever !

    Lock n load

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