Homeland Security Takeover - We are now a Communist country!

Once again, President Obama has signed an unconstitutionally-expanded Executive Order giving himself kingship (See the Order:  http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/10/26/executive-order-establishing-white-house-homeland-security-partnership-c).  This new Executive Order unconstitutionally expands the Department of Homeland Security to be the all-encompassing and all-powerful United States authority which answers only to the President.  Mr. Obama claims his actions are being undertaken to stop terrorists, even though his previous actions have actually facilitated jihad inside the United States by prohibiting the criminal intent of jihad, even prohibiting the words "jihad" and "Islam," from being used in the investigation and prosecution of jihad crimes.  Therefore, jihadists can now merely claim their actions were accidents and their true intentions (Islamic jihad and the seditious enforcement of Shariah law) cannot be investigated or prosecuted as sedition, hate crimes against non-Muslims, or acts of war.  Yet, the Department of Homeland Security can, under this new Executive Order, restrict the constitutionally-protected civil liberties and rights of (United States) law-abiding citizens by directly subjecting them to its undefined and unlimited priorities.  This Executive Order establishes and mandates "partnerships" between the Department of Homeland Security and ALL state and local authorities (and even non-governmental agencies such as churches) in order to "support [non-defined] homeland security priorities."  President Obama has, in effect and right before the presidential election, voided the Unites States Constitution and made the United States Government a Communist entity. 

Since the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, has been complicit with Mr. Obama's agenda and is not likely to do his job of investigating and prosecuting Mr. Obama for treason and violating his oath of office to "PRESERVE, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States," [Emphasis added], it is up to We the People to make Congress impeach, investigate, and prosecute him and repeal/make void all unconstitutional laws, governmental agency regulations, and Executive Orders.  It will not happen unless We the People unite and demand action.  United we stand, divided we fall.  www.impeachpresidentobama.weebly.com

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