Extreme Politics Streaming – Going After Trump!

by A.M. Kinross:

The media is going after politicians today in the same way that we did in the “not so glamorous” days of Bill Clinton. We’ve all heard in great “nationally embarrassing” detail what Bill Clinton enjoyed doing with his cigars during business hours in the Oval Office… and it wasn’t smoking them! Was he impeached? Nope. Was he punished in any way? Uh no. So for our current day headlines to say “It’s time to Impeach Trump – Stand with Tom Steyer” know this, if Bill Clinton can stick a cigar into an interns privates in the oval office and not get impeached, I can assure you there is nothing that Donald Trump has done within his first year of serving our country as President that will get him impeached. History has already proven how much our politicians can get away with, and still hang on to their glorious titles, but even still, President Trump has not been out of line with his actions. No matter, because extreme headlines and petitions are still streaming thru the media as if there is some valid reason to impeach at all! The notion to impeach a man who is standing up to someone as violent and evil as Kim Jong-un is insane. The majority voted for a president with a backbone; the majority elected a president who isn’t afraid of someone as horrible as the leader of North Korea, and the majority elected President Trump to stand up for our country and to make it a better place than what it has been. So, if Bill Clinton can do all the things that he did in the oval office and not be impeached, don’t believe for a moment that signing some petition (because you don’t like having a president with a pair leading our country) will remove him. Those signing a petition paid for by Tom Steyer are delusional sore losers fighting like Extreme Liberals without a Cause.


It’s time we put an end to all this political hype and extremism. It’s damaging and negative effects do not resolve anything. It does just the opposite. Studies have proven that negativity and fear have far more dramatic effects on our psyche than any other type of news. While it’s a known fact that the masses would prefer to only hear facts, and would prefer to be happy and live without fear, we as a society have been knocked around by extreme politics and name calling.

Like a freight train about to derail, extreme politics have been streaming on both ends of the political spectrum, causing chaos to erupt in our media. It isn’t just an opinion of a liberal to say that Republicans generally have a history of being racist, among other not so desirable titles, such as communistic, Nazi-like, and heartless for choosing big business and money over environmental issues, and humanity abroad. They’ve also been called “War Happy”. In turn, Democrats have a history of being violent rioters, and anti-cop extremist, all abortion – all the time, obsessed over illegal immigration, and having complete disregard for the threat of terrorism.

While all of these labels are being thrown out there to tear down opposing parties, it’s the way in which it’s being presented that is incredibly damaging, and is absolutely hindering any possibility of uniting our country politically. It’s also not fair to label all Republicans or all Democrats with these “extreme” titles, because honestly the mass majority of our society do not possess these demeaning qualities at all. Just the radical Democrats and Republicans who make headline news, or write radical news stories. But these negative affects don’t just affect the extremists, they also have a very powerful effect on everyday Americans. It’s impossible to avoid the “tabloid like” headlines in social media, and even on our evening television, but we have to keep in mind that most Republicans and Democrats really aren’t filled with so much hatred towards each other, and really aren’t filled with these ideas that is being projected as fact in the news. The truth is these headlines are no more normal than watching a Jerry Springer episode and thinking that everyone in today’s society outside of that studio behave that recklessly and trashy. While we aren’t really a Jerry Springer society yet, the possibility of us actually becoming that is very real if we continue to allow social media to behave the way they do, and don’t start holding our nightly news to a higher standard of reporting. How do we accomplish this? There are many ways. We can write the networks and demand to remove “Ratings focused headlines” from the news. We want the facts, not the spin! We can also block fake news sites from our news feed. By doing this the administrators of these sites will be notified that we are blocking them, and giving them a reason as to why. We are their audience. If we don’t stand up and speak out that it’s time to raise the bar, nobody else will. I don’t want this low media standard for our children. They deserve better too.


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