Be Encouraged 4/16/12

Howdy all.  Can't wait till the work day starts.  The end of the work day will be here as well, but the beginning is what I've been waiting for.  The anticipation has been increasing, but that will soon wane.  The only question left now is; what do I bring for lunch? 

Any hoo,..

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!  His faithful love endures forever. ~ Psalm 106:1

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens.  They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people in order to betray them. ~ Joseph Story

Yes, I start today.  Ought to be fun!  I've given my thanks and will continue to give Him thanks for getting me through this period.  So there is life out there, and jobs too.  I found one, so there has to be more.  Which makes me wonder more and more each day; why does the media and the political 'experts' claim the crisis is getting better but not fast enough?  Simple, that's what they want you to believe.  Don't get me wrong.  It is not easy.  But there is a reason for the crisis.  Propaganda.  There are thousands of jobs out there waiting to someone to fill them.  But, because the media and the political dorks have made the situation appear as close to devastation as they could, the people looking are getting discouraged.  Worse, the companies with the jobs seem to be hoarding them, looking for the absolutely perfect person that will do better than anyone else on the planet.  Of course, they want the best for their company, don't get me wrong.  But when a kid out of school can't even get a job pushing shopping carts because his resume is not as good as someone else?  What??  Look around.  How many recent high school graduates are still at home playing video games and borrowing the car every day so they can go to their friends house to play more videos?  Ask them why.  And you may get sick from the answer. 

These bright and energetic kids have become like zombies.  They have learned from (and I mean this sincerely) the public school system that it's ok to not do as well as the others.  You know the story.  Don't keep score in little league.  Winning isn't important.  You'll still get a trophy and ice cream anyway.  Now look at those kids.  They think it's ok not to have a job.  We will get food from someone anyway.  They've been taught that instead of daring to be an entrepreneur, stay with your parents and enjoy the day! 

Doesn't this sound disgusting?  Well it's happening, right down the block from you.  I kept at my job search and finally succeeded.  Others are giving up.  Some never try to start.  What to do?  we need to teach them reality.  We need to teach these people perseverance.  We need to instill an air of public spirit, and encourage them to use the intelligence God gave them.  Because without these kids, the profligate will be 'rewarded' and those who wish to end our republic will flatter them continuously, until they are ready to betray them.  

It is up to us.  There is no one else to do it.  Sounds as if I am on my high horse?  Well my favorite mare is over 16 hands tall, which means I look down on monster trucks when in saddle.  So maybe I am.  And maybe you should be too. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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