By John W. Lillpop

The message below was written by Dave Mundy and posted at

This is an excellent presentation of the historic facts and exposure of the existing political corruptions that mar the relationship between America and Mexico.

The message verbatim as written by Dave Mundy:

Our dear friends:

For some time now there has been great enmity between our peoples when we should, in fact, be close friends. This enmity was created by issues over which neither you nor we control, issues created by our respective federal governments and others who seek to rule, not govern.

We have for years attempted to solve these issues on our side of the border in a rational fashion, but those governments and other power-seekers have resisted our attempts. Therefore, we appeal directly to you.

Let us begin with history, and a misconception which has been ingrained in the consciousness of the people of Mexico by the same autocratic rulers who have kept you, our brothers and sisters, impoverished, uneducated and subservient for more than two centuries.

In 1835 our country rebelled against the dictator who had shredded the Constitution of 1824, and we declared our independence from Mexican rule. That rebellion was against a dictator and the corrupt autocrats he represented, not against the people of Mexico itself, for many of our ancestors considered themselves proud to be citizens of Mexico. Much blood was shed on both sides, but on April 21, 1836, we defeated the army of the dictator Santa Anna, who had betrayed his own people's trust, and won our independence.

For ten years after the Battle of San Jacinto, Texas sought peace with Mexico but found only enmity from a federal government which repressed its people and continued to be corrupt and authoritarian. In 1845, Texas applied for admission to the United States, and when that same federal government in Mexico City attacked the United States, Texans were again forced to take up arms against their mother country.
Historians agree that the United States should not have defeated Mexico. Mexico's armies were more numerous and better-trained than the hastily-conscripted American forces – but poor leadership and interference from aristocrats trying to profiteer from the war undermined Mexico's effort.

Three times during the War of 1846-48, the American Congress offered honorable peace terms to the Mexican Congress. Three times, those terms were rejected. It was only after American troops stormed Mexico City itself that the United States dictated a peace which included the cession of what would become the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and others. Those lands, while claimed by Mexico, were sparsely populated and the government in Mexico City exercised almost no control over them. And even then, the United States Congress tendered millions of dollars in payment for those lands, and for a second strip of disputed land several years later.

For more than 150 years, the autocrats have told the Mexican people that those lands, including Texas, were "stolen" by the United States in an imperialistic manner. The truth is, it was the autocrats of Mexico who lost those lands with their greed, their corruption and their military ineptitude. For more than 150 years, those rich aristocrats have preached the concept of "reconquista" of those territories, including Texas, to the people of Mexico when in fact their only aim has been to distract the Mexican people from the corruption, graft and greed which undermines every facet of Mexican government.

In 1973, the Ministry of the Interior issued a report which outlined the idea of "reconquista" by the waging of demographic warfare – flooding the United States' border states with Mexico's "undesirable" people, with the idea of establishing a majority in those states of Mexican citizens and having them vote to secede from the United States and re-join Mexico under the guise of fervent nationalism. Since that time, the government of Mexico has encouraged and even helped its most "undesirable" citizens – its poorest, least-educated and in some cases, most criminal – to cross the border into the United States in support of that policy.

Yet what the people of Mexico are not being told is that they are being used and manipulated. What good could come from re-gaining all those lands if the same aristocrats remain in power in Mexico City and the same corruption, graft and greed is brought across the border?
Lies have been fomented by both our national governments to undermine the fabric of both our peoples. You have been told, perhaps, that the immigration policies of the United States are unjust and unfair; yet the immigration policies of Mexico are far more restrictive. Research for yourselves, and judge.

You may have been told that the Mexican people have been "migrants" for "thousands of years" – when the truth is even before the coming of the Spanish and other Europeans, the ancient kingdoms of the Aztecs, Toltecs and others were well-ordered empires with firmly established borders, and almost no contact with the scattered tribes of natives of the desert territories which would eventually become the American Southwest.

Many of these lies have been spread by figures on the American side of the border who are part of organizations such as MEChA, La Raza and the Nation of Aztlan. They promise prosperity and greatness and cloak themselves in patriotism – yet their promises are false and their motives are the same as the aristocracy which has held Mexico back from true progress for 200 years. The socialism they embrace is the same socialism which enslaved the peoples of Russia, China, Eastern Europe and other nations for hundreds of years; they mean to set themselves up as dictators.

At the same time, there are American politicians who are equally corrupt and greedy who seek to use you for their own ends – namely, to stay in power. They, too, make false promises – that of "free" government aid programs which do nothing but slowly suck those enrolled in them into dependency on handouts, tearing down individual initiative, responsibility and motivation. They seek to use you to create a vast class of impoverished votes they can continually count on to retain their dictatorial powers.

Our brothers and sisters, we implore you to stop listening to the lies perpetrated by the aristocrats, politicians and would-be communist dictators!

Ask yourselves why you are being forced to leave your homeland to make a living for your families.

Mexico is a land of vast resources which have never been exploited. By rights, Mexico should be economically as strong, or stronger, than the United States – yet the aristocracy has resisted every attempt to improve the lives of the Mexican people through economic development. Ask yourselves why the mineral wealth of Coahuila and Chihuahua remain underground, why the schools of Mexico remain substandard and why you can earn more in one day digging a ditch in Arizona than you can in a week selling the produce from your own farm in Sonora.

Why should the people of Mexico have to fear their children being kidnapped on their way home from school, or being shot in the street in front of their home by thugs – thugs wielding guns made in Venezuela? Why can't the same government of Mexico, which is working so hard to "reconquer" lands it has no right to, protect the very people it is supposed to serve?

It is time for the people of Mexico to ask hard questions of those who govern. It is time the people of Mexico cast off the colonial rulers they were supposed to have discarded when they won independence from Spain. It is time for Mexico to assert its greatness.

The people of Texas do not hate you. We share much of our culture, heritage and history with you. You are our family – our brothers and sisters. We want to see you prosper, and grow. We will gladly help you build your home.

But you cannot have our home.

Those of you who wish to move to Texas or to other American states, we ask only that you enter our home through the front door – emigrate legally, not sneaking across the border like some thief. Learn our ways, our language and our culture, rather than trying to supplant them. Our land became great because we assimilated other cultures and took the best from each. Be one with us, not apart from us.

--The People of Texas


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