paul rinier's Posts (1)

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time for veterans to make a stand

we the veterans of this USA took an oath when we joined the services. we will protect & defend this country from ALL ENEMIES both inside & outside this country. we will defend & protect our consitution  from all that would destroy our great country.  well what ever happened to us?!! did we all turn into a bunch of wimps,afraid to stand up to this COMMUNIST<SOCAILLIST<MUSLIM RACIST,  SOB in our white house. are we going to allow this bastard & his thug army & his  friends,the gays,the rascists,the liberal leftist,that make up 15-20 percent of our population.  we the vpeople was written in the constutuon ,because that's what its there for . for and by the people. I believe in my heart that its time for the veterans & the tea party groups to get off our collective lazy asses & march into Washington DC & arrest Obama ,biden reid & Pelosi ,for crimes against the country & its people.  we cant wait for the cowards in congress & senate  to do it,they have no guts anymore.  its simple,we have lawyers draw up the list of charges  & we all know there are soooo many. than WE THE PEOPLE march into Washington & demand that bohner & mc Connell start the impeachment orders in seven days or we will do it ourselves, citizens arrests of all of them. if we have 4 or 5 million veterans & tea partiers & we stand united ,for those seven days & arrest this thug & his buddies ,who will stop us?

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