michael johnson's Posts (1)

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Right wing extremist / radical ???

This week I have had to watch the DNC's ads for their candidate Scott peters touting the DNC's agenda of labeling the "Tea Party Extremists" I have only attended 2 tea party events in oceanside ca. Where we had a peaceful gathering with multiple speakers with our own hired security. They had a dumping of the tea (sand in bag) where everyone including all of the speakers were able to congregate and talk.The theme by many was the same, in particular was how many of us with jobs - the working class, can no longer afford how the left is making everything more expensive. I am hurting financially and my family has tightened down on many of the joys of living here in the US. I want my paycheck to stretch farther then just 2 days after payday, I have been over taxed already. Now the DNC and their drone candidates who tout their talking points want to call me a extremist? Is wanting more for my family really extreme? Last I heard people still hate being forced into buying something and worse when that something they already have bought is now even more expensive and is literally taking some food off of the table. If that is a extreme position by their standards then they should eat it and try to stand by it in 2014 and 2016. Their are a lot of great 2014 tea party candidates who need our support. But their is a huge fight that could be easily won by organized tea party assaults against the DNC and their Drone candidates who are having troubles thinking for themselves. It is for us the Tea Party to take on the DNC and challenge them. (Carl demaio need not reply to this silly ad that ensured that his opponent will auto loose alot of voters here.)But the Tea Party Doing so successfully will put forth a winning strategy against all of their drone candidates like Scott peters. If only I could see a tea party ad here now turning the attention back on this drone as to what really is extreme. Big picture I know we are small, but their is a big opening in their armor and it needs to be taken advantage of. Pounding the DNC hits them all and maybe some in the MSM. I am a proud american who loves his job and is also a teaparty.org member as of today. #DNCdroneassault
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