Stephen Banicki's Posts (18)

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Health Care REform - The True Savings

The article below was written by Paul  Krugman, Nobel Peace Prize winner in economics.Maybe he knows what he is talking about. It needs reforming; not destruction.

My wife and I were thinking of going out for an inexpensive dinner tonight. But John Boehner, the speaker of the House, says that no matter how cheap the meal may seem, it will cost thousands of dollars once you take our monthly mortgage payments into account.
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FCC allows Comcast  to buy NBC while Comcast also buys votes
"As is normal in media mergers, the F.C.C. imposed a long list of conditions on the deal. They were outlined in an F.C.C. news release on Tuesday. The conditions are intended to ensure that Comcast plays fair when dealing with rival programmers, cable providers and broadband Internet providers. Many of the conditions are intended to remain in place for seven years, an unusually long period of time." New York Times, January 18, 2011
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FCC allows Comcast  to buy NBC.
"As is normal in media mergers, the F.C.C. imposed a long list of conditions on the deal. They were outlined in an F.C.C. news release on Tuesday. The conditions are intended to ensure that Comcast plays fair when dealing with rival programmers, cable providers and broadband Internet providers. Many of the conditions are intended to remain in place for seven years, an unusually long period of time." New York Times, January 18, 2011
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Free Our Free Markets

What does the American auto industry, the health care industry, wall street firms and the banking ndustry all have in common; other than they were all on the brink of failure?

These are industries where the production side of the industry is no longer a free market with many producers competing head-to head to earn the business of consumers, or customers, of the industry. instead each of these industries are controlled by a relatively small number of very large corporations that have transformed these markets into oligopolies.
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I have An Oligopoly. Do You?

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Blue Shield of California is planning to go forward with planned health insurance rate increases despite calls from government regulators to delay the move.

The San Francisco-based insurer said Friday that it asked an independent actuary to review the increases and would issue refunds if problems were found with the rates.

The insurer has implemented two rate hikes since Oct. 1. Some policyholders would pay 59 percent more in premiums cumulatively over the three increases.

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones had asked Blue Shield to delay planned March 1 increases so his department could do a full review.

Blue Shield CEO Bruce Bodaken says the increases are necessary because of rising health care costs.

""Consumer advocates fear that the health care law could worsen some of the very problems it was meant to solve — by reducing competition, driving up costs and creating incentives for doctors and hospitals to stint on care, in order to retain their cost-saving bonuses.
“The new law is already encouraging a wave of mergers, joint ventures and alliances in the health care industry,” said Prof. Thomas L. Greaney, an expert on health and antitrust law at St. Louis University. “The risk that dominant providers and dominant insurers may exercise their market power, individually or jointly, has never been greater.”""
The above quote is from the November 21, issue of the New York Times.
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Too Big to Succeed

The article below appeared in the New York Times on December 2,2010. THE MESSAGE IS RIGHT ON! It was written by Thomas M. Hoenig, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
"ThE world has experienced a severe financial crisis and economic recession. The Treasury and the Federal Reserve took actions that saved businesses and jobs and may very well have saved the economy itself from ruin. Still, the public seems ungrateful, expressing anger at these institutions that saved the day. Why? 
Americans are angry in part because they sense that the government was as much a cause of the crisis as its cure. They realize that more must be done to address a threat that remains increasingly a part of our economy: financial institutions that are “too big to fail."
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Hangovers Hurt!

This was first published in  November 2008

We are at a watershed moment in our economic history. We are in a recession but the way we do business after the recovery will be different from the post-recoveries over the last 70-years.

In the past, we worked our way out of a recession with the help of the federal government providing some kind of stimulus package. In one to three years, the economy was back on a growth track and there were no serious, long-term casualties. We continued to spend and consume as in the past.

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Stock Market Surge - Housing Purge

For some time I have been trying to understand why the stock market has recovered significantly since the crash of 2008/2009 while the housing market is still falling.Well, I finally arrived at a premise that makes some sense. It is supply and demand. One of the bad guys, Wall Street, seems to be the winner from this disaster. Not only were they bailed out by the tax payer, but now the product that they are selling is in demand and competition has been eliminated.
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Mr. President, how stupid can you get?
"He is a top executive at JPMorgan Chase, where he is paid as much as $5 million a year and supervises the Washington lobbying efforts for the nation’s second largest bank. William M. Daley also serves on the board of directors at Boeing, the giant defense contractor, and Abbott Laboratories, the global drug company, which has billions of dollars at stake in health care reform." New York Times 01/06/11 more
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Department of Education Needs Adjusting

There is an old saying, “I can’t lay eggs but I know a good one from a bad one.”

The results of G20 pretty much destroyed the basic premise of Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s education policy stated in his article called “Back to School: enhancing U.S. education and competitiveness” in Foreign Affairs Magazine November/December 2010.

Ironically, his insight is a good example actually laying an egg and not knowing it was a bad one.

The huge rejection of trade results in the G 20 summit, and a manipulated yen by China and similar acts of currency manipulation by other countries should be obvious, even our exporting of re-cycled materials has collapsed. Mr. Duncan, protectionism exists.

That is why Mr. Duncan’s basic premise for pushing our students to engage in technology jobs abroad is a fruitless and foolish piece of educational policy.
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Health Care Revisited!

As a nation that was founded by mostly Christians, one of our core principles is that it is a morale obligation of those that have been blessed with superior talents and gifts to help the needy. This includes providing basic health care to those who are in need but not in a position to afford it on their own. Christianity is not the only religion that preaches this belief. One of the basic Pillars of Islam as stated in the Koran is Giving Zakat which means ‘giving a specified percentage on certain properties to certain classes of needy people. 

Our core value of helping our neighbor is why we needed to improve our health care system. Now we must decide what is the best way to do it. Another reason is that it is presently inefficient. The government is not protecting the free market to allow it to contribute to the solution..
Lord Acton, the British historian, said in 1887; "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
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I find it very interesting that conservative talk show hosts who say that Obama wants to surrender some of our governance to the United Nations are the same people who claim we have done nothing to cause the Palestinians, and much of the Muslim world, to be so upset with us. They forget that the state of Israel was taken from Palestinian land without their approval.
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 formalized British policy preferring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people. Following World War I, the League of Nations granted Great Britain the Mandate for Palestine, which included responsibility for securing "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". In 1947, Tte newly created United Nations approved the Partition Plan for Palestine, which sought to divide the country into two states—one Arab and one Jewish. Jerusalem was to be designated an international city administered by the UN.

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Open Letter To Tea Party

"The tea party's success has drawn hundreds of politicians and groups seeking to fasten themselves to the movement, steer it and speak for it. Millions of dollars have flowed in from corporations and rich donors, all of whom have their own ideas about  what the tea party should  be. This struggle for the soul of the movement has left many of its original activists facing agonizing  decisions: Do they, should they, still belong?" Washington Post 12/31/10

The Tea Party claims to be pro business and anti big bureaucracy, including big government. It believes that government stifles entrepreneurship and destroys creativity of its citizens. There is too much power centralized in government and thus diminishes the power and freedom of our citizens.

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Is Recession over?

"Jan Hatzius, the chief United States economist at Goldman Sachs, said the economy was likely to grow at an annualized rate of around 3 percent this quarter. Goldman projected last week that the growth rate would be 4 percent for most of 2011. Morgan Stanley, which raised its growth forecast for 2011 to 4 percent, is even more optimistic, forecasting a rate of 4.5 percent this quarter" New York Times 12/24/10

Is there really a Santa? Did he really deliver a sleigh full of merriment and optimism? Or were the reporters at the New York Times and several economists across the country taking part in too much spiked eggnog?


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