Raymond Jorgensen's Posts (1)

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The Democratic Party is making drastic changes.


I knew they were left wing, but I didn’t realize how far left they have gone. I knew they were in favor of give, give, give. Not only are they headed for Socialism and Marxism, but they want to eliminate any reference to God, Christianity, Catholicism and Judaism in our country, even to the point of removing every cross or religious emblem at every cemetery including Arlington National Cemetery.


 During the DNC (Democratic National Convention), God and Jerusalem had been removed from the party platform by the Party Platform Committee. This was not an oversight, but a knowing and deliberate action by the members of the committee.  As the committee meets, every line and every paragraph is read, edited and voted on.  Nothing is added or deleted without a majority approval of the committee. This process is not done in a day or a couple of hours.


When the editing and updating is done, the preliminary platform is printed, reviewed for correctness and typos. The platform is then voted on by the committee and when passed should be submitted to the entire convention delegation for approval.


The vote at the convention can be by voice vote with the majority ruling. Any convention delegate can call for a “point of order” and call for a “roll call vote or vote by a show of hands” even if there are 99.9% in favor or against the motion of the original vote. Of course this can’t be done if the mikes on the floor are turned off.


So how did the platform get changed? Well it wasn’t a typo. It wasn’t an oversight. It was deliberate and knowingly by the Platform Committee. I don’t know if the platform was presented to the convention delegates or not, but watching the ruckus during the convention and on the news, I believe it was. The “no’s” were very strong.


This is when it became obvious that the majority of the delegates did not want the motion passed, however the Chair declared it passed as the instructions on the teleprompter told him to do.


Who were those against the motion? I will give you my thoughts on that in a bit, but I can tell you who were for it, those who believe in the Constitution of the United States, the Bible and God. I have taken the oath to the U. S. Constitution twice. The first time in 1956 when I was 16 years old when I joined the California Army National Guard when I swore allegiance to the Governor and the second time in 1957 when I swore allegiance to the President when I volunteered for the U. S. Army. Yes I will fight to my death to defend enemies from without and within. You do not need to be in the military or to an elected office in order to take the oath to the constitution. Here is an example of an oath. Get with a group, raise your right and take the oath in front of them and stand by it.


I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge these duties. So help me God.

So who voted no? It was the Atheist’s and the Muslims which was obvious. No further explanation is needed. They are not welcome in the Republican Party.

It used to be said “If you didn’t vote you get what you deserve and you don’t have the right to complain.” This is more true today than then. Today it is not enough to just vote or write a Blog. You must attend school board meetings even if you don’t have kids, the city or town council meetings, tea party meetings and political meetings especially your elected Congressperson and Senator Meetings. Get on their E-mail and written mailing lists. Find out where they are meeting, go there and raise H- E-DOUBLE TOOTH PICKS. Write, phone or even go to Washington and pound on your representative’s door, but in all cases be as polite as you can or you will be thrown or escorted out. Be firm but courteous.


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