Michael Toon's Posts (8)

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 923, 924, 932-SEPT. 8, 1950, gives the President of the United States the authority to step in and stop any sale or production by any citizen or foreign entity that would infringe upon the national security of the United States. Pres. Obama has already allowed the Chinese takeover of our coal production now we find he is also allowed the Russians to take over all uranium.

It has become obvious to any thinking person  that this president is bent on  destroying the United States of America .  He is not a patriot have some  have stated . He is a traitor  and must be stopped . His  ignorance is no excuse  for what he is allowed to happen.  His racial bias  has caused incidents  over the United States.  His failure to secure  our borders and  his amnesty program is reprehensible.

It is time for  our representatives  to start impeachment  proceedings or it is time to start recalls proceedings on all our representatives .

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Lois Lerner takes the fifth again

Lois Lerner takes the fifth again. It is my opinion that sense she took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States she has no right to Fifth Amendment regarding questions regarding her job. By taking the fifth I think she feels like she has committed a crime, which in fact she has. If she doesn't want to follow through with responsibilities of her job, then she does not have the right to receive any type of compensation from the United States Government.  Her pension is paid by the taxpayers of this country not by a private organization, which who; she seems to feel she was working for. She just shows the arrogance of the employees of the Internal Revenue Service. This is one of the reasons we need a flat tax. A flat tax would do away with most of the employees of the Internal Revenue Service which would put money back into the general fund they felt it was all right to cut the salaries and pensions of our military and veterans, so why not them.

I feel that there should be grounds for termination . She should receive no benefits no pension  or any type of compensation from the United States government.  Ms. Lerner should also  be held in contempt of Congress and should be thoroughly investigated by the FBI. 

The Congress should now get  an independent Council  to investigate this matter. It has become obvious  that the Democrats  on the committee  are trying to  protect  these offenders  for political gain . No branch of our government  should be used  for political gain  such as the  IRS has.  both senators and representatives that sent letters to the IRS requesting that they holdup are denied  401 status to, should be censored  or removed  as set forth in the Constitution.  It must be made perfectly clear to all  that this is unacceptable. 

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Sorry to say the real hounds of war are barking at or doors again. We must be prepared to protect our own country from the onslaught of Russian aggression. Our elected officials, who are only there for the power and to line their own pockets, are indecisive.

We cannot set by and allow another country to bully the world as Germany did in the 1940s. What Russia is doing is exactly what Hitler did prior to the entry of World War II. It is time to send a message to our representatives in Washington  DC advising them that this is not Syria process integration against the world. Secretary Kerry mealy mouthed negotiations for are not strong enough now. We can give no ground to the Russians.

We to strengthen our forces in Alaska to be able to protect us from invasion. This troop movement must be highly visible so that Russia will receive the message. Next, we must call up all service members who have been discharged who are under the age of 36. We must Re-institute the draft, to ensure that we have a strong force in case we have to go to war.  Veterans 36+ can be brought in to train troops. We must get prepared to go to war.

I know that most people who read this will say that I'm a crazy man. I am not a crazy man I'm just an old veteran who can see with older eyes. Who also knows that the only way to stop a bully is with force.

                                    WHEN WAR COMES,

                                      AND DARKNESS FALLS,  

                                   WE LOOK FOR WHAT IS LOST.

                                  THOU WE LOOK HIGH AND WE LOOK LOW

                                      THE DARKNESS HIDES IT.

                                        WE CRY FOR OUR LOSS,

                               FOR WE KNEW NOT WHAT WE HAD LOST,

                                  THIS THING CALLED FREEDOM!

                                                                                   BY: M. TOON

 What do you think?


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 The Democrats have declared war on the citizens of the United States. However; they call it Obamacare. Now this is a harsh statement until you look at the facts.

I have done some checking with the California care to see what a single young man would have to pay for healthcare. Let's say that this young man is making $25,000 a year. The cost would be $98 a month with a $6500 deductible. Now the Democrats say that this is affordable healthcare.

Well let's take a look at the facts. 33% for federal and state tax would add up to $698. Rent will say is $500, which we know is much more than that. Utilities would run around $200 a month, a modest figure. Let's see how about 200 a month for gasoline.  Then you add in healthcare costs and $98. That leaves $395 for food and any emergency that might come up.

I would say that this is outrageous. We as American citizens have no choice but to fight this demise of our American way of life. The truth needs to be told on this story, not the spin.

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The California Supreme Court ruled that Sergio Garcia, an undocumented Mexican citizen, who was a product here by his father when he was a baby. Apparently the family has lived here and in Mexico since that time. The court cites a new law just passed by the California legislature granting illegal immigrants the right to become a member of the California bar. Mr. Garcia states that he has applied for a green card at the age of 17 but as not yet been approved.

Naturalization is one of is one of the areas that comes under the jurisdiction of the federal government. So it appears that the California legislature and courts have exceeded their authority. I see no problem with Mr. Garcia practicing law here once he becomes documented. However, until that time he should be still living in Mexico where he is a citizen .

 We as American citizens should demand his deportation along the with in the other members who are undocumented and in this country illegally. State should not be allowed to overstep their jurisdiction are authority as our President has been doing.  We as citizens must be on the lookout for sets abuse and of our laws .

 That is what I think. what do you think ?


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Obama care is just the tip of the iceberg!


Apparently we have forgotten the main problem that, we the citizens of the United States,are facing. The amnesty bill that European brought before Congress is so much more dangerous than Obama care could ever be. This  Bill will give amnesty to over 10 million illegal aliens. If this bill passes it would mean  10 million undocumented people would be allowed all rights that any legal citizens enjoys. My wife is third-generation Danish and knows what her grand parents had to go through to be a citizen of this great country. So why not these 10 million free loader have to do the same thing . All citizens must obey the laws of this country. One of those laws is to enter the country legally. They should have to go through the same process that any other alien who wishes citizenship in this country has to go through. That includes entering this country legally.

Megyn Kelly of FOXNews, "The Kelly Files", 11/08/2013, interviewed filmmaker, Dennis Michael Lynch.

http://video.foxnews.com/v/2821459991001/ after viewing this interview you will see why there is a problem with illegal in this country. We must not change or add anything to the existing laws we should enforce the ones on the book.

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I was reading an article regarding federal workers suing the government for being furloughed during the government shutdown and not receiving their pay. A lot of people would say that this is nothing but sour grapes, but they would be wrong. There was no reason that these employees should not of been paid. The government did not stop collecting the same amount of taxes. In fact; there was no reason for the furlough at all.

During the so-called government shutdown, it was the understanding that it was the's  Republican Party that caused this. Oh yes the treasonous. Antiochus, evil Tea Party members holding the government hostage as it was said. This in fact was not true. President Obama even confirm this by stating Obama-care had already been funded and the Republican Party was wasting its time. Well he was right as far as the year 2013, because; 2013 had been funded for the year. The debate was over future funding for 2014. This kind of changes the thinking as far as who shut the government down. Since it's funding was in place for the rest of the year it could only have been Pres. Obama who shut down the government. Do you think he missed any of his money? I don't think so and neither did the rest of the Washington Bunch.

 One problem that I do have  regarding the shutdown  is where  in the Constitution   the majority leader  in the Senate  the power  to hold up  votes  on bills  that have been sent  to the Senate by the House of Representatives?

 sense all bills  originate  in the House of Representatives  the Senate  can only   amend  and return the bill to the House of Representatives or vote  on them.  The Constitution  does not  give  the Senate  the authority  to write bills  and it also has provisions  to remove  a Senator  that feels he has this much power .


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