KY State Director, Mark Littrell's Posts (4)

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Hundreds Depart Tonight's WHO Concert In Louisville In Total Outrage....

Louisvillians and rock lovers from miles around flocked to Louisville, Kentucky for tonight's Who concert. They paid big dollars to listen to Rock and Roll from one of the era's legendary groups, The Who... They were greeted with what some referred to as "Constant Video Subliminal LIBERAL Orgy Indoctrination" and "Pissed, spent my money for a night of video propaganda @ the WHO. I went to Celebrate the Music - they weren't there for that - 6 plus screens of video commentary - too intense." It seems that The Who was in Louisville to promote a liberal political agenda, not to give the people what they paid for, their music... Another comment that was made, "I hate when musicians push their political views on people! You are there to perform your music, not push politics on us! Another concert goer is quoted as stating "The Hell with "WHO" worst Concert ever!

Fans and Rock music lovers alike demonstrated their displeasure by leaving the venue early, many before even half of the show was played out... Many fans have stated that they will demand a refund as they came for the music not a political indoctrination... they did not get what they paid for... Looks as if The WHO ever returns to Louisville, they may be asking who will show up?

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What Is The U.S. Constitution?

I am reposting this article which I wrote a couple of years ago... Please read, learn and enjoy... More importantly... act... as the time has come for us to do far more then just being heard... The time has come for us to take our Nation back... She has loved each of us and has served us proudly... It is now time to give back that which she has provided... We must now protect her and all for which she stands!

I believe that many of our citizens need to be educated about what a constitution actually is and does before constitutional law and freedom can be restored within our nation.

1. The constitution does not create freedom.

A constitution is created to protect and secure freedoms which already exists, through forms, structure and expressed or implied limitations of government. Our foundering fathers stated in the verbiage of Declaration of Independence: “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Therefore, if one believes that the U.S. Constitution statically creates freedom for all the people of the states, then I fully understand how they would be shocked or angered at the suggestion that the Constitution is dead.

Please recognize that freedom exists in a state of nature, created by God, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” These natural laws as well as rights never die. They existed prior to the penning of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence and they will exist long after we are gone. Thus, a distinction must be clearly defined between natural freedom, which never dies and a constitution, which can die.

2. A constitution may be worthless to secure freedom.

History proves this… even our own nation’s history. A constitution rests upon a serious distrust of human nature, and simultaneously upon the skeptical and temporary trust placed in delegated or relegated power, which supposedly will “be disinclined to invade the rights of the individual States, or the prerogatives of their governments.” James Madison, Federalist Paper: 46. These principles determine as well as define the constitution’s nature, character, form, and function. This implies that a constitution itself is to be contrasted to the eternal principles that initially formed the constitution, and where government does not conform its actions and intentions to the principles of said constitution, the constitution itself is practically meaningless and dead. American jurist, William Rawle, expresses the same: “By a constitution we mean the principles on which a government is formed and conducted.” William Rawle, A View of the Constitution of the United States of America: 2.

That our government must conform its actions and intentions to these principles is confirmed by the United States Supreme Court, by those who formed our constitutions, and by those who helped form the very fundamental thoughts of American jurisprudence:

(a) “Let the nature and objects of our Union be considered; let the great fundamental principles on which the fabric stands be examined.” Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. 264, 423 (1821).

(b) “[N]o free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but…by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” Benjamin Kidd, Principles of Western Civilisation, citing Virginia Declaration of Rights, June 12, 1776, (London, The Macmillan Co., 1902), 511.

(c) “Once the principles of government are corrupted, the very best laws become bad and turn against the [people of the] state.” Charles de Baron Montesquieu and Julian Hawthorne, ed., The Spirit of Laws: The World’s Great Classics, vol. 1 (London: The London Press), 116.

Therefore, a maxim must be admitted: where the principles of freedom are abandoned, the constitution no longer serves its constituted purpose; that is, to limit the government as the consent of the governed demanded at its creation. And once the constituted purposes and principles are abandoned, how could it be argued that the constitution has life? Is the form (the constitution) greater than the substance (the principles)? Absolutely not.

3. When a government breaches its limitations placed upon it by a constitution;

(a) the government agent loses its trust to rule,

(b) the powers delegated to it are reverted back to the creators of the constitution, and

(c) the constitution becomes non-binding on those who created it.

This is the natural law concept of “the consent of the government,” as expressed in our Declaration of Independence. It is further a concept regarding the rights of the parties who enter into a compact. As noted by our founders, we do not normally exercise this natural and compact right over “light and transient causes,” but in cases where a “long train of abuses” are evident. European forefather, Hugo Grotius, recognizes that when a government contradicts the principles that created its power, that creation (i.e. kingdom/constitution) dies and the people have the right to institute new government:
“[I]f the king act, with a really hostile mind, with a new to the destruction of the whole people…that the kingdom is forfeited; for the purpose of governing and the purpose of destroying cannot subsist together.” Hugo Grotius and William Whewell, trans., Hugo Grotius on the Rights of War and Peace, Book II, (Cambridge: University Press, 1853), 57–58.

A constitution that has been continually breached by the government is no longer a constitution at all, because the very purpose of a constitution is to limit the government by the will of the people who created it. Thus, a people who continually live under an abandoned constitution do not live under a constitution at all; but rather, they live in voluntary slavery, and the constitution is dead to those people and that government. It is literally time “to alter or to abolish” that constitution before the people’s lack of resistance is deemed to be “the consent of the governed.” (See, Thomas Jefferson and John P. Foley, ed., The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia, A Comprehensive Collection of the Views of Thomas Jefferson, (New York and London: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1900), 185. “[T]o conquer [the existing constitution’s] will, so as to rest the right on that, the only legitimate basis, requires long acquiescence and cessation of all opposition.”)

4. Particular to the United States, the U.S. Constitution was voluntarily formed as a compact by existing sovereign states with existing state constitutions. See FP 39.

Despite the deceptive proposition that the States were created by Congress, the States existed prior to and independent of any Congress, as confirmed by the Treaty of Paris in 1783 (which, by the way, was not overturned by any subsequent legal action of the states). “The State governments, by their original constitutions, are invested with complete sovereignty.” Alexander Hamilton, FP 31. And, “Each State, in ratifying the constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act.” James Madison, FP 39.

Today, there is a fraudulent notion in America which places the U.S. Constitution above the importance and relevance of the state constitutions and state sovereignty, despite the fact that we were told (in efforts to get us to ratify the U.S. Constitution) that “the State governments would clearly retain all rights of sovereignty which they before had, and which were not, by that act, exclusively delegated to the United States.” Alexander Hamilton, FP 32. The authoritative advocates of the U.S. Constitution confirm that even with the U.S. Constitution ratified or with the U.S. Constitution dissolved, the states would have their own constitutions to protect freedom and secure the blessings of liberty within that state.

It was even proposed during the 1780s that instead of one confederacy being created through the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, several confederacies be ratified instead. See FP 2. So, it cannot be accurately stated that the U.S. Constitution was the sole form of convenience of the states. The U.S. Constitution was in fact an “experiment” of union, which admittedly may not work. James Madison, FP 14. Many notable American patriots, of course, (prophetically and correctly) believed the U.S. Constitution would in time, by constitutional construction, become destructive to the natural rights and sovereignty of the people of the states. Even pro-U.S. Constitution advocates warned us of the tyrannical tendency of central governments and implored the State governments to “afford complete security against invasions of the public liberty by the national authority.” Alexander Hamilton, FP 28.

Therefore, it must be acknowledged that the U.S. Constitution no more creates freedom than any other government creates freedom; and that the U.S. Constitution was simply a union of states for very limited purposes, all of which were and can be handled by the states themselves without the existence of the U.S. Constitution or federal government.

5. Constitutions can be destructive to freedom where the document itself is used against the people.

Montesquieu expounded upon this, as I cited in, Our Dead Constitution. If you disagree, pray tell, how is it that Congress can regulate virtually anything it desires under the Commerce Clause of the constitution? How can the United States Supreme Court “constitutionally” uphold those unconstitutional acts by its rulings, which are supposedly made impartially “according to the rules of the Constitution” (FP 39)? How can the bill of rights be used against the retained powers and sovereignty of the states, when the U.S. Constitution was never intended to limit the states whatsoever? How can a federation be turned into a nation without the consent of the people? How can the first amendment, designed to restrict the federal government in all regards (“Congress shall make no law…”), be used to not only make law through the federal courts but also restrict individuals and states from exercising their natural rights within their own jurisdictions?

How can the constitutional limitations of the federal courts to apply the Supreme Law of the Land be used to justify “federal supremacy” in un-enumerated powers over the states, contrary to the principles of the constitution? How can the constitution’s general welfare clause be a legal justification to the federal government socializing healthcare, economics, banks, manufacturing, and education, despite the clear intention of the ratifiers to the contrary? How can Congress create a fiat money system without any constitutional power whatsoever to do so? How can the President engage in an eight year war with no declaration from Congress? How can Obama supposedly not be eligible to be President while absolutely no one in the federal system cares? You call that a constitution alive and well!? I could go on and on, as many authors have already well documented for generations now. The long train of abuses is clear: the constitution has been and is being used every day against the freedoms and rights it is supposed to protect and against the principles and trust that created it.

6. Constitutions can be dissolved by those who created it.

Our Declaration of Independence confirms this natural right, which is inherent in all sovereigns. The U.S. Constitution was ratified by the voluntary assent of the sovereigns of the states, in their capacity as states. FP 39. The states created the U.S. Constitution not to create freedom, not to create powers they did not already possess individually, and not to create union for union’s sake. They created it for certain benefits that union provided (at that time). If this union were ever destructive to these ends, the states would most certainly have the right to dissolve their part of the union to preserve freedom for that state. (James Madison, FP 39, “dissolution of the compact”; Alexander Hamilton, FP 28, “original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government”; Alexander Hamilton, FP 26, “people should resolve to recall all the powers they have heretofore parted with out of their own hands, and to divide themselves into as many states as there are counties, in order that they may be able to manage their own concerns in person.”)

Thus, a political maxim must be admitted: union, through the U.S. Constitution, does not equal freedom and can actually be destructive to freedom. Given the natural laws of sovereignty, self-defense, self-preservation and self-government, the States may in fact be better off not to be a part of a union that is causing their demise. More pointedly put, the States may in fact be better off to declare the compact (the U.S. Constitution) or at least, the federal laws creating their demise, null and void within their sovereign borders. Naturally, this sovereign power can come in different forms, through nullification, active resistance to federal usurpations, controlling the mechanisms used against the states, and secession.

Regardless of your agreement with these truths, the information provided is all based upon the natural law and political discussions of those who formed the foundation of our Republic. The fact that we do not understand them only causes tyranny to tighten its grip on us. Before freedom will ever be restored, government will be limited, and the people will govern themselves, the sovereigns of the states must recognize that the U.S. Constitution is not the answer to our political and societal plight. Rather, it is the principles of freedom that provide the answer. The time has come in America when to restore constitutional law and freedom in the STATES, the people of the states must begin looking internally to their own powers, sovereignty, self-defense, self-preservation, self-reliance and constitutions.

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It is becoming very apparent that a large number of Republican politicians are looking to woo eligible Tea Party voters. The banter has been good at times and not to good at others. We all need to continually remind ourselves of the roots of the Tea Party and the involvement of the Republican Party in the creation of this mess that we currently find our government has led us into. The Republican and Democratic Parties are equally responsible. The corruption, excessive spending, violation of constitutional principles, intrusion into the personal lives of citizens, and the erosion of the moral fabric of our nation can be equally blamed on the corruption and self serving interests of the career politicians of both of our major political parties.

I'm afraid that the seduction of power and prestige is too much for some of the neophyte leaders of the Tea Party movement. If the leaders of the movement are falling prey to these seductions, forgetting the roots of our movement, they need to be removed and allow persons who better represent those grassroot values as well as the interests of the welfare of our nation to assume the helm.

The problem with the Republican party is that it has an incestuous relationship with corporate money and power. Since the party coffers are lined with monies from these as well as special interest groups they are very unlikely to alienate themselves from the golden goose.

I hope that this time it will be different, but history does not indicate it and common sense does not allow me to accept it.

Republican RINOs, Democrats and liberals of all description are running scared. Their political demise is rapidly removing them from positions of power. With power, comes responsibility… responsibility to the people, not to themselves, not to their parties, not to special interest groups but to the majority of the citizens of our nation.

Let us not forget that the Republican party endorsed Arlene Spectre over Pat Tomey, gave us Scarzafava in New York, and endorsed Crist over Rubio. Can we trust the Republican Party or for that matter any other career politician to bring conservative or moderate principles with them to Washington? I don't know, but I really don’t think that it is probable.

Remind all Tea Party members and especially leadership of the roots of our movement. The Tea Party movement is about returning power to its rightful and legal owners within our nation… We The People. It is not about empowering a new group of individual who’s only interests are self promotion, power, notoriety and personal agendas. After all folks, it is not about any one individual, it is about all the individuals who are fortunate enough to call themselves citizens of our great nation.

“I am neither Republican nor Democrat, Conservative nor Liberal, Right nor Left… I am an American and Damn proud of it… I will Stand Up, I will be Heard”

Mark Littrell
Chairman, Kentucky TeaParty

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Back By Popular Demand!

I have received numerous requests to repost this letter which I wrote in 2009. Please read and enjoy!
An Eerie Lesson From History... Does This Sound Familiar Today?

Don't Cry For Me, America

In the early 20th century, Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world. While Great Britain's maritime power and its far flung empire had propelled it to a dominant position among the world's industrialized nations, only the United States challenged Argentina for the position of the world's second most powerful economy.

It was blessed with abundant agriculture, vast swaths of rich farmland laced with navigable rivers and an accessible port system. Its level of industrialization was higher than many European countries: railroads, automobiles and telephones were commonplace.

In 1916, a new president was elected. Hipólito Irigoyen had formed a party called The Radicals under the banner of "fundamental change" with an appeal to the middle class.
Among Irigoyen's changes: mandatory pension insurance, mandatory health insurance, and support for low-income housing construction to stimulate the economy. Put simply, the state assumed economic control of a vast swath of the country's operations and began assessing new payroll taxes to fund its efforts.

With an increasing flow of funds into these entitlement programs, the government's payouts soon became overly generous. Before long its outlays surpassed the value of the taxpayers' contributions. Put simply, it quickly became under-funded, much like the United States' Social Security and Medicare programs.

The death knell for the Argentine economy, however, came with the election of Juan Perón. Perón had a fascist and corporatist upbringing; he and his charismatic wife aimed their populist rhetoric at the nation's rich.

This targeted group "swiftly expanded to cover most of the propertied middle classes, who became an enemy to be defeated and humiliated."

Under Perón, the size of government bureaucracies exploded through massive programs of social spending and by encouraging the growth of labor unions.

High taxes and economic mismanagement took their inevitable toll even after Perón had been driven from office. But his populist rhetoric and "contempt for economic realities" lived on. Argentina's federal government continued to spend far beyond its means.

Hyperinflation exploded in 1989, the final stage of a process characterized by "industrial protectionism, redistribution of income based on increased wages, and growing state intervention in the economy."
The Argentinean government's practice of printing money to pay off its public debts had crushed the economy. Inflation hit 3000%, reminiscent of the Weimar Republic. Food riots were rampant; stores were looted; the country descended into chaos.

And by 1994, Argentina's public pensions - the equivalent of Social Security - had imploded. The payroll tax had increased from 5% to 26%, but it wasn't enough. In addition, Argentina had implemented a value-added tax (VAT), new income taxes, a personal tax on wealth, and additional revenues based upon the sale of public enterprises. These crushed the private sector, further damaging the economy.
A government controlled "privatization" effort to rescue seniors' pensions was attempted. But, by 2001, those funds had also been raided by the government, the monies replaced by Argentina's defaulted government bonds.

By 2002, ".government fiscal irresponsibility. induced a national economic crisis as severe as America's Great Depression."

In 1902 Argentina was one of the world's richest countries. Little more than a hundred years later, it is poverty stricken, struggling to meet its debt obligations amidst a drought.

We've seen this movie before. The government’s populist plans can't possibly work, because government bankrupts everything it touches. History teaches us that Health Care Reform in its current form and unfunded entitlement programs will be utter, complete disasters.

Today's government is guilty of enslaving future generations to poverty and misery.

We the People must be heard! Take a stand today!
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