John Herbert Sullivan's Posts (3)

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Assuming for the moment that our valiant and courageous Seals did, indeed, kill Osama Bin Laden, as reported,  moments after Barack Hussein released his clearly forged  Long Form "Certificate of Live Birth" and while the U.S. Justice Foundation's Gary Kreep was brilliantly arguing his impeachment before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, then it would appear that this act, by our "sitting"  Commander In Chief, alone, should warrant Barack Hussein's impeachment!   If this attack and death truly happened,  than clearly, our Seals' knowledge of Bin Laden's whereabouts and planing  for this attack had been months, if not years, in the making!  


For our sitting Commander In chief to ORDER  a Strike of this political magnitude timed purely for political capitol and with no regard for the the Safety and Reputation of The United States, would be yet another act  this man has perpetrated, in a long line of such actions,  to bring down our Republic and make us into a third world socialist dictatorship. 


It would appear to be  impossible for the Timing of this assault to have been in the best interests of The United States of America, as Ordered by our sitting professional "community organizer" who has surrounded himself with equally radical "organizers" none of whom have any real world experience in anything other than orchestrating socially disruptive behavior to promote a "progressive" agenda in this country.   Any benefit to the United States of America out of this Order by  our "sitting" Commander in Chief" would have been coincidental -- and I do not believe in coincidence. 


I would not at all be surprised if Barack Hussein perpetrated yet another round of National Terrorism by islamic Extremists on our country -- which I suspect he will handle in the same manner he is currently handling the daily crossings of illegal alien criminals streaming into our country  across our unprotected Arizona border, by suing State officials dedicated to protecting the safety of the American People and ordering Federal officials not to do their jobs.


People, in my opinion we have no time left to get rid of this man and his followers.

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Fellow Patriots:


The mathematical liklihood that our troops captured/killed Bin Laden and , in so doing,  elevated  Obama's image the day after Obama's release of a  fraudulent "Certificate of Live Birth" is less than 1 in a million, in my opinion.


Obama is a proven liar, and appears dedicated to saying anything to advance his socialist "Community Organizer",  agenda in order to stay in office to destroy this country.


No Bin Laden body?  Body thrown into the ocean?   Shot in the head in a house while living in town next to the capitol? 


The liklihood of ANY of this being true is beyond belief, in my opinion.  In my opinion this was a sophomoric, cornball stunt to rescue his  dead public image via his lock-step media.  And did everybody watch his public performance publically ridiculing -- from the stage -- Donald Trump, the man who turned up the heat for him to release his long form birth certificate?  Never has  a real President acted this way before towards a citizen of this country.


Scream for an investigation into Bin Laden, people, scream for an investigation.


Kind Regards,





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May 1, 2011


Fellow  Patriots:


I choose  "May Day," the Communist Party's day to celebrate its enslavement of people,  to urge my fellow  Patriots to make this latest lie by The White House of Barack Hussein Obama,  the release of a  fraudulent  "Certificate of Live Birth of Barack Hussein Obama II," which was today documented as fraudulent by The Washington Times and The Western Center For Journalism, the death knell of Obama's political life and the beginning of a Congressional Impeachment Process for  "high crimes and misdemeanors" that, when proven, will  Impeaches  him,  to discourage others from following in his footsteps. 


Massachusetts is integral to the birth of our  United States of America, and  we are, therefore,  a most fitting citizenry  to create the wave of action that will rid our country of this man who appears to act   against both our Republic and  our Constitutionally Conservative Freedoms.  There are more Tea Party Constitutional Conservatives in Massachusetts than there are progressive socialists any day of the week -- we  simply need to become  better  "community organizers."



Everything that Obama has said and done since he ran for this office appears to have been aimed at the destruction of our wealth, our freedoms and our values.   From his campaign statement that got him elected, "The only people who do not want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide," to his then spending millions in legal fees to seal all his  personal records from any  Congressional Inquiry into his Article II, Section I Presidential eligibility as a "natural born citizen," Obama appears to have practiced deceit to get the power he needs to destroy our limited Constitutional Government and replace it with an unlimited socialist government.  Under the Obama Federal Government  the TSA  now gives people unconstitutional full body feel downs when they try to board a plane while, as Commander In Chief, he is endeavoring to promote homosexuality in the Military by forcing a chain of command order to openly embrace homosexuality down the throats of  the military while simultaneously refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage as between one man and one woman.  It has been shown that the Obama Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms bureaucracy recently and deliberately bought from gun dealers and sold to Mexican drug cartels some 1500 automatic weapons,  apparently so that Obama could claim American weapons dealers were to blame for these weapons being in the hands of the drug cartels and apparently so that he could then move to eliminate our Second Amendment Rights To Keep and Bear Arms.  Another result of giving weapons to the Mexican drug cartels  could well be that it would make crossing our apparently,  deliberately unprotected Mexican border far easier by the many Mexicans that freely cross that border daily  until our Mexican Border disappears altogether and, together with his strident push for blanket amnesty for illegal aliens, could well usher in the kind of North American Union that so many progressive proponents of Blanket Amnesty have been championing ever since George H. W. Bush signed the "Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America,"  without Congressional approval,  with the president of Mexico and the prime minister of Canada in early 2004.   This would appear to be the most obvious answer to Obama's open border / amnesty actions.  


We all remember that his very first act as president was to bail out, with our tax dollars, under a "too big to fail" doctrine, the banks  after they virtually collapsed our economy and lost money from the September 2008 evaporation of $50 Trillion (that is Trillion with a "T") of the $250 Trillion of mortgage backed securities  the private Federal Reserve Bank  had sold into the world market from Chase Manhattan (now J.P Morgan Chase) by bundling up the home loans all banks were forced to make to the non creditworthy from and after Barney Frank's 1994 amendment to the "Community Reinvestment Act of 1976" that President Clinton signed that year.     It was that massive mortgage backed securities evaporation,  never of course covered by our lock-step complicit media, that put us into the financial mess we are in now, in my opinion,  and which  Obama  has used, in every way possible ever since, as a tool  to spend and borrow us into bankruptcy as a country and to force us into the socialism he apparently believes in.  


We also recall that his next act was to "nationalize" our auto industry by taking over General Motors, with the complicity of and and apparently for the benefit of its unions, who now own the majority of General Motors stock!   He then rammed 2200 unread pages of "Obamacare" through the Progressive/Democrat controlled House and Senate on Christmas Eve, 2009,  and, thereby, attempted to nationalize  1/6  of our U.S. economy.  He has increased our "admitted"  national debt to $14 Trillion, and our actual national debt to around $40 Trillion, and appears to be  intent on spending and borrowing at a fevered pitch until,   our dollar is no longer the World's reserve Currency and we and it are viewed by the World as unstable, which is happening as I write this.   He even engages us in a war, without Congressional approval,  with a country that apparently did not attack us,  thereby causing us to interfere in  the domestic affairs of another country, apparently at the request of  and to please the "One Worlders" in control of the United Nations, which he is the only President in history to hold a seat in while in office.  Declaring war in this fashion would be  an impeachable offense,  in and of itself.  He appears to do, in a word, whatever he pleases, whenever  it pleases him, to apparently destroy the Freedoms and Wealth of We The People of the United States--  all with the complicity of the "lock step media." 


Fellow Patriots, now is the time to rise up and take our country back.  This is exactly why the Tea Party Movement was founded.  The time for action is now. 


Kind Regards,







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