John Fulkerson's Posts (3)

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Where is the Tea Party candidate

How come the tea party is not running its own candidate? 


Its obvious that the GOP is running a bunch of RINOs so Barry will win and be in office when the double dip hits and therefore be the one with egg on his face when we are all eating cats. 


Couldn't the Tea Party offer up an alternative. 


Iven if that candidate did not win, the millions of votes would be a bargaining chip in the next presidential elections. I would show how big the conservative movement really is. 


And how come somebody won't close the frigging borders? 


Come on, drugs keep pouring in to get our kids hooked. Does no one have a soul?


Tea Party, do something. Resurect the Minute Men, do something. Anything.

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It's Sarah or I'm Staying home

The GOp is trying yet once again to run RINOS. Look, if we let Obama win once again perhaps the GOP will finally get it that we want a real conservative. It may take this for them to hit bottom. I don't care if Sarah is dumb as rocks, at least she has been consistently conservative, about the only one out there. This clown that supported All Gore AND WAS A DEMOCRAT, give me a break. 


I stayed home for McCain and I will stay home unless its Sarah. 


See, what the GOP doesn't understand is that there are a lot of us to where we are willing to play chicken with them. We will not be intimidated by being scaired. That we will not settle for midrange, RINOS that might as well be Dems.


I no longer care. Its the principle of the thing. Thats its. I stayed home before and I will stay home again. I got fooled by W and Arnold too. I'm done. 


If Obama destroys the country, so be it. A rino will too, just a bit slower.

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Can't Trust The Republicans any more.

It has been the policy of the Republicans to offer up Rinos in the hope that guys like me would consider them the lesser of two evils and vote for them instead of the democratic candidate for president. Well, it worked for a long time but now I am done. Last time they wanted to play chicken with me and ran McCain, I simply stayed home and let Obama win. 


It appears that once again they will be offering up a Rino and once again, I will be staying home. In fact, I really no longer could trust anyone endorsed by the Republican party. I don't know who this Bachman is and I am so leery of being tricked again that I could not even vote for her. In fact, If I were to run, I would not want to be affiliated with the Republican name. It does not stand for any of my conservative values. 


Today I took the step of joining the Tea Party. The only person that I trust is Sarah Palin. Period. The lies and deceit of the Republicans have driven me away. 


Ok, So if Obama gets it again and pulls the country down even further, it could be a good thing. The Republicans could panic and see that we conservatives cannot be intimidated and that even their gated communities are being hit by Obama. That their grandchildren will no longer have jobs. Perhaps by hitting botton, the GOP will wake up. 


But it is doubtful. So let the games begin. 

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