John Cole's Posts (1)

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Who's in charge?

  Have "We the People" truly lost the power to take charge of our lives? In trying to fend for myself, I've spent half a lifetime serving another person's will. Be born, listen to our folks. Go to school, sit down and be quiet. Here's your homework. Grow up and pay the bills. We can't even die without Uncle Sam taxing our kids for that which we have left behind! Have those governing ideas become so convoluted that we can't get anything done without a fight? Left and right has been a circus act where our attention is being misdirected while center stage is being afflicted by rotten men. We are divided! Hate has become rampant again! Life is too simple, yet we have exaggerated our needs. It averages $100 a month for Tv and how big is that industry!?! It's time to promote our commonality. With this, you will succeed.

  Life's Law: Breathe, Drink and Eat, Make Dirt, and Sleep. Our first choice given by Life, is the question of how well we clean up our mess. That really isn't even a choice when we all know how poo can become life endangering. The rest is a matter of personal expression. This I believe to be the foundation of our true Republic and what's in need of our focused attention. There isn't much room left for Democracy. What can we do? Well, it has been proven that we can use our poo to help grow food all the way up to power for our homes. After being taxed so much, why do we still have to pay to just flush it away? Now we get to choose. Ya's get the idea. The future is now! We have no excuse to keep avoiding our basic needs.

  Along the way, we also have other basic needs. Not the do or die kind, but ones that lend toward a happy and worthwhile life. We need shelter in at least a stable place to call home. We need to communicate and educate. Aside from the daily commute, after a while, we all like to get up and travel around. Out of these needs, we have plenty of room for improvement and job opportunities. Why dole out billions of dollars when we can support the Urban Agriculture movement and grow our own foods. This is not taught in schools! Why? Is it because all the big corporations don't want future competition and dumb us down with Common Core? Idk, but I see more than I can say and am just now becoming able to explain. Ultimately, we lack unity in our voice of the USA! Why, because our attention has been drawn elsewhere.

  I have an answer. Just a vote really, but I believe that if we expand upon the notion, we can put the correct ideas into motion. If The Tea Party wants to win, then let me lead you to a simple question. It starts in Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" where he explains how the need of our Representatives came to be. Basically, our communities became too big and the distances too far to travel for us all to fit under one roof. The question I will leave everyone here with is, "What would our Founding Fathers, with all their wisdom, have done different if the internet existed back then?"

   Before I go spouting off in detail, I need to hear what we say. I keep asking and have yet to get an reply. I'm hoping this group will rise to the challenge of clarifying our ways! I am hear to help and have more details kept inside. Funding won't be an issue. Let's just start off small and let the idea be the guide. Who's in charge? Well, Life is. Do or die.

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