Gaila Kincade's Posts (5)

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This week, Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) plans to bring his Irish guest worker bill up for a vote. The legislation would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to add the Republic of Ireland to the E-3 visa program. If passed, an additional 10,500 visas would be available to workers from Ireland to compete for U.S. jobs. The two-year visas can... be renewed indefinitely.  
You can get the numbers at this website or ask me. It is a free service and it takes only a few minutes.
 Example Call: MY name is ___and I understand Sen. Brown will introduce bill S 2005, the Irish Guest Worker Bill, onto the senate floor this week.  With an 8.3% unemployment rate we don't need to issue more visas and I am requesting that Senator _____ not vote in favor of this bill.
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Find out who owns Mitt Romney & who will own your government if he is elected!
Since first setting eyes on the White House, Mitt Romney and his backers have spent over $200 million - including $44.6 million of his fortune - on a seven-year quest for the Republican presidential nomination.
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Eric Cantor, once thought to represent Tea Party values, has more than once disappointed his supporters.  His latest insult to the values of the Tea Party came when he endorsed liberal leaning Mitt Romney who in no way reflects conservative values.
Mitt Romney gained a powerful supporter today when House Majority Leader Eric Cantor announced his endorsement of the front-runner—just days...
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Apathy & Nazi Germany
This poem entitled “First They Came” is attributed to Pastor Martin Niemoller:
When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.
Then they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.
Then they came for the trade unionists, I did not protest; I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, I did not speak out; I was not a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.

The Pastor who wrote this was ordered arrested by Hitler himself and was held at Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps. Allied troops freed him in 1945.

There is a lesson to be learned here, and that lesson is this: Waiting to speak up is waiting until it is too late. There is no time like the present to speak up, step up, and get active. Once your liberty is gone, your right and ability to assemble and speak out are gone, what will you do? No one--let me repeat that--NO ONE is coming to save you once you are locked up for dissenting. Who are you counting on, the French?

There are no excuses in the fight for liberty. There are no excuses in the fight for freedom. There are no excuses in the fight to save the Constitution. There are no excuses in the fight to save America. None.

Work hard? Not as hard as you will in a concentration camp, or under a communist regime. No time with your family? You’ll have plenty of time together (unless they ship you to different locations) in a concentration camp. Tired? How about sixteen hours making big rocks into little rocks, for the government-sponsored highway project they drag you out of camp for each day? Think I’m making this up? So did the Germans and the Jewish in Germany.

Re-read the poem above. Close your eyes and remember what you learned about Hitler; he gave great speeches too. Hitler and Obama both took care of dissenters, just ask the Inspector Generals Obama and company have made go away. Hitler took over the auto business--where do you think the Volkswagen came from? The people's car. We now have GM (Government Motors). Hitler put in the first interstate system. What does Obama want to do for the economy?...put you to work building highways! Hitler was a eugenicist; he was willing to use government healthcare to eliminate costly or undesirable people. Obama’s healthcare system sounds strangely similar. Get old, have health issues, be born with a costly health issue...bummer, you are too expensive for the care program. He is Hitler without the ovens.

As I look around America today, I see a handful of Patriots willing to speak up. I see even fewer willing to take to the streets and protest. I see even fewer willing to do it on a consistent and regular basis. No one is going to save you, but you.

Read the poem again. Let it sink in. When they come for you, who will speak for you? Apathy worked for the Germans, if you don’t mind a totalitarian regime. I guess it will work for you too.

~Bill Turner (Used with permission of the author)

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