Fred Parsons's Posts (13)

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A constitional convention by the states

The scary thing abouty any constitional convention is some group attempting to make dramatic

changes in our Founding Law Document.    That really scarwes me as I like the document just

like it is.   It dioes need some amendments"

1. Make all Supreme Court appointments vie the election process.

2. Term limits

3.  No bill can be brought before the congress that is longer than 50 typed, double spaced pages,

typed in words and letters that the average individual can read without glasses.

4. Any bill brought before congress will contain no add ons.   Each bill will stand alone with one

subject only.   Thats how we got into this mess

5. Each bill brought before congress will have a sunset clause.   There are probably untold

thousands of agencies being funded who have not job or reason to exist

6. identify and prosecute lawbreakers, no matter what their position is.    No one is above\the law.

7. Any individual, regardless of their postion who is entitled to a government funded pension,

will loose that pension upon their convection of illigal activities, regardless of the seriousness

of the crime. Middemmaner/felony, etc

8. Strip the legeslative powers from all govt agencies, EPA, IRS, BLM, etc.   These agencies

should have no juidical power over citizens.   That power belongs to the Judical Branch

9. TDhe power of the IRS to seize private property should be curtailed.    Private Property

seizure without a judical hearing is Unconstitional.

10. Enforce the Law, and require the executive branch to do the same.    If the exeutive branch

will not enforce the law they should be brought up on charges and punished

All of the Above can be done without a Constitional Convention

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charlie rangel



     Got a question for you charlie.    When was the last time you dug down into your own deep pockets

to purchase food or clothing for a poor person.   If I recall, Jesus was talking to the rich man and not to

the government

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    I must be in the wrong place.   I'd vote for Allen West right now.    I am interested in someone who

has the interest of the nation at heart and not their own communist agenda


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dianne feinstein



      It seems that she still believes that she EARNED the right to be call senator.    She purchased the right to

be called senator, and she used donated money.    It has been my experience that if she was a 6th grader she

would have a better knowledge of the constitution.    Maybe like obama she is a constitutional lawyer

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       Like Chicago, Atlanta and Detroit are both democrat cities.   Can't blame Republicans, cause

there aint any in govt in these cities.     Someone earlier said this about chicago

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obama care



    Seems to me that while we debate about obama care that the simpliest way to take care of it, is

to fail to fund it.    I will do my part in voting for conservative candidates of like mind 

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Congressional fear of Obama

I have submitted the following queston  to my congressonal representative, John Shimkus:


           Why are you in congress so TERRIFIED of Obama??   He is clearly legislating from the oval office.

a practice that is outside his relm of responsibility and you are not raising all kinds of hell about it.


Clearly you must be TERRIFIED of Obama


       I would like to see similiar questions sent to all members of both houses

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    We can only hope that the community organizer will continue to open his mouth and make war


on the Catholic Church and other Pro Life religious organizations.  He may turn out to be the best


friend we have.   I would be very interested in  Tea Party candiates from the 19th district of


Illinois.    We must elect strong conservative candadates in both the house and the Senate.   I also


would appreciate candadates with hairry balls that are not afraid to stand up and speak when this jerk


ignores the constitution.  


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