Don Young's Posts (1)

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Constitutional Republic

First I give thanks to Joe Corsi and WND going back to Swift Boats. I have been studying the President since February 2007 when he decided to run for POTUS. I suggest for the necessary funding that each member be billed $10.00 each month on their Credit Card that will grow to Millions of Dollars each month as our group grows larger. That will allow our efforts to be more efficient. The Tea Party members must Vote at all levels of Government (Municipal,County,State and Federal) only for proven Conservatives. Over time this in itself will will allow for our position of Limited Government, Term Limits,Balanced Budget Ammendmemt , Two Thirds Vote of Both Houses to go to War and a well managed National Government. I could go on,but start this funding now and I would be happy to begin it!

                                                                      Thank You

                                                                       Lets Talk


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