Don J Burgess's Posts (19)

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Speak in Anger and...

Speak in anger and you will deliver the greatest speech you will ever live to REGRET! Winston Churchill

The airwaves today are filled with pundits and experts who constantly badger, butcher or blow up anyone who might disagree with their point of view. While this might be entertaining talk radio or night time television, it has produced a horrible precedent for dealing with people in general.

Many have come to believe that silence is weakness, that calmness is cowardly and that you must engage in a tit-for-tat exchange of point and counterpoint, claim and counterclaim to compete and survive in any relationship. If an unwanted fire has broken out the last thing you want to do is throw gasoline on it. Yet many seemingly cannot resist the urge to throw their last bit of fuel on the fire then spar, thrust and parry back and forth long after the source of problem has been left behind.

Often it is the preservation of ego which keeps us engaged in verbal combat, somehow believing that having the last word will win the day. Learning to check your ego at the door and determine what truly matters most is key, not only to success, but to happiness and peace of mind. Whether speaking to someone live or going back and forth in email, you must ask yourself if the messages you are about to speak or send are going to move the conversation, and more importantly, the relationship, forward or whether they will simply fuel more anger and angst. Winning a verbal battle at the expense of a relationship war is never wise.

General Robert E. Lee was once asked his view of a man he had had many disagreements with. Lee responded that the man was a good, just man, who he happened to disagree with greatly. The questioner then stated that the man in question did not hold such a respectful view of the General and often expressed that negative opinion to others. To which General Lee replied, “You asked me my opinion of him, not my view of his view of me. My view is the only one over which I have control.” The way you communicate with those you disagree with speaks volumes about who you are as a person. Petty, personal attacks never produce positive results and often keep us a safe distance from real solutions.

Be ware of your emotions and your ego, especially in the highly volatile arena of interpersonal communication. Silence can be strength, a kind word can carry a conversation, stepping away can be the best step forward. Words have weight and their impact is immense – so choose them wisely, use them with caution and whenever in doubt – don’t!


The Most Effective Way to Communicate is Video Communication

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Knowing Better Now

The Past in Light of the Present

When we look back at the past, knowing what we know now, we often find it difficult to understand how we made the mistakes we made. This is because once we learn new information, it is nearly impossible to reenter the headspace we were in before we learned that information. And so we look back at parents who spanked their kids, for example, and wonder how they could have thought that was a good idea. Similarly, our personal pasts are full of mistakes we can’t believe we made. We did things then that we would never do now, and this is precisely because we have information now that we didn’t have, or weren’t able to access, then.

From ideas about how to raise children to how to treat the environment, our collective human past sometimes reads like a document on what not to do. In many ways, this is exactly as it should be. We learn from living and having experiences. It is from these past actions that we garnered the information that guides us to live differently now. Just so, in our personal lives, we probably had to have a few unsuccessful relationships or jobs, learning about our negative tendencies through them, in order to gain the wisdom we have now.

In order to live more peacefully with the past, it helps to remember that once we know better, we tend to do better. Prior to knowing, we generally do our best, and while it’s true that from the perspective of the present, our best doesn’t always seem good enough, we can at least give our past selves the benefit of the doubt. We did our best with what knowledge we had. Beyond this, we serve the greater good most effectively by not dwelling on the past, instead reigning our energy and knowledge into our present actions. It is here, in this moment, that we create our reality and ourselves anew, with our current knowledge and information.DOM


Communicate more Effectively with Video Communication

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Of Equal Worth


The notion of humility as a virtue brings numerous images to mind. We tend to envision those rare individuals who humbly bear life’s struggles while downplaying their own strengths. Yet humility is also associated with people whose insecurities compel them to judge themselves unfavorably as a matter of course. The true definition of humility, however, does not correspond precisely with either of these images. Humility is not passivity. Rather, it is an utter lack of self-importance. The individuals who embody the concept of humility appreciate that each human being on the planet occupies a unique place on an infinite spectrum of development. Though they can take pride in their own accomplishments, they also understand that the people they interact with each day are as valuable and have as much to offer the world as they themselves do.

To be humble is to accept that while there will always be individuals more and less advanced than yourself, those on all parts of the spectrum of development can provide you with insights that further your personal evolution. Recognizing these insights is a matter of opening yourself to the fact that not only do others think and feel differently than you, but their life experiences have shaped them in a very different way than yours have shaped you. This means that while you may have a greater understanding in some areas, others will always be able to teach you something. When you cultivate a genuine yearning to know what skills and talents those you encounter have been blessed with, you cannot help but learn humility. You instinctively understand that emotions like envy breed resistance that prevents you from growing, and that being flexible in your interactions with others will help you connect with unexpected mentors.

When you practice humility, you want to become as accomplished and evolved as you can possibly be, yet you are willing to submit to the expertise of others to do so. You understand the scope of your aptitudes yet you choose to eradicate arrogance from your attitude, and you can distinguish the value you possess as an individual while still acting in the interests of your fellow human beings. Humility, simply put, is a form of balance in which you can celebrate your own worth while sincerely believing that every other person on the planet is just as worthy as you.DOM
With Live Presentation, you can host apresentation for large audiences located anywhere in the world provided they have a high speed Internet connection
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Lightening the Soul

Soul Evolution

From the moment we are born, our souls may feel heavy because they are carrying the weight of all we have lived, loved, and learned in our past incarnations. It is only when we actively seek to work through our issues that we can lighten the load and our souls can evolve. Divesting ourselves of what no longer serves us, such as unwarranted fear, the inability to feel empathy, or self-limiting behaviors, are just some of the many challenges we may face in this lifetime. While some issues we face are easier to deal with because they are the final remains of residue from a past life, other issues offer greater challenges because we are meant to work through them throughout this lifetime.

Often, we expect ourselves to recover quickly from difficult or painful circumstances. When we do not or cannot, we may feel emotionally inept or hopeless. The evolution of the soul, however, is an ongoing process that can take many lifetimes. It is a matter of accepting that even when we do our best there are going to be situations, people, and outcomes in this lifetime or the next one. The more you release in each time,the more you grow and the more your soul will evolve.
Although it is not always possible to work through all of our issues in a single lifetime, it is important that we confront what we are called to face in this life and do the work we need to do. It is also important to remember that the most effective way to let your soul grow is to be will do this work for you.DOM

Ability to conduct face-to-face meetings with employees, customers, vendors, etc., at different locations
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The Impossible Dream

Right in Front of You

When it comes to the things we want, there always seems to be an endless list. No matter how many times we get something off that list, we add new things to replace it. In life, this drama of wanting and getting and wanting is all part of the dance. The things we want motivate us to get up and get them.

And yet, at the same time, we can torment ourselves with our wanting, especially when we want something we can’t have or can’t find. It is in cases like these that it might be fruitful to entertain the idea that maybe what you really want is right in front of you. Maybe you are using this desire you can’t fulfill to distract you from truly engaging the blessings you already have. It may seem like that doesn’t make sense, yet we do it all the time. It may be easier to see in other people than to see it in ourselves. We have all heard our friends wishing they were more this or less that, and looking at them we see clearly that they are everything they are wishing they were. We know people who have wonderful partners and yet envy you yours. We wish we could give these people a look at their situations from our perspective so that they could see that what they want really is right in front of them.

It’s not too far-fetched to consider that we might be victims of the same folly. It can be scary to have what we want. We get caught up in the chase and forget to enjoy the beauty right in front of us—like a child who never wants the toy she has in her hand but always the one just out of her reach. Take a moment today to consider the many things you are holding in the palm of your hand and how you might best play with them Dom

Burgess LifeStyle
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Perceiving the Infinite

Using Your Psychic Gifts

Psychic experiences are a natural part of our everyday lives. People often have difficulty accepting that they have been blessed with psychic abilities because without a frame of reference it is almost impossible to identify an extrasensory experience and to distinguish psychic sights, sounds, and sensations from the projects of the unconscious mind. To some extent, every human being on the planet is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, although most people discover that they are naturally adept at one more than the others. When you trust in and take steps to hone your innate clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, you will enter a new realm of being in which the universe, your higher self, and your spirit guides lovingly conduct you toward a more aware existence.

Clairvoyance, or clear seeing, is the ability to see with the mind’s eye. An individual who has honed their clairvoyant abilities may be able to see in their mind’s eye events in a remote location; to witness incidents that have yet to occur; or to perceive shapes, colors, and other images that are physically invisible. Clairaudience, which means clear listening, is the ability to hear sounds not physically audible. A person with the gift of clairaudience perceives psychic information as auditory resonance and may hear angelic voices, music, or other sounds. A clairsentient, or clear feeling, individual is able to sense physical, emotional, and spiritual energy in the form of seemingly unearthly scents, touches, and movements. Each of these psychic abilities can manifest themselves within us voluntarily or involuntarily. It is natural for us to have these abilities; we need only practice.

Developing your psychic talents is a matter of releasing your fear of seeing, hearing, or feeling inexplicable or disquieting stimulus. Before you attempt to consciously tap into your gifts, ground yourself to anchor your mind in the present to disconnect from any involuntary psychic experiences you may be having. Concentrate on your intuitive responses to the world around you and notice any sights, sounds, or feelings that enter your mind. If you trust your perceptions, you’ll discover that each psychic impression you receive will be in some way relevant to your experience—even when that relevance may not be immediately recognizable.DOM
Burgess Lifestyle
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Spend Thanksgiving with a Billionaire

I just received this intriguing Thanksgiving invitation and thought you might be interested too. I know Bill and his story is truly remarkable. Here's what he wrote...

Thanksgiving is a very important holiday to me. Let me try to explain without getting too mushy...

If you know me at all, you know that I've lived a miraculous life, with an incalculable amount of things to be thankful for. Few people can say that they've overcome:

* Poverty

* Homelessness
* Bankruptcy (Twice)
* Deafness
* Paralysis
* Gang Membership
* Dropping out of High School
* Alcoholism
* Depression

Inc. Cover Even fewer can say they've overcome ALL of them. I know it sounds incredible, but that's exactly what I've been through in my life.

But the most astounding part is that not only did I somehow manage to overcome all these obstacles, but that I became a self-made billionaire and the 25th wealthiest American in the process.

Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for. And, like the good book says

"To whom much is given, of him shall much be required."

I take that very seriously.

You see, I believe that in large part my experiences weren't really meant for me. They were meant for you. They were meant to be an example of what is really possible. And they were meant to be a road map of how any of us can achieve the wealth we desire, regardless of our circumstances.

So this coming Tuesday, November 23rd, I invite you to join me in a special Thanksgiving program where I will share my story in a way that will help you conquer the obstacles that stand in the way of your health, happiness and financial freedom.

Join me, I promise it will be worth your while. Here's how to get registered:


Down, But Never Ever Out: A Journey From A Homeless Gang Member to the 25th Wealthiest American

Date: Tuesday, November 23rd

Time: 8:00pm EDT / 7:00pm CDT/ 6:00pm MDT/ 5:00pm PDT

Limit: 1000 attendees (first come, first served)

REGISTER: http://

See you on Tuesday,



Bill Bartmann

P.S. While I promise you will leave this program motivated and on a new path to wealth, I unfortunately can't accommodate everyone. Our service provider limit is 1,000, so if you want to be included go to http:// right now and get registered.
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Freeing Our Inner Desires

Using Our Outside Voice

Each of us has developed an internal filtering process that helps us choose which parts of our constant inner monologues get voiced outside of our heads. Sometimes the choice is based on what we consider to be polite or appropriate, using subtlety instead of directness to try to get our point across. Other times the choice is made based on our expectations of the other person and what we feel they should know about us, our feelings, and our needs. But our best chance of getting what we need is to communicate specifically by converting our inner voice to our outside voice.

This may seem unnecessary sometimes, especially when we think the other person has the same information we ourselves are working with, but we have to remember they also have their own inner voice, evaluating what they hear in light of their own issues and needs. With so much to consider and sift through, we are truly better off if we communicate precisely. Not only does doing this minimize the chance for misinterpretation, but voicing our thoughts it is an act of creation. We convert thought and imagination to sound, releasing it from the chamber of our minds into the outside world. This carries energy and intention with it, making our thoughts, wishes, and even dreams come true.

When we have the courage to speak our minds and use our voice to send the desires of our hearts from our inner world to the world outside, we take a bold step in making them happen. By removing fear of what others may think and expectation of what others should understand, we free ourselves and our thoughts from the bondage of the mental chamber and let loose our desires onto the canvas of the world. Next time we become aware that we have a choice about how to communicate, we can choose to use our outside voice and watch its creative power at work. DOM

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It is a curious fact of nature that somehow our minds find a way to transform into physical reality the things we think about most. If you expect to fail, you can be sure that you will, and if you find something negative in every opportunity, nothing will ever work out positively for you. Fortunately, the reverse is also true. If you are a happy, positive person, you will attract positive things. You can keep your mindset positive by eliminating negative thoughts the moment they begin to creep into your conscious mind. If you dwell on the negative aspects of every opportunity, you will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Be prudent about the risks you take, but don't be paralyzed by fear of failure.NHF
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Growing Self-Reflection

You may feel perceptive and in tune with your life or the goings-on in the world. Perhaps you are engaged in a journey of self-reflection and are giving some thought to your past or future. If so, you may receive a wealth of inspirational insights. You could also be drawing conclusions about yourself that could help you to grow in your work or spiritual life. Consider allowing yourself ample time to look inward and notice any behaviors or beliefs that continue to support your life purpose. You may wish to figure out how you can continue to consciously apply them to your life. The answers you seek can always be found inside of you.

Self-reflection inspires us to forge ahead on our personal journey of development. When we look inward, we recognize how some of our behaviors and thoughts have helped us get to where we are in our lives. This self-awareness motivates us to continue calling these specific attributes or abilities into action—not only have they helped us move forward in life but they have contributed to our happiness and well-being. We are left with an honest appreciation of how these behaviors and beliefs have shaped our identities. Reflect on yourself, your past, and your present today, and the resulting insights will inspire you to new spirals of growth.

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Respect and Be Open

Your sense of integrity could make you more open-minded in your professional interactions. Perhaps you realize that by being respectful and tolerant of differing ideas you can achieve more when working with others. Making an effort to navigate between all sides of an issue and finding mutually agreeable solutions to problems could help you be even more effective in your dealings. Should you find that you have to deal with conflicting ideas in some form, you can think about the needs and wants of everyone involved. Putting your ideas down on paper through a diagram or chart might be a way for you to see the different factors involved and maybe even a way to come up with a creative solution. You may find that being nonjudgmental and broad-minded could not only help you to act honestly but can also assist you in finding what works best for everyone.

When we are receptive to everybody’s ideas, win-win outcomes are more possible. Even though it can be challenging to meet the needs of all the people we interact with, if we truly take the time to understand their ideas and then try to integrate them with our own ideas, we will more readily gain their respect. Having this mutual regard for each other will make it easier for our team to accomplish its goals. By being open and showing respect in a professional capacity, your interactions will not only be more positive but also more productive.

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An Instrument of Change

Wealth Is Neutral

At its most basic, money is a tool that enables us to meet our individual needs. As a form of potential energy that empowers us to generate change, it is neither good nor bad. Yet many people react emotionally to issues concerning finances, unconsciously condemning currency itself, the manner in which money is spent, and people who live lives of financial abundance. Individuals who are rich in gifts such as high intelligence are acknowledged for their positive traits while those who have acquired material riches or aspire to become wealthy are frequently judged harshly. However, wealth is not a trait upon which judgment can be legitimately passed. It tells us nothing about how a person lives, what they believe in, whom they care for, or the scope of their values. Like any blessing, wealth is merely an instrument of purpose that can be used both constructively and destructively.

From an early age, people learn to court wealth while simultaneously associating money with greed, selfishness, and unethical behavior. Consequently, this idea becomes entrenched in their hearts as envy. To attain a balanced and rational comprehension of money, as well as a fairer perspective of wealth, we need to recognize that outward manifestations of wealth tell us little about the individuals enjoying those blessings. When we feel the finger of jealousy prompting us to draw unflattering conclusions about people whose lives seem more financially secure than our own, we should remind ourselves that there are many elements of their circumstances we cannot see. Their wealth may be the result of long hours of taxing labor, they may donate a large percentage of their resources to charitable causes, or their bounty may be an incidental aspect of a life spent doing what they love. Ultimately, we can heal our hurtful associations with money by turning a blind eye toward both wealth and poverty when interacting with others and instead focusing on the individual before us.

If you take a moment to consider you own feelings regarding money and wealth, you may discover that you equate financial prosperity with happiness, power, security, independence, or self-indulgence. Money itself, however, is none of these things. You can begin developing a healthier view of wealth by simply accepting that while some possess great wealth and others do not, we all have the potential to create lives of beauty, substance, and wisdom using the resources we have been granted. DOM3 free gifts for you --->

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Know Your Food

Eating Close to the Earth

The food we eat is a multidimensional aspect of our lives. Food provides us with the energy that enables us to grow and prosper. Yet it can be, and frequently is, much, much more. Our food can be an experience in and of itself if we allow it to be. The dishes we remember from childhood offer unmatched comfort. The act of preparing meals can be an art form of the highest caliber. And the nourishment we derive from this fare promotes wellness within us. But many of us, distracted by daily affairs, forget that the profound pleasures of eating go beyond simple sustenance. We eat foods that are convenient or we eat unconsciously, snacking on whatever happens to be on hand. To understand the true value of food and the impact it can have on our lives, we should acknowledge and honor it by eating close to the earth.

If you have ever shelled and eaten garden-grown peas or bitten into a sun-warmed apple freshly plucked from its tree, you likely understand that there is a marked difference between these foods and those that are processed and stacked on supermarket shelves. Food recently picked contains more of its original life force and thus has a greater store of energy and nutrients. You can ensure you are eating close to the earth—and enjoying the many benefits of doing so—by shopping at a local farmers market and getting to know the individuals who grow your food. If you make the experience of shopping in this way enjoyable, you will be more apt to reject more convenient canned, packaged, and frozen foods in favor of the real delight you feel while browsing stalls of fresh foods nourished by the same soil you can find in your own backyard. You will soon learn what foods are in season in your area and how to prepare them.

As you savor the vivid flavors of juicy ripe fruits and the hearty crunch of unprocessed vegetables, you can also take pleasure in the fact that, by eating close to the earth, you are supporting farmers in your region, connecting with your local ecosystem, discouraging those who would waste precious fossil fuels by carting produce cross-country, and helping to preserve healthy culinary traditions that have existed for centuries.DOM

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Cherish the Unexpected

You may have to call upon your ability to adapt to ever-changing situations today. Being flexible and spontaneous in your plans might make it easier for you to go with the flow and get full satisfaction from your experiences. If your plans should change at any time today, instead of being disappointed you might want to look at these alterations as chances to explore or discover some new aspect of yourself and your life. Learning to be open to the variety of scenarios that life presents can help you be present in every moment as opposed to ruing the past or worrying about the future. Asking yourself what new things you can learn from being patient with everything life throws your way could make these new and exciting experiences more precious and dear to you.

Going with, instead of against, life’s plan for us enables us to encounter new challenges that compel us to grow in exhilarating ways. The more open we are to the unexpected, the more of life’s treasures we will find. Having room in our plans for last-minute changes means that we value and accept the fact that not everything in life goes as planned and that it is more important to live in the moment and not in our heads—because that’s where we are when we want everything to go our way. By adapting to each situation today, you will be able to cherish every experience as it happens.

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Everything Helps You Grow

You could feel more attentive to the world around you today, which may mean that you are keeping your eyes open for different opportunities that can arise. It might be that you understand that coincidence and chance have less to do with luck and more to do with being aware of your surroundings. Perhaps today you can make an effort to look around you and try to see the world as a place teeming with possibilities. As you go about your day you might want to think of everything that happens to you—both the good and the bad—as a chance to change your life. Seeing incidents in this way may give you an alternate perspective on life, and you could find that new opportunities are always available once you become conscious of them.

Learning to become aware of the things that happen to us helps us realize that chances for greater growth are always present. Opportunities are not handed to us; we have to train ourselves to see where they lie. Becoming more attentive means that as we are more able to see to the details of our lives we will be able to see that the world holds endless possibilities. Understanding this simple fact is the key to seizing them. By opening your eyes today, you will be able to let go of your fears about what the future holds and instead become receptive to the mysterious workings of the universe.
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Help get the message out!

Welcome !

We are running out of time!!

This is what we're sending!----> We must Take America Back! CLICK HERE for video message

This is how we're getting the message out! -----> Click Here for video message

This system can also help you raise money!

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Check out the videos if you like them forward them by going to the bottom of the page and Clicking on


Don Burgess
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Application For Everyday Life

Application For Everyday Life

Goals in your personal life and business are often limited by your ability to effectively and efficiently communicate with the people that impact your world the most. Time, travel and cost all hinder the ability to meet face-to-face with people that have influence in your life. Whether family, friends, customers, or colleagues, you need to think creatively in order to keep these relationships going.
What if you could effectively communicate with the special people in your life without having to leave your home or office?
What if you could distinguish yourself from the competition without having to spend thousands of dollars in advertising or marketing expenses? Now you can with the our menu of products!
Our Email, Live Conference and Live Presentation allow you the ability to instantly impact and dynamically interact with your family, friends, customers and colleagues through streaming video. Imagine sending a video email to a business prospect to confirm an appointment or thank them for their interest. The potential customer will see and hear your enthusiasm and experience an immediate connection, keeping you ahead of the competition. Follow up a video email by inviting customers to a Live Conference or Live Presentation to maximize everyone’s time by meeting in a virtual conference room.
We can also help you connect with long distance friends and family. Included with your basic account are numerous holiday and special occasion templates for sending a personalized video message on birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. Imagine the excitement of Mom and Dad when they receive a personal video anniversary wish from you in their email inbox. Use Our System to meet with friends online to plan upcoming social events or just to touch base periodically. The power of virtual face-to-face meetings will keep your relationships on solid ground.
With the Our system, you will be able to collaborate more effectively and save money on time and travel. Using Video Email, Live Conference and Live Presentation can help you manage your business efficiently and strengthen both long and short distance relationships. Best of all, the people you are communicating with do not need to subscribe to Globalpreneurs services! The application possibilities of our video technology are endless! Be creative and let your imagination be your guide! ! Learn more about our services contact me

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Conscientious Choices

You may be weighing how your personal choices can affect the world politically, socially, or ecologically today, and thinking about your impact on the world might be a way for you to effect positive change. By choosing to be more conscious in your decisions, you could notice that you are able to maximize the positive effects of your thoughts and actions on others. Perhaps today you can first make a list of things you wish to do that can change the world for the better such as recycling, choosing fair trade products, or using nontoxic products and cleaners. You might then think about what other things you would like to do such as getting involved in a local grassroots organization or volunteering at a shelter. Reflecting on what you already do and then building upon that to create forward-thinking goals can help you recognize the lasting results of your decisions.

Awareness of the choices we make allows us to realistically assess the impact our decisions will have on future generations. As participants in society there is no way that our actions will not have an effect on the earth and the global community. Every decision, from the food we buy to the organizations we are involved with, influences others around us in some way. If you can set an example by your actions today—no matter how small they may be—you will increase the potential for others to follow suit, which will nurture a shared understanding of our shared responsibility to care for the world.

LifeSuccess Consultant
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