Dave Latham's Posts (2)

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Sad day for America

Today President Obama signed into law the financial reform bill. Congress in their infinite wisdom just greatly increased the power of the criminal Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by several large banks, many foreign. Congress is suppose to over see the Federal reserve but has failed to do so, since the majority of them are bought and paid for by Wall Street. In 1994 President Clinton signed a law that gave the Federal Reserve power over regulating the mortgage industry. The Fed did not change or enact one single policy for 14 years. No policy change until AFTER the mortgage meltdown. So now we are suppose to trust them to regulate their banker buddies on Wall Street? Good luck. This bill will do little to check corporate greed or stop the next meltdown. We need to focus our attentions away from the Puppet Obama administration and watch the Goldmen Sachs gang that currently infest his administration and the US Treasury. We as tax payers are being robbed blind, while our leaders in congress sit on their thumbs. Remember, both parties are under their control. Both Democrat and Republican are bellied up to the Wall Street bar and drinking themselves silly. In November vote out all incumbants that voted for health care bill, TARP, and financial reform. If they voted for it, they are bought. Do not buy into their distractions of Right vs Left. Immigration reform, Gulf oil spill, etc.. We are seen as a threat from the Left because they feel we are picking on their chosen one. He does not matter. He is a puppet. We must get control of congress back to the people and away from the corporate fascist In order to do this we must get Americans that are on the left to realize Obama is as much a fascist as any Republican President and they all work for The Elitest Bankers. If we fail, things will not go well for our country.
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Liberal Progressive Operatives Trolling Site

Just got a good laugh reading Jethro Roughnecks blog postings. The liberal establishment hell bent on destroying America is now sending shills to troll the Tea Party site and leave racist messages. We are Making them stand up and take notice and all they can do is blog racist stuff on our website and then call Keith Olbermann over at MSNBC to report the horrible racist teabaggers. Every time you see a racist DNC operative posting on our site, call them out and ask the moderator to remove them.
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