Bobby XD9's Posts (3)

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Founders Party Platform

This is a draft.  CONSTRUCTIVE  ideas and thoughts are welcome.

Founders Party Platform


We, the people of the Founders Party believe and assert that when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the principles which impel them to claim and assert their sovereignty.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal, and that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,(in all stages) Liberty and  the pursuit of Happiness, unmolested by intrusive government.  And that government has no rights or authority to dictate outside the consent of the governed, nor to make laws or regulations that do not apply equally to all, including themselves.

We of the Founders Party proclaim and declare that we generally embrace the principles and ideals of our nation’s Founders and believe specifically;


  • Because our Rights are endowed by God, no man, government or entity can take, minimize, alloy, or infringe upon them.
  • It is our duty to reclaim the sovereignty, dignity, and liberty of our states and people.
  • Our Constitution and Bill of Rights mean EXACTLY what they say as they are written.
  • Any laws, regulations, or amendments that offend our Constitution are necessarily unconstitutional.
  • Almost everything government does today is unconstitutional, illegal and/or destructive to our lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
  • The states were specifically declared as states so there would be no ambiguity that they are indeed sovereign states and not small fiefdoms to be dominated by a national leviathan.
  • The united States of America were conceived to be a bottom-up political structure whereby the most potent political entity is the individual himself who grants minimal power to local authority, which allows less power to the county and/or state which grants even less power to an assembly/conference at the federal level which has the least power of all.
  • The proper solution to unconstitutional federal fiat is nullification by the sovereign states.
  • All federal laws, regulations, rules, programs, taxes, dictates, and usurpations enacted since 1871 must be evaluated and/or nullified by the sovereign states.
  • The UN with its tyranny has no place in America and America has no place in the UN cabal of despots.
  • Without secure borders and control of immigration sovereignty is impossible or meaningless.
  • Politicians who pass laws that do not apply to themselves are tyrants masquerading as God.
  • Anyone who seeks to suppress religious expression on public ground is a religious tyrant.
  • Any citizen’s supreme right is to live unmolested by government as long as he harms no others.
  • The only acceptable role of any government is to protect the property, liberty and persons of individuals. 
  • There is an urgent need for separations between business and state as well as economy and state.
  • Government has no right to confiscate and spend our money as the politicians see fit.
  • The Tea party Movement is the most vital movement to happen on this continent since the American Revolution.
  • There are no overwhelming problems that have not been caused or perpetuated by government.


No one will completely agree with all the points of this platform and that is not the goal.  The goal is to delineate principles that can be embraced by what must be a majority of patriotic Americans.  It has become obvious and intolerable that there is no successful political party today that embraces our values so it is high time to abandon them all.  They have only to serve themselves and our demise.  Efforts to drive them to serve us rather than us serving them have been fruitless.  It is time for change.  It is time to act.  It is time to realize that we owe our progeny the birthright that was passed to us that we have lost.  Because if not us, who; if not now, when?  This is our oath our dream, our duty.  We will regain the liberty of our forefathers or must be willing to perish in the attempt.  Because without liberty, what is life worth?

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Waste My Vote?

Here is something I wrote a while back but may be of interest still.

Waste My Vote?!

This is for you Lori


There are few ways to waste a vote.  The first, worst way is to not vote at all.  Responsible adults vote every chance they get.  If you don’t vote, you can’t bitch and will never make a difference in this country. 

Another way to waste a vote is to vote for a grossly flawed or substandard candidate. Such a candidate always offends conservative sensibilities.  This fact renders him/her unelectable to any base of patriotic Americans.  Consider some seriously flawed candidates who have actually gotten elected.

Arnold Schwarzenegger; Here’s a RINO who has disappointed everyone except the unions that own the CA government.  His conservative opponent, Tom McClintock is still the most conservative elected official in the state.

John McCain/Lindsey Graham; These liberal knuckleheads lead the Republican efforts of amnesty for forty million plus, illegal aliens who are colonizing America.  They got that chance because the voters of AZ and SC couldn’t bear the prospect of being represented by Democrat senators for a term or two.  Could junior senators have caused as much trouble as either of these two liberals?  Doubtful.

Using my own vote as an example, I helped get Obama elected.  (Author ducks to avoid thrown vegetables, fruit and eggs).  My vote for conservative, Chuck Baldwin of the American Independent/Constitution Party got Obama elected.  Why? Because too many Americans voted for the lesser of two evils.  But my vote has helped America more than the vote of those who voted for that, lesser evil.  How?  President Hussein and the liberals of both parties in congress have given rise to the entire Tea Party movement.  It is their efforts to destroy our liberty, our sovereignty, our economy, our jobs and industry that has spawned a new era in citizen participation.  My hope was that if Obama was elected he would destroy so much liberty and opportunity so quickly that it could not escape notice.  The hopes for my vote have been realized; have yours?

And what if McCain had been elected instead?  Does anyone believe he’d act much differently?  He still advocates amnesty for illegal aliens.  He still votes for bailouts and massive spending.  He still wants full government intrusion into our lives.  He still believes there is a government answer to healthcare, the economy and everything else.  And there is no evidence that he would even nominate constitutionalist judges to the Supreme Court.  He would be pushing us over the same totalitarian cliff we are currently headed toward albeit at a slower, less noticeable pace.

Now, what if patriots had voted with me for the conservative candidate?  Chuck Baldwin promised to grant FULL pardons to Ramos and Compean his first day in office and veto amnesty for the aliens.  He would defend our rights enumerated in THE ENTIRE BILL OF RIGHTS; guns, speech, religion, the works.  Lower spending, lower taxes, lower government intrusion into our lives.  No TARP, no bailouts, no government takeover of industry, certainly no government-as-usual that every president has followed over the past 20 years.

Ask these of yourself.  Do you have faith in your religious beliefs?  Was America founded upon Christian morals and principles?  Is God looking over our nation to help us to survive as such?  Then why in the hell would you vote for McCain who would dissolve our sovereignty?  Who puts faith in the lesser of two evils instead of something higher?  If one believes that we live in a Christian nation, how could one vote for evil to rule it?  Lesser or otherwise.  Do people think that any candidate sent by God to save our nation could only come to us through the Republican Party?  Do people think God a Republican?  The word “Republican” appears nowhere in the Bible.  If Americans had rejected 3rd party candidates, Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president would never have been elected!  If God actually sent us a political savior as a candidate, most “conservatives” would not even vote for him if he wasn’t Republican!  Is that not insane!?

If you have any belief in Divine Providence at all just study the philosophies and goals of John McCain and Chuck Baldwin and ask yourself  which one would be the more likely to have been sent to save America?  If God sent America a candidate for our salvation, most Americans would never even hear about him because they are too busy deciding which of Satan’s candidates look the best!  I’m not going to suggest that God is sending us candidates.  But I’m pretty sure the devil is.  Any way you look at it, in 2008, most voters chose between two candidates from Hell and we elected one.  When we vote for the lesser of two evils we will always elect evil.

Ask yourself a few more questions.  How bad, liberal or destructive does the Republican candidate have to get before you will refuse to vote for him/her?  What if Hillary had gotten the Republican nomination since she is less liberal than McCain?  Would you have voted for that lesser of two evils?  How will you ever vote for a candidate from Heaven if you are fixated on wasting that vote on those from Hell?


© Bobby XD9

16 Feb. 2010

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Two Types of People, Politically Speaking

Two Types of People, Politically Speaking


Simplifying issues and distilling them down to their simplest forms is among the best ways to inform or educate people.  This is such an attempt.  We tend to divide people into various groups and label them simply to understand them and discern differences and similarities.  Sorting people into extroverts/introverts or givers/takers etc. give us a prism through which we can view others from our own perspective and experience.  For instance, if I were to mention my left-wing neighbor, it would immediately expose me as a right-winger and convey that he most likely votes in certain, perhaps predictable ways. Although descriptive, it is hardly a precise summation of my neighbor’s politics. 

Now, if I were to discuss, my Republican friends, it could mean anything from RINO-electing “Republobots” to Alex Jones-worshipping conspiracy theorists on the far right.  Again, helpful but not very precise or descriptive.  And perhaps not very productive either. 

People have often spoken about getting away from labels and left/right, liberal/conservative, Republican/Democrat paradigms and the obvious question is then; “in favor of what?”  What could adequately differentiate various groups and individuals politically that is descriptive, discerning and non-offensive?  Well, simply put, all schools of political thought are based on a single consideration.   All depend upon whether one considers that government is a solution or whether, like America’s Founders one sees government as the problem.  King Charles, from whom we won our independence as well as Napoleon Bonaparte, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Richard Nixon, Saddam Hussein, and Barak Obama are some of the world’s notables to enforce government “solutions” on those they considered their subjects.  Subjects are ruled by their government while citizens stand as sovereigns over theirs.  That is the simple truth of it and the basis for all our political differences.  Those who realize that government is the greatest cause of human death and suffering see government as the evil our Founding Fathers called it.  When Thomas Paine said, “Government is at best a necessary evil; at worst an intolerable one,” HE MEANT IT!  EVIL…EVIL  That’s what he called it because that is what he meant.  And that is EXACTLY what it is!  Those who would want EVIL caring for their elderly parents, educating their children, OR DOING ANYTHING NOT SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED IN THE CONSTITUTION are rightfully considered statists, liberals, regressives, socialists etc.  The bottom line is that their destructive solutions all stem from the misconception that government is not evil and is somehow an acceptable solution.  What they share is an irrational faith in a benevolence of government, never borne out in history.  In fact we have very few serious problems today that have not been created and/or perpetuated by government.  Without federal interference, there are no problems we could not solve at the state level.  Even America’s worst polluters can be sued by states or private citizens without the intrusion of “Big Envio”.  Ever heard of Erin Brockovitch?

So where does this leave us?  It leaves us with the simple knowledge that people are to one degree or another statists or constitutionalists.  The more one demands government solutions to the problems it creates, and the more someone denies personal responsibility in life, the more statist one can be said to be.  The more one realizes that government is in fact the problem that creates more problems to justify taking our money and liberty to “solve” them, the more self-reliant, the more constitutionalist one can be said to be.  Clearly, if government programs worked, fewer Americans today would be “poor” after decades of “wars on poverty” instead of more.  Teen age pregnancies would be declining as they were before sex education was foisted on our schools, which would be improving with government funding and intervention rather than quickly disintegrating as they are.  Examples of government’s destruction of America abound, such as state-sponsored racism called ‘affirmative action” destruction of the black family through slavery to welfare, rising murder rates from gun control, banishing businesses, manufacturers, and jobs from our shores through punitive regulation and state-sponsored union destruction. 

American government was constituted ONLY to protect the nation, defend the liberties of INDIVIDUALS, not groups or constituencies, and see that laws and contracts are upheld.  That is all they have mandates to do and everything government has attempted outside that has been destructive, misguided, unconstitutional, and disastrous for America and Americans.  Constitutionalists have the Founders on our side, the statists not so much.  If there are examples of great statists who have brought prosperity to their fellow man, their great accomplishments are certainly no where to be found in history.  Ronald Reagan showed great wisdom when he observed that, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’”.  Government “help” has proven to be as “helpful” as the physicians who attended George Washington in his final days.  Their intention was said to be good but in the end, they bled him to death “to cure him.”. And that is a perfect analogy of government “help.”  In the end it will always kill the patient, no matter what the stated intent.  Today we are suffering an accelerated death-by-government, and those who collaborate should be rightfully recognized as statists and those who seek to regain citizen sovereignty, constitutionalists or patriots.


"The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth: `I, the state, am the people.'... Everything about it is false; it bites with stolen teeth. "-- Friedrich Nietzsche(1844-1900) Source: from "Thus Spake Zarathustra"

"The state remains, as it was in the beginning, the common enemy of all well-disposed ,industrious and decent men."-- H. L. Mencken(1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist, Linguist, Lexicographer, and Critic

"If Big Brother (of Orwell's 1984) comes to America, he will not be a fearsome, foreboding figure with a heart-chilling, omnipresent glare as in 1984. He will come with a smile on his face, a quip on his lips, a wave to the crowd, and a press that (a) dutifully reports the suppressive measures he is taking to save the nation from internal chaos and foreign threat; and (b) gingerly questions whether he will be able to succeed."-- Michael Parenti(1933- )Source: "Inventing Reality" (1986)


© BobbyXD9

July 22, 2012

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