Bob Faulkner's Posts (2)

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Letter to the Editor, 6-20-10

To the Editor,
It has been reported that a federal judge and the U.S.Department of Justice in Port Chester, New York, has ruled itconstitutional that those of Latino descent are allowed tocast a vote six times in an election for his or her favoritecandidate. This is being done in order to boost Hispanicrepresentation.

This has nothing to do with "fairness" or"equality." This is manipulation of our entire justice system.

Itshould now be obvious to everyone why the Democrat Party refuses tolift a finger to halt the illegal invasion of Mexicans into America. Weare witnessing the first steps toward installing Barack Obama asEmperor of America, modeled after the Venezuela of Victor Chavez.

TheDemocrats in this country will not stop their attacks on freedom andcapitalism until they have forced us into a secondcivil war.
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Gulf Oil Mess, Letter to the Editor

Today's letter to the Editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

To the Editor,
While it would not be fair to lay complete blame for the mess in theGulf on Mr. Obama, it would be fair to lay the blame onenvironmentalists, Liberal law makers and the Democrat run Senate. Itwould be fair to lay the blame here because for years, these people haveprevented oil exploration and extraction from locations much easier andmuch safer than from five thousand feet underwater. Only Americahandcuffs the providers of energy with crazy restrictions andlimitations, creating unnecessary dangers and price increases whichwould not forced upon Americans if logical, sane and necessary programswould be enacted. This whole mess makes the Exxon Valdez oil spill looklike a leaky squirt gun in comparison. Let this be a lesson to thegoofy left. Stop trying to force your crazy ideas off on America. Itis much better to be informed than to be opinionated.
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