Benyamin Solomon's Posts (1)

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The Left and the Slave plantation

We all know that many African slaves were forced to work on slave plantations when they were brought over from Africa. The slaves had to do what their masters said. The slaves were deprived of the right to read and write. Their lives became reduced to serving their slave masters.

Well, the new slave masters today for black people and other minorities are known as the left. The slave masters include the Democrat Party, which has a horrible history when it comes to racism.

The left  loves to use the race card in order to  silence and defame Conservatives, Republicans and the Tea Party movement. The left will use anything to control the dialogue, as seen from the Arizona shooter. KalaGenesis, the black racist nut, on his show, stated that he said that the shooter was me when he heard that the shooter was 22 years old. Never mind the fact that Mein Kompf and The Communist Manifesto are among the shooter's favorite books. That shooter was a leftist. The fact is that I'm anti-Communist, anti-Socialist, anti-Fascist and anti-Nazi and am a right-wing Jewish nationalist. How can a shooter with Mein Kompf and the Communist Manifesto being his two favorite books be me? I mean honestly. But this goes to show how these leftist political moron cheesebrains have no shame. The point is that the left is willing to use anything to control the dialogue. Conservatives need to stop only being in the defensive and need to be on both the defensive and the offensive. Conservatives need to bring up more facts like when it comes to the Democrat party's racist history.

The Democrats were founded as the most pro-slavery party in America. They were all in favor of keeping the institution of slavery alive. The Republicans were founded as a radical abolitionist party, which sought to end slavery once and for all. The Founding Fathers, while they did not like slavery one bit, believed that it was too powerful an institution to do away with all at once and wanted to set up obstacles to do away with it slowly.  However, the Democrats were all in favor of slavery. It was Republicans, who freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation Act. After the slaves won their freedom [of course even prior to the Civil War, there were still some free black people], the Democrat Party decided to institute Jim Crow and Segregation. It was primarily the Democrat Party, which discriminated against black people. And it was Republicans, who gave black people civil rights and equality. The truth is that Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson were Conservative Republicans. According to Fredrick Douglas, the Republican Party is "the sheet anchor of the colored man's political hopes and the ark of his safety". Democrats founded the KKK, which operated as the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party.

Leftists including Democrats would counter these facts with the false claim that the Republicans were the Democrats in those days and the Democrats were the Republicans. These leftists including Democrats would say that there was a "transition". There was no transition. Democrats then are Democrats today. Republicans then are Republicans today. This claim is just there to hide the shameful and abhorrent racist history of the Democrat Party.

But these shameless leftists including radical Democrats would then cite the existence of the racist Dixiecrats. However, the Dixiecrats remained Democrats. And the racists vowed never to join the Republican Party, which they saw as the party of black people. And Woodrow Wilson, who was a Democrat, was a big Government Socialist, not a Conservative. And he hated the US constitution. Yet he also favored segregation and Jim Crow. He segregated the army and the Post office. He made it where if you were to apply for a job at the Post office, you would have to show a picture of yourself so everyone would know whether you're black or white. Yet leftists idolize him even today. So there was no transition. Time for the Democrat Party to accept the fact that they have a racist history and just shut the heck up.

The truth is that it's just that leftists including Democrats learned to exploit minorities for their own purpose. So these leftist cheesebrains including the radical Socialist Democrats destroyed minority communities with their Socialist and Marxist policies and told the minorities to blame whitey for all their problems. The left including the Democrat Party told these minorities that evil whitey is there to victimize them wherever they are and that America is an evil racist nation that victimizes them. So these leftists including the Democrats told these minorities that they're fighting for their "equality" and to come join the left-wing Socialist and Marxist crusade. And what do we have? Voting blocs from minority communities, which the Socialist and Marxist Democrat Plantation Party take for granted. All the while the left including Democrats promote Planned Parenthood, which is soo crazy about abortions that it even carries out infanticides. That's right. Planned Parenthood is caught on tape admitting that if a baby survives abortions in their institutions, then that baby would be left to die. And their friend Barack Obama, who is now destroying America with his radical Marxist-style Socialist policies, opposed the born alive infant protection act, which would've protected babies, who survived late term abortions. Guess what? 78% of Planned Parenthood facilities are in minority communities. And the bulk of the babies aborted are black. But guess what else? Planned Parenthood was caught on tape essentially saying that they're willing to enthusiastically go along with a racist plan to reduce the black population through abortion. And Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger, who the organization continues to praise and defend and who is also idolized by leftists even today, called for the extermination of black people. She said,"Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated". She was a Marxist. And the Planned Parenthood website called her "one of the movement's great heroes. Sanger's early efforts remain the hallmark of Planned Parenthood's mission". Yet Obama formed close ties with Planned Parenthood.

The left including Democrats take minorities for granted. They take Jews for granted even while they continue to condemn Israel when she sneezes and cuddle up with the Islamo-Fascists, who are not only anti-Semitic, but also against anything non-Muslim and against the very principle of freedom and democracy. And with Black people and Hispanics, we see that the left including the Democrat Party continues to destroy their communities with their Socialist and Marxist policies. When these minorities vote for Democrats, they're essentially voting for their slave masters.

Conservative minorities get demonized as self-haters and as sell-outs. That's especially if they're Black Conservatives. And these pathetic leftist cheesebrains use racial slurs against and make racist portrayals of Black Conservatives and Black Tea Party activists. Deneen Borelli, a black Conservative and Tea Party activist, stated that she was called the n world and worse by these pathetic leftist cheesebrains [the pathetic leftist cheesbrains part are my words]. A leftist, who goes by the name of James Opiko, titles his post as "Black Tea-Bagging: ‘Nigger’ Deneen Borelli Please!".

Uhh, did I just find the n word in the title? I thought that these "holier than thou" leftists were anti-racist. But apparently, these leftists are just soo pathetic that they have to resort to racist slurs and racist portrayals. You see. This is how the leftist hypocrisy works. When Conservatives and the Tea party start criticizing Obama, they get smeared as racist. When Conservatives and the Tea party start to speak, they get smeared as racists. Yet when it comes to Black Conservatives, the ends justify the means for the left. That means that it's okay for these leftists to use the n word, engage in other racial slurs and make racist portrayals. That is because these leftist cheesebrains are hypocrites. As I've been saying on Blog Talk Radio, the summary of the Democrat party's history is essentially from it being the Klansman party all the way to the Socialist Plantation Party.

The Leftist agenda is hypocritical. These leftists and Democrats are essentially slave masters of many of these minorities. That is why the left's agenda itself is a slave plantation. The Democrat party is the Socialist Plantation Party.


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