BOB DOWELL's Posts (3)

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Three Things To Fix America

There are three things that have gone wrong with the American government that has pushed the will of the people out and let other forces take over.

Number one is the rise of the Lobby industry. This is a sugar coated word for bribery. Once our representatives get to Washington, a steady stream of selfish interest groups come through their office with suitcases full of money. They are for sale to the highest bidder.

Number 2 is the committiee system. A state can elect the smartest, brightest, most honest representative on the face of the earth, but if he does not fall in line with the system, his bill will never be voted on.

The third thing is the idea of Junior and Senior congressmen. The federal government is not a uninon where members build up seniority to have privilages. Each representative that is sent to Washaington represents a a soverigh state and is entitled to equal statis with others whether it is their first year or their fiftyth year.

The public is outraged because the will of the people is not being reflectd in the government. But, nothing changes. The reason is because the will of the people is being overidden by the reasons staited. Obama is not afraid of the people because he knows they do not run the country.

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Social Security is Easy To Fix

To Fix Social Security just return it to the way it was originally designed. Social Security was never designed to be a welfare program. It was originally designed so that only people that paid money in were paid money out of the fund.

The Demos saw that growing pile of money sitting there and figured out a way to buy votes for their party by adding welfare groups to the program. That is why it is in such a mess today. Hard working Americans are intitled to get back what they have put in plus a profit. The Demos have screwed up the system so bad that working Americans will wind up getting back nothing.

To fix Social Security, create a seperate welfare program and put all welfare receipents in that program. Let congress fund that program another way. Give hard working Americans back what belongs to them.

That will stabelize Social Security immediately.

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Republicans are walking into a trap.

This debt cealing is a trap that Republicans and Tea Party members are walking into. The Demos want them to cut welfare. That will solidify their vote when big mama and her 10 kids don't get their welfare check. Then the Demos can point the finger at the bad guys and say see, see, I told you so. It won't matter that the welfare crowd and the ones getting nut checks need to get off of their lazy rears and go to work.
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