Arthur Bedford's Posts (2)

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After the midterm election, President Obama plans to grant amnesty and provide work permits to millions of illegal aliens despite the fact that over 18 million Americans are unemployed.  He is unilaterally going to do this through executive order--not through Congress, thus bypassing the people's representatives.

 The recent invasion of illegal aliens across our southern border which has turned our border patrol into "baby sitters" instead of border agents will get exponentially worse if our president goes through with this action.  Hundreds of thousands more will stream across the border looking for amnesty as well.  What is worse is that more terrorists will be joining them.  They already have.

 We as American citizens must speak out against this atrocious act.  Time is running out.  Stand up and speak up!

 The Tea Party Immigration Coalition has a plan and we desperately need everyone who cares about this situation to join us.

 First, we have a petition up on  Warning—this is a very liberal leaning site but it can be effective.  The petition’s title is: No Unilateral Amnesty Through Executive Order.  The surest way to find it is when you get on the website, there is a search box on the right side of the web page next to Rewards and below Join Us and Log In.  Just type in: “No unilateral amnesty”.  The page with the petition will appear, then just select the petition and sign.  You also have the opportunity to add your opinion as well.  We are shooting for 100,000 signatures.  It will be sent to the President.

 Also, there is a website,  You can send emails to your congressman, all Republican congressmen and all Democrat congressmen.  I have written two emails, one for Democrats and one for Republicans which are attached.  You can go to the website and just cut and paste the emails in and send them to every congressman.

 Sen Ted Cruz has a petition up on www.StopObamaAmnesty.  It is mostly to raise money but that is optional and we need to get everyone to sign.

 Finally, We need everyone to visit  They have canned faxes to the Whitehouse and to your congressmen on the same subject that you can send for free.  These need to be sent now as well.

 I ask you to please take the time to do these actions and tell your friends and relatives to do the same.  By the grace of God, it just may work.  There is strength in numbers.

 Thank you,

Art Bedford, Member, Tea Party Immigration Coalition


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The New Protected Class: Illegal Aliens.

The new definition for the word “illegal” is “special.”  At least that’s the way it seems if you’ve entered our country illegally or refused to leave when your visa expired.


If you are an illegal alien, you can get “in-state” tuition to attend college; can use the emergency room as your HMO; can scam the Internal Revenue Service out of $4.2 billion dollars per year by claiming children that don’t even live in the country; can get food stamps; can get WIC (They accept foreign ID); and you won’t be reported by the US Labor Department to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if you’re a day laborer.


Speaking of deportation, you will no longer be deported if you are enrolled in any type of education program; a family member has volunteered for military service; you have filed a civil rights lawsuit; you are pregnant or nursing; or if you’ve not been convicted of a crime. Even better, you’ll also reportedly receive a work permit by the Obama administration if you are allowed to stay.


In the unlikely event you are detained for future deportation, you may be sent to the federal detention center in Karnes City, Texas.  This 608-bed facility sits on 29 acres, and boasts a library with internet access, cable TV, basketball courts, a fitness center, soccer fields and even a dining facility complete with salad bar.


There are no guards, just “resident advisors.”  Instead of uniforms, the “advisors” wear less threatening polo shirts and khakis and more importantly-- are unarmed.  This facility only cost the American taxpayers $32 million to build.  If you can delay being detained a little longer, two more of these are being built, one outside of Chicago and one in southern Florida.


In the event you are detained in one of the older facilities, there is still great news.  Changes have been put in place at all the detention facilities.  These include: hanging plants, free movement for detainees, longer visiting hours, replacing guards with “unit managers,” allowing you to wear your own clothing, free email access, free phone service, dance classes, movie nights, art classes,

cooking classes, tutoring and computer training, and self-serve beverage stations


In addition to the new amenities, ICE has also reduced or in some cases, eliminated pat-down searches.  This may have angered Tre Rebstock, president of the ICE union in Houston.  He told the Houston Chronicle: “Our biggest concern is that someone is going to get hurt.”  He continued: “My grandparents would have loved to have bingo night and a dance class at the retirement home they were in when they passed away, but that was something we would have had to pay for. And yet these guys are getting it on the taxpayers' dime.”  What does Tre know anyway?  Of the 33,000 illegal aliens being detained currently by ICE, only about half are felons.


If you are transgendered or needing an abortion, free sex-change hormones and free abortion services are provided.  It won’t cost you a dime.


Isn’t it great that during the worst economic period this nation has experienced since the Great Depression, as millions of Americans continue to face unemployment and lose their homes in record numbers, that American taxpayers are still able to pay for illegal aliens (Oops—I mean special people) to live more comfortably and be given the sort of medical care that by President Obama’s own estimate—more than 40 million Americans cannot afford for themselves.


And now, your children up to the age of 30 have been given amnesty, not by Congress where it is supposed to happen, but by executive order.  Some say this amnesty order is illegal but if you apply the new definition, it’s just special.


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