
  • These shots are going to kill millions and fentanyl given to us by the Democrats & China will kill the rest if they can get it in to our food chain. 

  • Understand. This was (is) a BIOWEAPON! It does not meet the definition of a vaccine by traditional standards. "It neither prevents nor cures disease."! The virus was the first stage of a designed BINARY BIOWEAPON!

    • Agreed and exactly what I have been saying since the beginning.  Covid is NOT the "first" bioweapon China has unleashed on US - -just do the research, going back fifteen, or even twenty years.

  • all of this is so sad

  • "''First do no Harm '' Law written after the Nuremberg trials 1946 , that exposed the medical atrocities & experiments ,they illegally performed on the POW's . ''No law or government can force the taking of an experimental product '' The mNRA spike protein is not a vaccine but was marketed as one . Key words here EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTS. Doctors can no longer claim well '' I was just following orders '' . They have all forsaken their oath , they committed treason and crimes against humanity . They need to be held accountable , judged , convicted and sentenced to death . The FDA-CDC-WHO-BIG PHARMA , are criminals & mass murderers . Along with their treasonous, bought & paid for , corrupt politicians , who gave the pharmaceuticals IMMUNITY against injuries and deaths caused by their deadly jabs , they need to be arrested ASAP . Fraudci , must not be allowed to be above the law . That little hobgoblin is responsible for countless thousands , nay millions of injuries & deaths . The biden crime family , the clintons, bushes, obamma + so many more , the Alphabet Agencies + the corporations who owns them , can no longer escape the law . DEMS are the enemy of the people, as the libs are enemies to the people in Canada... Only our UNITY will end their attempt @ global genocide......".

    • You would think the Republican party would step up and start doing something, anything about this. They sure have time to ask for money several times a day. Worthless.


    • They are on the take just like all government organations


    • We need to fight them just like we need to fight the demonrats.

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