Biden Harris Theft - Imgflip

Some 5,100 delegates and alternates voted on a party platform that also calls for ending the federal income tax, requiring education about fetal gestation and limiting the Legislature’s right to regulate guns.

HOUSTON — Meeting at their first in-person convention since 2018, Texas Republicans on Saturday acted on a raft of resolutions and proposed platform changes to move their party even further to the right. They approved measures declaring that President Joe Biden “was not legitimately elected” and rebuking Sen. John Cornyn for taking part in bipartisan gun talks. They also voted on a platform that declares homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice” and calls for Texas schoolchildren “to learn about the humanity of the preborn child.”

The actions capped a convention that highlighted how adamantly opposed the party’s most active and vocal members are to compromising with Democrats or moderating on social positions, even as the state has grown more diverse and Republicans’ margins in statewide elections have shrunk slightly in recent years.

Votes on the platform were collected at the end of the party's three-day convention in which party activists moved to add multiple items to the official Texas GOP platform. As the convention closed, two separate sets of ballots — one allowing delegates to choose eight of 15 legislative priorities and another allowing delegates to vote on the 275 platform planks — were gathered. Those will now need to be tallied and certified in Austin, but it is rare for a plank to be rejected, according to party spokesperson James Wesolek.

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  • At long last, a few state GOP committees have crept out from behind the curtain and proclaimed the TRUTH!  Biden wasn't elected, he was DECLARED president by the WOKE media.  The RNC is still unchanged.  They're far more concerned with fleecing the membership out of BILLIONS of donations to piss it all away on televised "narratives" that falsely proclaim that their Swamp Rats are hard at work.  The only thing the Swamp creatures are doing is running perpetual re-election campaingns.

    • Ray, you are SOOOOOO correct about the gop establishment!!!!!  They are just as corrupt as the devildemocommiecrats but hide their TREASON behind cheap talk!!!!!!!!!!


  • America is in big trouble when it allows a fraudulent election. Demonrats can only win with fraud. If they lose, they whine and cry foul, which is why they commit fraud in the first place. They are so pathetic. They could never accept defeat and instead have to invent fake stories that make them feel better. It's disgusting. Imagine the GOP or President Donald J. Trumop did that! Imagine how the fake news would be all over that.

  • Why is it considered far right to support the constitution and biblical principles, but NOT considered far left to support Globalist secular Progressive, anti-constuitutuional anti-biblical policies?

    • Because the Democratic party is the party of Muslim they don't have no rule to live by 

  • They broke the system. Can we fix it or is it gone forever?

  • I will say this again the Democratic party is going to be the norm because they got away with the election in 2020

  • Nothing will come of this, too much corruption on both sides of the aisle

    • Janet, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!


  • GOP...

    Where are the Articles of Impeachment for Biden and Harris... or, the Act recalling the ELectoral Vote due to fraudulent electors in Arizona and Georgia... throwing the election to the House under the 12th Amendment for a simple majority vote by state delegations... one vote for president for each state delegation... with a simple majority deciding who will become our next President?

    It appears that the GOP RNC still supports the fraudulent election... We must deal severely with the party leadership... kicking them out if necessary.  When Trump regains his rightful seat he must DRAIN THE SWAMP... declare martial law.... and arrest thousands, if not tens of thousands, involved in the electoral Coup de Eta electoral and thousands more who are engaged in systemic government corruption.

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