
Former president Barack Obama’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under James Comey made secret agreements with fourteen state attorneys general to obtain personal identifying information on all private citizens and residents in those states. The information was used directly by the Obama White House, through its White House Special Surveillance Group led by Obama, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe.

This personal identifying information from millions of American citizens — including more than 50 million photographs obtained from Facebook and gas-station surveillance cameras for facial recognition — was then exposed to Russian hackers by a French contractor that snuck Russian code into FBI biometric data, according to top national security sources and published reports.

House Oversight Committee information yet to be published but reviewed by Big League Politics shows that the Obama FBI entered into secret agreements with fourteen (14) different states to tap all of its personal identifying information (one such secret contract, forged between Obama’s deputy FBI director and the attorney general in North Dakota, is presented below). A previous Government Accountability Office (GAO) published report states that the FBI entered into agreements with seven states as of 2015 and was seeking to add more, and that the FBI was allowed to tap the state-level facial recognition software programs of sixteen total states.

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