
  • The "Past" consist of equal parts of gore and glory, hope and hopelessness. What a person speaks of the past reflects the image of themselves. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Is everyone clear on this? The only possible solution to save Our Nation is to Place Colonel Ron A. Nelson and His Aide Dr Camp John Briggs in complete and total charge of our nation's Salvation and Recovery with All of Our Personal Treasures Laid at His Feet to do Best as His Wisdom Dictates! From all the responding rhetoric, this is the only possible option available! Where do I send the Check John?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • I find it always foreboding, dangerous and foolhardy for anyone to combine "Civil War and Biblical Prophesy!" Mankind has been fore telling the End Of Days according to Scriptures from the time words were applied to parchment from God through the flaws of man. As for our own Civil War, it was as much then as now over Citizens Rights under Our Constitution's First Ten Amendments. No less, no more. All else is emotional diatribe. If "We" who profess to Stand With and Uphold Our Constitution cannot even give ourselves the simple dignity of Allowing Equal Protection of Ideas and Ideals Under Its Laws then perhaps we deserve to no longer compare ourselves to the same standards as Our Founding Fathers.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Colonel and John, If you truly believe in your Five Million Man March on Washington D.C. just follow the example of Dr. King and begin it with your own steps and a few followers. If your goal is true to the heart you'll need no monies for communications, lodgings, foods, organizations and media coverage as "If the cause is The People's Cause, All Will Be Provided!" If you believe you're right, stop talking and start walking.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain 

  • Well John, you know what they say about opinions, they're like assholes, everyone's got one. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Well, let us look at these opinions.  Some opinions are like firm torpedo stools.  Some opinions are diarrhetic and all that that implies in regards to opinions.  Some are unspoken opinions: constipated.  Then others are combinations of the aforementioned. 

      Your comment about opinions is not only overused, but is also a way of trying to end a conversation or debate because the one saying this course statement: has nothing more to add to the conversation: is fearful of losing the debate; needs to feel a sense of superiority gained by besmirching the listener; and/or wants the listener of this phrase to be quiet and go away.

      As I condense all of your thinking and compare it to mine, I sense that you desire an armed rebellion,  I want an un-armed rebellion.  An armed rebellion while bring many into the fight: military and civilian.  All races, creeds, religions, both genders, and military will be found on both sides of the war – and it will be war.  Who do you shoot? Friendly and unfriendly fire!  OR, we select any of my options with no weaponry.  I seriously doubt that any gunfire will occur.  We can withdraw if we are fired upon.  Many more will join our side if we, the un-armed, are fired upon.  Then we march anew, but this time armed. 

      So, what are these two opinions from a dairy-air?  Label these statements/stances/opinions as solid stool (solid thinking) or diarrhea (without solid thinking).

  • Colonel, Do you have any conception of the amount of firearms the Private Citizens pocess? Anyway, it is far better to drown in blood than exist under the boots of Slavery.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • The Conventional weapons available to most civilians are not designed to engage in rates of fire associated with extended combat... the heat generated in their barrels will eventually cause catastrophic failure. Those using military-grade ARs or WW-2 war surplus weapons need to know that such weapons are nearly useless on a modern battlefield or engagement. Modern Body Armor and light armored vehicles can defeat such weapons... even most armor-piercing rounds.

      The irregular militia and or private citizen is not capable of mounting sustained and effective operations against a modern military... First, the private militia doesn't have the necessary order of battle, communication networks, live running intel, or the military-grade direct and indirect fire weapons necessary to win battles. They lack access to live intel, armor, artillery, air, and naval power.  They have no credible logistical or medical base, capable of supporting the smallest of military combat formations. The private militia (civilian) will be ID,  isolated, and destroyed, with methodical precision; often without the deceased ever seeing their attackers. I won't even get into the use of Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear weapons available to the Military if needed.

      You have no idea of what you are dealing with ... it is laughable to think that millions of men, armed with conventional light infantry weapons, would have a chance at defeating the US Military and its potential allies (NATO forces) Going to war with poorly lead, unorganized, untrained, poorly equipped and supplied civilians is an invitation to bring a body bag with you.

    • Oneof my neighbors has dozens of rifles.  Another has even more.  I mght be the only person in Bedford County without rifles and guns.  The hottest selling item in the USA now are weaponry.  I believe a coup without guns is smarter.  We would need tremendous numbers: five-million people.

    • We don't need an Armed Insurrection to recover our Constitutional Government... There are several Constitutional and peaceful roads to reform left untired. However, it will take the several States to do what they have failed to do for several decades. The States must reassert their Constitutional RIGHTS and AUTHORITY as sovereigns in the Republic. The States must assert their soverign right as the primary governing authority, as the creators of the Federal Government, and the founding authority for our Republic.

      The States must act on their Constitutional powers to assert their rights under Articles 5, 9, and 10, of the US Constitution to govern as constitutional sovereigns... by doing the following:

      1) The States must challenge the legal doctrine of 'Stare decisis' and its usurpation of statutory law... removing unconstitutional rule by Judicial fiat.  Unelected federal judges must not be permitted to establish a parallel set of law, known as the Law of the Court. There can be only one law-making authority under the Constitution and that is Congress. Congress is the Legislative Branch of the Federal Government, not the Federal Courts.  The findings of the Federal Judiciary must be limited to the case in law before the Court and no others.

      2) The States must act in unison to mandate the Federal Government operate within its Constitutional limits... This can be done using several Constitutional means. First among them is the legislative and legal doctrine of Nullification (legislation to void unconstitutional federal law and regulation).  The power of State law to nullify federal actions has been upheld by the SCOTUS.  ANTI-COMMANDEERING legislation is another legislative tactic that States may use to limit the impact of unconstitutional federal overreach. State legislatures must immediately challenge Federal law, Regulatory, and Judicial overreach, each time it is encountered. The several States must become adept at passing State Statutes that nullify or make it impossible for the federal government to enforce its usurped powers.

      3) Finally, and probably the most powerful tool the States have to restrain the Federal Government is found in Article 5 of the Constitution...  Under Article 5 of the US Constitution, 2/3rds of the States can petition and require Congress to call a Constitutional Convention.  A Constitutional convention whereby the States... not Congress... may propose and ratify Amendments to the US Constitution. Therefore, Let the States use an Article 5 convention to pass a 'Recall and Term Limits' Amendment.  Under Article 5 the States have the ultimate power to reform the most egregious and despotic outrages now taking place in the Federal Government.  They however must use that power if it is to be effective. 

      Under Article 5 of the US Constitution, the States can mandate a 'Recall' of every sitting elected and appointed public official using the Amendment process... a recall can occur simultaneously with new elections. The States may limit the terms of ALL elected and Appointed Public Officials to ONE TERM by Amendment.  One 6yr term, with 1/3rd standing for election and appointment every 2yrs would go a long way to ending political cronyism and the corrupting influence of lobbyists and money on government. Term limits could extend to all Federal Judges, including the SCOTUS. Any Recall provision should include a restriction against the current members of government holding elected or appointed office again... State or Federal.

      We have not yet exercised the Constitutional powers and tools our founders gave us to keep federal overreach under control... or the despots of political parties from destroying the Republic. It is the PEOPLE and their STATE GOVERNMENTS who created the Union and gave us our Constitutional Republic.  It is now up to the PEOPLE and the States to assert their sovereign rights as the masters of our Constitutional Government; too, strip the Federal Government of its usurped and unconstitutional powers.  We have not yet exercised the peaceful and Constitutional Power given to the People and the States to deal with corrupt and criminal federal officers and government.

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