
  • When there are no repercussions for "Bad Behavior", " Bad Behavior Increases in Intensity." Excusing Bad Behavior Increases Intensity. Positive Productivity will always abandon condoned increasing Bad Behavior in order to survive, leaving Bad Behavior to consume itself.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Blue States soon to be known as the SLUM STATES.

  • charged

  • George Soros is funding these deadly Criimnals and he should be charger as an Accomplish in every crime they commit

  • Those that can, should.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • If every Citizen "Carried", and practiced with their weapon, thieves and criminals would be far fewer and much more hesitant. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • All armed robbery's should be prosecuted with the 10-20-lif2 terms being MANDATORY. 10 yrs if you point a finger or anything inside an outer covering and state you have a gun. 20yrs if you show a gun. And finally Life if you shoot the gun, even if you missed. Sounds appropriate to me. Skru the liberals and their feelings approach to law enforcement.


    • Add automatic death sentence if anyone is HURT OR KILLED, with or without a gun, with no chance of commutation of the sentence and execution to be accomplished within 2 years. 

      Add in that rioters/looters will be shot on sight.

      If that is what the law is these assholes will be a whole lot more careful about the crimes they consider committing.

    • I agree


    • See above

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