
  • Damn commie/marxist's....hang them ALL

    • That works for me

    • Works for me as well!

  • Time for the department of education, set up by Jimmy Carter, to be disbanded. 

  • The voters in that school district need to throw the bums out in the next election.  They are committing treason at best, socialism education aligned with communism at worst.

  • Time to fire those responsible...................arrest them as well.

  • First fire the teachers !!! Then go after the teacher Unions! They are the root of the problem!!

  • Local prosecutors need to be read in on Child abuse, endangerment, and neglect laws... use them to prosecute the psychological abuse of our children.... offering sexually explicit materials to young children, exposing children to transvestites and sexually confused students and administration, singling out a child for public discipline for nothing more than the color of their skin and all the other social and educational subject matters that ABUSE or put our children at risk.

    If the Prosecutor or DA won't pursue such crimes FIRE THEM and let them know they will not be able to make it in private practice either as they will be professionally blacklisted.  Prosecutors need to be seriously reminded of who they serve.... and it isn't some school administrator.

  • Home school, or private school... provide Education Vouchers to Parents for the FULL AMOUNT given to the school district annually for a child's education.  Defund and close as many public schools as possible and sell or lease the facility's lock, stock, and contents to private educators...  end teaching certification and require a Bacheloriate or higher degree and two years of supervised on-the-job training... stop the indoctrination of our teachers. Provide teaching status to those with the demonstrated skills to teach, fire the rest.

    End all public education unions ... by ending mandatory membership, union arbitration rights, and protections, (use the state administrative courts and state employment services for employment disputes). Deny Union members and their administrator's advisory positions on school counsels or boards... Don't allow them to oversee textbook selections or other teaching materials.  End programmed text instruction as the standard for education. Return public schools to the business of basic education, and end social indoctrination.

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