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  • Every person on this platform needs to watch this video....very important info.

    • Should be able to get it on Telegram.

    • I was stunned after watching this video!  What is happening is so diabolical its hard to imagine that this is happening.........

    • It is stunningly symbolic and satanic.

    • It's a shocker for sure, I was stunned too! Evil is everywhere, people inside our guv trying to kill us all and those who's harmed so many MILLIONS of people are still free to continue their demonic plans. It's so bad I don't think Trump can straighten it out, it's gonna take Jesus to rid the earth of all the sickens me. 


    • Yes, those despots will feel the wrath of our God... I encourage everyone to watch this video...

    • Amen...

      All of creation is witnessing the failure of mankind... the flesh and its works, rebellion against God, and His Word.  The trials and tribulations of mankind are serving as a living testament to rebellion and its rewards (consequences) for those at enmity with God. 

      I am reminded that there is a way that seemeth right unto man... but the ends thereof are DEATH.  This great saga in time, known as the Age of Man... humankind... is being observed by untold numbers... all of God's creation... the Angelic hosts, the heavens, and their hosts are all witnesses to what happens when the elements of creation are improperly used and administered... When 'sin' replaces FAITHFUL SERVICE to our Creator.  

      God has a purpose and order for everything under the sun... and the court of judgment sits in observation of both the good and evil at work in creation... soon God will bring every work into judgment, as good or evil.  Evil ... Sin, rebellion, self-will, and every ungodly work will be found wanting... guilty and will then be assigned to the Lake of Fire, along with Hell and all the fallen Angels... an eternal place, a dimension of eternal suffering, sorrow, and separation from God... The Lake of Fire,  the abode for all of those in creation who oppose the Word of God and have not repented.

      Soon this saga of mankind will end, with the separation of the tares from the wheat... the good seed from the bad... A New Heaven and Earth will be created, and a New Garden planted... A garden, without the bad seed of the present creation.  All things will become new, and all things GOOD. The product of GODLY order, by right of free will and the Grace of God in Christ Jesus.  Amen

    • Amen.

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    • Political and cultural victimhood is the product of cultural crisis... Cultural Crisis is the substance of revolutions, and revolutions, more times than not, lead to despotic government... and the creation of more victims. 

      A Nation lost in the throws of victimology is also a nation in political CRISIS...  The solution to both the victimology syndrome and cultural crisis is to elect good political leaders and to promote public and private institutions that reward individual productivity and moral lifestyles.   The reason America suffers from victimology is a lack of moral leadership and active cultural institutions that promote individual and institutional liberty, morality, and productivity. 

      America is in deep dodo ... and it isn't likely to dig its way out using the standard formulas for political and cultural renewal. We need revolutionary ideas and leadership... backed by a full commitment from those with the resources to fund the return of our moral and productive cultural and public institutions.  However, that will take time, time we must somehow find.  In the short run prepare for greater social disparity. 

      Given the cultural and political leadership... expect more victims and an accelerated loss of individual liberty. 

    • First, read what was stated ... nowhere did I say greed wasn't part of the problem... in fact, I have said just that in other posts on this subject. No one said failure to plan to live within one's means was someone else's problem... Your portrayal of my posts is so far off that one has to ask... whether you read my post or are simply hallucinating.  The BS is indeed deep and it is blond and female...  

      Finally, I never said the rich had to do a thing... I said they needed to step forward as our founding fathers once did to fully fund a counter-cultural revolution. You obviously have never read American History or you'd know that the wealthy funded the revolution. The colonial poor donated their BLOOD as the poor do in most wars.  Our Founding Fathers understood they were merely the STEWARDS of God's resources. 

      True Christians understand this precept for Godly commerce and wealth...  They understood the biblical principle "He who is given much is expected to contribute much".  They knew that they were their brother's keeper.  These precepts for wealth management were not just words to them.  They translated into deeds.  Example:  Early forms of the Military were funded by wealthy benefactors.  The wealthy raised, outfitted, recruited, and paid for the cost needed to support a Brigade, Regiment, or Company... thus, providing the bulk of the military's needs, out of their pockets... not thru government taxes.  However, over time, the wealthy have managed to transfer the costs for raising an army to the poor.  If you want to know where greed is today... looking at the homeless is ludicrous.

      I sene real anger at your personal taxes...  I agree, that most of us pay more in taxes than we should, but it is not because of the homeless that we are taxed so heavily.  Consider the use of our military to police the world. It takes a huge chunk of money out of the pockets of us all.   Too, do what?  Secure the lines of commerce in a third world or to protect the commercial investments of Globalist corporations?  Comparing the hundreds of billions used by the Military-Industrial Complex and Globalist interest against the working poor's wage subsidies and personal taxes is simply wrong.  First, the meager wages of the working poor are indirectly taxed at every turn. Sales, real estate, personal property, licenses, and user fees, all these taxes add up to a significant tax burden on the poor and middle class.  The wages of the working poor at taxed at over 15% for FICA taxes alone.  The poor and middle-class fund the bulk of the corporate and wealthy individuals' income taxes, thru higher fees and charges for the consumption of goods and services. The poor and middle class are then told they don't pay enough in taxes. THAT IS TOTAL BS. Those who refuse to acknowledge that the wealthy fund their taxes by passing them on to those who purchase their goods and services, need to take another look at how commerce works in America... and at who is actually funding the tax burden of the US government. 

      The colloquial saying... 'Tax the rich and hurt the poor...  is true.  The wealthy pass on the bulk of their taxes in their rents, and the fees they charge for their goods and services. The poor can't pass these hidden taxes on.  The poor and middle-class fund such taxes. Warren Buffet, a very wealthy man, admits to paying less in income taxes than his secretary.  Many in the middle class have ignored the real inequities in our markets and system of taxation. Suffice it to say, that the massive transfer of wealth from the general public into the pockets of the upper 1%  in America, over my lifetime, clearly demonstrates where GREED and AVARICE dwell and it isn't in the few Pennies the poor manage to commandeer from the US Treasury.  The homeless and truly disabled do not fly around in private jets or vacation in 67,000 dollar per day hotels. See: The 10 Most Expensive Hotel Suites in the World - TheStreet

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