
  • Are there any of the 20 warnings we have not engaged?  These warnings are now fully operational in our system of government.  Is it any wonder that America is rapidly becoming a failed state? 

    • The fall of rome too!They have all bases covered!


  • If the Citizens of these United States truly want to save Our Nation it will take a great more effort than merely "Voting!" It will require dedicating every spare minute of One's time to assure the Candidate representing your "Ideals" "Win the Primaries and the Elections" both Federal and State, from the Highest Offices to the Lowest Positions. Then the same dedication spent in monitoring those elected positions. This, and only this, is the opportunity to once more return to "The Great American Experiment."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • How true he was 

    • Yup.  They don't make 'em like that anymore.

    • Vote?  Vote early and often... vote by mail, vote in person, vote for the dead, your cat.. your neighbor's cat... Harvest the votes of others, vote until the cows come home as it doesn't matter how many votes are cast the winners are chosen by those who count the votes and report who wins... Joseph Stalin put it this way:  “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” 

  • In other words He warned us about "All Organized Political Parties." Once  a Candidate becomes endorsed by a Political Party, Any Party, that Candidate is no longer 100% committed to the constituents agendas, but rather the Party's Agendas, as they are the ones holding the purse strings, the money. The Candidate becomes committed to the Party, and not the Constituents. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • In other words, he warned us about the democratic party.

    • All political parties operate on the spoils system ... in a pay-to-play system where the love of money becomes the fulcrum that moves the government.... and sows the seeds of corruption.

  • In George Washington's Farewell Address, in the final pages He makes Specific Reference to the Danger of "Political Parties" "Lest they be as a fire intended will consume." Meaning Political Parties are to be trusted no further than Arm's Length, never Out of Sight! Political Parties Will Usurp the Powers of the Sovereign Citizens.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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