
A conservative women’s group sued Mayor de Blasio and the city Department of Transportation for allowing a Black Lives Matter mural to be painted in front of Trump Tower — but blocking them from doing a similar mural.

In the suit filed Thursday night in Manhattan federal court, Women for America First said they sent a letter to the mayor requesting permission to paint a mural of their slogan — “Engaging, Inspiring and Empowering Women to Make a Difference!” — on a roadway in Manhattan.

They said they never heard back from the mayor about their request.

The nonprofit, which is based in Virginia, said in their suit that they were led to believe that “there is no ‘application process’ for painting political messages, murals or other non-traffic-related messages on New York City streets.”

They said, however, that they later read in an article in the Post that a City Hall spokesperson claimed the city actually did have a process for painting murals on city streets, but they do not know what that process is.

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  • Big Bird Gets Sued! 

  • why is it that now BLM the hate group become the national enquire and not all lives matter?

  • The process is: anything toadying to BLM is approved; anything else is not. And to hell with the First Amendment

  • Babies Live Matter not black life matters 

  • good for them, I hope they win

  • Surprise, only the communist party can paint murals in the street.

  • Good for them. Break them financially. 

  • the Mayor And the governor of New York city need to be in jail period.

  • Wait, whoa, I don't recall BoweL Movements Matter getting a permit to deface the street. Has someone looked into this?

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