California Exodus Sees Thousands Moving to Mexico
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Daily Wire: Now that Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom and his cronies have ruined their state and inflation is crushing households, thousands of Californians are reversing the typical pattern and moving to Mexico. Many of the emigres count on the fact that their salaries from the United States enable them to afford much more South of the border (Daily Wire). CNBC: California continuously ranks high as one of the country’s most expensive states to live in. The median asking price for a home in California is about $797,470 — only 25% of the state’s households could afford that in the fourth quarter of 2021. California’s population growth has been declining for more than 30 years now. But thanks to the rise in remote work due to the Covid-19 pandemic, those trends have accelerated. The ability to work anywhere has 62% of Americans considering moving to a new country. However, there are some setbacks. Many critics argue that Americans are driving up the cost of housing for locals and pricing them out of the market (CNBC). Daily Mail: Monthly rent in Mexico can average as little as $430 per month, while rents can average as high as $1,500 north of the border in San Diego (Daily Mail).

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  • What a great idea, I hope we get rid of all the leftists this way!

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