Police Chiefs and Captains around the world, like those in the image below, must answer to "We The People" as to why they haven't arrested Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab and all of the other soul-less vermin or half-humans Klaus Schwab reports to. You know, the Swiss Octagon type. Could it be that nobody is getting arrested because the police on the streets take orders from Police Chiefs and Captains who are Luciferian 33rd Degree Freemasons? They have infiltrated every industry, corporation, and establishment in the world and have people positioned in the highest rungs of power throughout the entire world. To make matters worse, Freemasonry is Satanism. This, like everything else in this article, is a proven fact. However, could it be a huge contributing factor in establishing their ever-present imaginary wall of security around them, like an iron curtain, that just about every person who is guilty of the most heinous crimes in Washington DC, and elsewhere, is mixed up with very bad "imposter" Jews, not the good Jewish people whose religion the evil ones hide behind after programming ignorant people to believe an attack on any Jew is Anti-Semitism? They very cleverly created this imaginary security wall with the help of "Anti-Semitism."  This is extremely dangerous now because it is these very same people who are using their wealth and power to tyrannically oppress the entire world, by posing as Jews. The project is a worldwide massacre that is going to make the Nazis of 1946 seem gentle.

This means we can't defend ourselves properly due to the nonstop chanting of words like "Anti-Semite!," so events like the nonstop bombardment of false flag attacks involving guns, bombs, and bio-weapons, directed energy weapons, while under assault with the neverending, far-reaching, and ridiculous climate change hoax, that the ignorant mind-controlled masses devour as the ultimate truth because it comes from their television, the educational system, and the Jesuit college system, WILL ALL GO UNPUNISHED!  DO YOU SEE THE PROBLEM? The executives at these institutions know the truth but they hold on to the lies because they are terrified for their lives.  Knowing the facts is realizing how absolutely stupid they think we are, that they can get away with being discovered as the perpetrators who orchestrated this climate change hoax, which was done for the sole purpose of dominating the human race. It's all on video and there's no possible way they are going to succeed if we all remain strong and relentless until we are totally free and they all go to prison.  We must never give up!  All of these things need deep investigations and a solution that benefits the people, not the globalists. Unfortunately, the infiltration is a problem, and weeding them out is the solution. As slow as it may seem it needs to be done. The FBI Is being used like the SS and the FBI is too ignorant to figure it out!  It is astonishing, the degree of cunning and deception that went into this end-times physical and spiritual war.

How do you change the minds of millions of people who have swallowed this entire climate change hoax, hook, line, and sinker?  This involves the younger crowd and even the very young, who have been, and are still being specifically indoctrinated (programmed) by an educational system run by "Imposter Jews," who admit to being our number one enemy. WE MUST CHANGE THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM NOW!  The truth is the truth! Now, please help me understand this. This situation is real and happening right now and we're expected to just let it happen because a majority of people will not rise up, rally together, and fight like mad? For starters, the people should not have to lift a finger to prevent the tyrannical speeding bullet from coming at us and completely destroying our lives.  That is why we formed a government and military, to prevent this type of situation. As you can see, all of the people in government have failed us because they've allowed themselves to get sidetracked by money before doing what was morally right. They all took the money! Is it as simple as getting the people together to say "WE NO LONGER WANT THIS CORRUPT GOVERNMENT?"  Yes, it is that simple when you have the 2nd Amendment on your side!

I suppose the globalists do have a way of coercing people to take large sums of money for things that may seem insignificant to them at the time, but why are we letting this happen, since it's obvious nobody is going to rescue us and all of these seemingly small and insignificant things have added up to form this current 666 beast system that is planning on exterminating each and every one of us? Just look at the programmed police forces. They are a pathetic disgrace! They were deliberately given enough military-grade equipment to start a major war, and war is exactly what these "imposter" Jews were planning. The military embraced it and transitioned into the role of tyrannical militant soldier overnight, because the gear itself has that effect on people who are already power-hungry. They are using "OUR" police forces and "OUR" military to oppress "US ALL!" These police forces and military troops who will do exactly as they are told had to be first indoctrinated by the educational system to believe the climate change hoax, and all of the other lies that divide us. Then you have General Milley pushing Critical Race Theory or White Man Bad syndrome like a complete and total Communist pussy sellout!  That man is guilty of treason for pushing CRT!  People, snap out of it! We are at war! Do you not see what they are doing?  READ! LEARN!  MILLEY IS A COMMUNIST!  The truth is still available that will prove the Climate Change Hoax was staged and planned for this specific time period.  Remember when it was "Global Warming?" They have all been totally programmed to believe these lies, which are nothing more than part of a false program meant to deceive us all into giving up our freedom, rights, our home, automobiles, and ownership of goods?  DO NOT FALL FOR THIS EVIL "IMPOSTER" JEW DECEPTION!  They want it all and they want us all dead!  Wake up the LIBERAL IDIOTS, who were used as a tool to get this far!  Help them see this!  I saw it coming the day Hussein was chosen by the Democrats and Rinos to be President Of The United States. Up until he was selected, most of the other Presidents were cowards and order followers. Nobody has fought for this country like President Trump.

Both, the police and military should be helping "WE THE PEOPLE" by arresting all authoritarians who are going along with each and every act of tyranny, and I'm not just referring to the United States. I mean the entire world, especially Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Their police are really a bunch of pussy sellouts who have no clue that a very powerful and demonic system of slavery is maneuvering its way into their lives permanently and it is also a killing machine!  THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE!  They don't want us educated and knowing the truth, because a victory for these totalitarian enemies of humanity would not be possible.  A victory for the common people is within reach if only people would read and get educated fast! YOU ARE BEING DECEIVED and there are many components, one of them being COVID, the next being FAMINE!  Anyone who knows someone who is a police officer, lawyer, judge, doctor, nurse, teacher, etc., needs to make an appointment with that person and very tactfully drop a clue that leads them down the rabbit hole to discover the truth on their own, that they have been deceived by their televisions and criminal Communist politicians! They need to know that BLM, climate change, white supremacy, racism, and all the other things that divide us, have been weaponized against us.  Think about each word and how it has influenced you. Comprehending little things like this is how we are going to defeat them.  

It is going to take people in the mainstream media, hospitals, and schools, to recognize the truth and begin to feel guilty for continuing to work there. Our entire system needs to collapse so we can rebuild a brand new medical system on a solid foundation of morality, ethics, and truth. Until then, this younger crowd, consisting of several million people, have fallen for this massive deception and the Deep State is now able to use them as another section to their iron curtain security wall. This is why they created "Black Lives Matter." They don't deny it, as a matter of fact, they never deny their crimes. They admit them! They do this because they know the mass majority of people are so deeply programmed with other junk in their lives that they will never believe them for starters or care enough to do anything about it.

Until they recognize that by not caring it is literally going to lead to them getting thrown into a concentration camp, and I believe there's even talk of Canada and Australia building concentration camps and calling them Quarantine Centers? See how sneaky they. They are going to trick people into entering the concentration camps at their own free will, and by forcing next year's imminent famine by deliberately sabotaging fertilizer facilities and deliveries, as well as halting the transport of all fertilizers in the USA and worldwide, as they've done, it's obvious they are planning to kill millions. Will people catch on that the COVID deception is really just phase 1 of a genocidal plan that is going to include other attacks as well, to make us weak, prior to the famine?  If you're one of those people who really believes someone is trying to save you from the Flu by coercing you into going to a hospital to have an ethylene oxide soaked cotton swab jammed up your nostril to deliberately swab the blood-brain barrier during a deceptive PCR test, that is faulty 90% of the time, then you may be one of the people who can't wake up.  Perhaps your conscience has been seared by God, or you've been sent a strong delusion and believe the lie. This is all so you can be told you have COVID, which doesn't exist, and has a completely different meaning and purpose. They will then be told they're positive and given Remdesivir, which gives them the respiratory issues the doctors and nurses need to legally put the person on a ventilator to explode their lungs and earns the hospital $34,000 for each person they put on a ventilator.  There are people on the side of "LIGHT" and there are people on the side of "DARK." Those pushing Remdesivir and Ventilators are NAZIS!  Anyone on the side of light was very cleverly removed. The "Imposter" Jews do not want anyone in the hospital who is not obedient and will do everything they say, like taking a vaccine that is going to lower your immune response by 54% during the first 3 to 6 months. It is a death sentence and people have been conned.  

Concentration camps already exist in the USA. They were used for the Japanese people duing WW2 but I truly believe they only used them so they would have an excuse for their existence. This long-term "Imposter" Jew takeover has been around for at least 250 years. They are calling it "The Great Reset" aka The New World Order. Americans will never suspect that they were built for them, when in fact they were. This is a long-term plan and all of it can be proven. Also, as I previously mentioned, they don't deny it. They always admit what they've done and are planning to do. They even go as far as telling us through the mainstream media and the Hollywood entertainment industry, which was created specifically for this purpose. Hollywood was literally created to cast spells on TV viewers because the people we are at war with are genuine sorcerers and witches. If you think that fact sounds unbelievable then allow me to reassure you that everything written about in this article is 100% true and can be backed by mountains of evidence, because they admit it all anyhow. They don't care if we know. They genuinely want us to know. I doubt they want us to know all at once but their observation has been that nobody really cares because combined with being programmed by their television, they are very lazy and will never do the research, to begin with. As I've said before, many people are going to wake up right in the nick of time, but it may be too late to save them. We are heading to these concentration camps if more people do not wake up and push back hard against this tyrannical oppression. The plan is to either kill you with a vaccine, famine, or concentration camp.  Many of them already have gas chambers installed and also a guillotine.  Don't believe me, watch this:  

All of these things were and still are being orchestrated by the bad "Imposter" Jews, who are guilty of pre-meditated mass murder, attempted murder, treason, and all sorts of other diabolical crimes that will make you vomit. The mind control behind this Anti-Semitism thing is absolutely ridiculous and it is time for our entire civilization to snap out of it. We have given these "Imposter" Jews free reign to rule over us by never stopping them, which was due largely to them existing without anyone knowing they existed. Somebody knew what was happening though. We know who they are but they are never mentioned in the mainstream media and people have never heard of most of them.

This Matrix they have built is very complex and it is probably their greatest achievement, so they are not going to let go of it easily. No, they will fight to the death, which means members of our civilization must be prepared to fight to the death too if they want to save our world and be truly free again. Imagine what it would be like to take out their system. Imagine what it would be like to fully expose them and take that evil power within police forces and legal systems throughout the world away from them? They will be finished!  They believe their system is impenetrable and they have total confidence that their system to entrap and permanently enslave us, beginning with 9/11, many false flag attacks since then, and now this COVID plandemic, famine, and concentration camps is set in stone. They are in for a rude awakening because this memo to get the Bill created is going to work. I have my sights set on it. People will give it no attention yet, but they will later. Watch and see.

It is imperative that every member of our civilization recognize that we are at war with the devil. The people we are at war with have no conscience whatsoever. They have zero empathy, although "Finkelstein," did mention at one point during his interview that he felt bad for us. I'd have to listen to it again to determine in what context it was spoken, and that's not happening.  All I can say is they're laughing at us because so many people cower when they hear the word "Jew"!  It's a word that happens to be weaponized, just like "conspiracy theorist" and "climate change" are weaponized words. We need to get a Bill passed that removes all police officers, lawyers, and judges who are either 33rd degree Freemason's themselves, or have ties to Freemasons, terminated from employment, without pay, indefinitely, and this must happen fast, not even a month from now. Forget about the details right now, we need to hit them hard and let them know they are finished!


They are currently attacking the entire white race, just as they said they were going to do in Finkelstein's interview, where he discusses grinding up missing babies and children into ground meat so it can be used at the fast-food chains, mainly McDonald's. He wasn't joking. He said they tried to tell us but we refuse to believe it, because it is so horrifying. That's a huge problem that people must get past because the horror is real and evil people like this really do exist. He also said they get a real kick out of watching their enemies, the white race, eat their children. These evil "imposter" Jews have been hiding behind this Anti-Semitism hoax for too long! Even my Jewish friends agree. This is a serious conflict of interest having the bad Jews and evil 33rd Degree Freemasons in positions of power and authority and puts American citizens and patriots worldwide in very real grave danger and puts us all in serious jeopardy of losing our freedom, sovereignty, and Constitution, especially because we are indeed at war with each of these evil factions.

Finkelstein Interview

It is a proven fact that they have been attacking us covertly for decades, actually thousands of years, and we can prove it all, but in all seriousness, all you have to do is use common sense and believe the fact that they are obligated under Natural Law or Universal Law to tell us each and every time they are going to attack us, and if you look at audio and video files prior to these events it is completely true. Just watch the Simpson's and they will tell you their next plan, besides famine in the USA and world, they are also planning to destroy 1/4 of La Palma island with directed energy weapons and bombs so that it falls into the ocean and causes a tsunami so massive that it wipes out the entire East Coast of the USA, killing millions. Another Satanic blood ritual! All of these "Imposter" Jew-orchestrated events are Satanic Blood Rituals orchestrated by evil Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, and others.

"Imposter" Jew Plans For La Palma

The weaponized weather, HAARP, NASA black ops money, the D.U.M.B.s, 9/11 Mossad, the underground cities and Mag-Lev superspeed trains were all funded by money stolen from American taxpayers and were primarily built as a place to escape God's wrath, because they know their time is up. We know it all. We even know about Audience Hall at The Vatican being constructed like the head of a serpent so it appears as though the Pope is speaking from the mouth of a snake. We know about the Reptilians and all they've done, just like the bad Jews and Masons. Finklestein even elaborates on how the Jews have infiltrated religions and The Vatican, which is why all the Bishops wear the Yamaka's. 

International Judea, The Enemy of Mankind

The reason why rabbis and many observant Jews wear them is because the religious book, the Talmud, orders them to: “Cover your head in order that the fear of heaven may be upon you.” Since they know their time is almost up they are playing for keeps and they believe they are untouchable, with this COVID Plandemic and vaccine genocide moving full steam ahead. They are also doing everything in their power, with the help of the Mockingbird media, the Zionist-owned and CIA-controlled mainstream media, as well as Satanic Hollywood to deceive the people into thinking they need a vaccine to save them, when they aren't even vaccines to begin with, and they don't protect anyone from anything. They are killing tools and these evil "imposter" Jews and 33rd Degree Masons thought they were really clever and were going to get away with this genocide. They will not get away with this worldwide crime against humanity. Although, many people are deceived and refuse to believe that such evil really exists in our civilization. Some very ignorant mothers can't wait for the fake vaccines or lethal injections to be permitted by the grand authority, the FDA, for use in children. This is child abuse!

New World Order, aka The Great Reset, Communism By The Back Door

People who had the first wave of vaccines, the first, second, and booster, have already lost 50% of their immune response and many have already died. We've also seen the blood of a non-vaxxed person compared to a vaxxed person and this is such a blatant crime against humanity that anyone who opposes this being pre-meditated mass murder and a Satanic blood ritual with orders to stand 6 feet apart and wear masks, is absolutely out of their mind or demonically possessed to not recognize the pure evil.

We are at war with the Satanic Brotherhood of Freemasonry, and we know who sits at the top. We also know which Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, and Ashkenazi Jews are evil-to-the-core and are behind every single attack on living man, woman, and child. They will kill whoever they must, to advance their agenda. They are heartless demonic slobs who believe they are going to implement their Noahide laws and inflict pain and tyranny on the mind-controlled masses. THE PEOPLE ARE AWAKE! Have we lost our ability to use common sense and good judgment? Are we just going to allow their premeditated plan of worldwide mass murder to continue? We are at war and passing a Bill that removes every single 33rd Degree Freemason from a position of power and authority in the USA and the world would end this war right now and set the entire world free. Who has the balls to PASS THIS BILL? You will be an American hero!

There is mountains of evidence that prove this plandemic is planned and premeditated murder. They don't care if people know this elevated Flu bug with attempted built-in gain of function is 99.98% curable. They just barge forward with their plan of mass murder! They don't care if the people witnessed the mockingbird media suppress four highly effective and extremely reputable drugs that have cured the Flu within 24 hours! They just barge forward like arrogant slobs who have complete disrespect and animosity for the human population. They are a disgrace!  They are the perfect example of people who are literally possessed by demons. Regarding COVID, they believed they were going to be able to continue murdering and crippling the entire world with this diabolical crime of epic proportion because they believe they have "plausible deniability," due to there being four different vaccines, which some have referred to as "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

All of the evidence proves without a doubt that we are at war with very evil people or half-humans at the highest rungs of power in the world and by passing this Bill we will ruin them in one single swoop, rendering them powerless. All they will have is their money, and that's an interesting topic considering they will be locked away in GITMO! What shall we do with all of that money? It certainly can't be passed on to their demonic family members. This is the end of the Satanic Bloodlines! All it takes is some brave people in Government and a civilization acting in unity to destroy them. Today we are slaves, tomorrow we are free. It's that simple. Remove them from power by passing this Bill.  All of the world's turmoil, pain, and suffering, is due to these wicked-evil men and women. 


Note: I use the term "imposter" Jews because I don't think it's fair to all of the good Jewish people in the world to be cast in a bad light because of these imposters. People who are truly Anti-Semitic and hate all Jews are just ignorant and misinformed and rather than give them the beating they deserve it would be best to just educate them by getting the Bill passed and winning the war! The reason we have always strived for peace on earth but thought in the back of our minds that it was unattainable is because of these "Imposter" Jews and the Satanic Brotherhood of Freemasonry.  

Freemasons in the police force, legal system, or in any other position of power and authority is a major conflict of interest when their oath to the Satanic Brotherhood of Freemasonry overrides their oath to the United States Constitution.  Is this not just common sense? Did we not go after the Japanese and lock them up when we suspected some might be imposters?  I realize this was a very wrong thing to do to the Japanese people since there was no evidence of any crimes but with 33rd degree Freemasons and the other evil factions I've mentioned, there is enough evidence to keep them locked up for 100 lifetimes.  The current police force in the USA and our legal system is flooded with evil 33rd degree Freemasons and Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, as well as Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, and other criminals who want to see this Constitutional Republic collapse, only that's not what "We The People" want and that's all that matters. 

Nothing that's happening in the world right now is happening naturally. It has all been pre-planned for decades and set into motion.  These enemies of humanity surely must know the gig is up.  If we don't take action now they are going to attack us again and more people will die as a result.  Make it a habit to look up in the skies. They like to spray us with the Influenza virus in an attempt to get us in the hospital so they can mess up our respiratory system by pumping us full of Remdesivir and then get $34,000 for putting us on a ventilator, where our lungs will explode! Remdesivir is also very dangerous and can cause renal failure. These drugs are just more genocidal weapons. If they were really interested in helping people, which they are not because this plandemic is going to propel The Great Reset into action, aka The New World Order, they would not be ordering the mockingbird media to suppress the four highly effective and reputible drugs that can cure the Flu in 24 hours. Find me a single police officer in the world who will arrest these criminals?  The fact that there are none should send chills down your spine. 

Do you see where this is heading?  Things are not going to get better until widespread mass-arrests begin to occur rapidly, not just one white person every 6 months to hold us over. They really think we are stupid. The fact that they planned this COVID plandemic for 50 years and that evidence exists on the World Economic Forum website should prove they don't care what we think. Then, to make matters worse, in their Pro-Globalization and Pro-Climate Change Hoax videos they always use very feminized young boys, not men, to tell us how things are going to be. Their latest slogan is "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy." The mass majority of the human population is not stupid. They are just misinformed and severely programmed by their television. It's imperative that we spark their interest in exploring their current reality before phase 2 of the genocide begins, worldwide famine. 

The coming phase 4 and 5 of this genocide are going to make what we think about the Holocaust, or what we have been indoctrinated to believe about it, seem like a warm-up lesson to the horrors they have planned.  Do people really not believe the underground tunnel systems that were being constructed since JADE HELM 2015 were for moving the people quietly in the middle of the night to the FEMA death camps, which are fully equipped with at least one gas chamber and guillotine? The first people to snap to attention at the sound of Fauci's voice are going to be the Police!  If you are a police officer and disagree, then tell me, as long as your entire department has been educated and also disagrees. Otherwise, it's your responsibility to wake them up.

The fact that we still have pilots flying planes that spray us with carcinogenic nanoparticle poisons reminds me of the way the police are behaving in Australia, Canada, and the UK. The police are no different than those pilots. They do exactly what they are told to do and respond "I'm just doing my job."  That is no longer going to work.  The USA is being saved for last.  You didn't think they were working on the other countries first for no reason, did you?  Once full-blown Communism is unstoppable in these other countries they will move on to the USA.  This will be a test for all Americans. Anyone who cowers to these evil bastards is going to experience the beginning of CIVIL WAR in the USA!  This applies to all people who refuse entry to any establishment without a vaccine passport. It is the responsibility of each individual to resist tyranny and accept the consequences thereafter. Giving in is not an option.


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  • Every home in the USA, including apartments, should have guns for protection against the tyranny that's coming if we don't stop it now. Every day they inch a little closer to full-blown Communism. As God is my witness right now, you are going to have serious regrets later if you do nothing now.  Take action!  Get your supplies NOW! 14 months until famine. 

    • Take a deep breath and count to ten Tim.

    • I know, you're right. It's just all very overwhelming. I can see this is where they want to take this and most people won't know they've been conned until they recognize the inward facing razor wire on the concentration camp they voluntarily walked into. This is their plan. I'm certain of it. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Although, I do go a notch deeper than a lot of people. We need to start saying the word more..."genocide," because that's exactly what this is. 


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