The Alt Left Democrats have an internet dominance right now because of a group called Share Blue.  The Alt Left PAYS their posting shills so they really are no more than astroturf. However, they are effective.

The Tea Party needs your help, once again, to combat the paid posters. No, we don't pay for posts, we want REAL posters defending Conservative principles. 

The Alt left Democrats have funding. We have enthusiasm  and the truth. 

The war for the minds of the people has commenced. Will you 'share red'?

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We are Taking the Fight to Gutter With the Liberals. Will you help?

Call it an internet 'conservative flash mob' or whatever you wish to call it...but let's get 'er done! 

The progressive/liberal/socialist/communist sites are spewing fake news and whipping their collectives into a frenzy over President Trump. They need sanity and facts posted by people who really understand the issues. 

They will call you uneducated among other vile names but we can take it. Let's get into the gutter and try to help those poor deluded folks that populate the sites. 

Bring your facts and knowledge to help them understand that elections have consequences and THEY LOST. So, they need to accept it gracefully and actually research issues before they spew their Democrat party talking points. 

I will send you a radical leftist rag story each day that will need your attention and comments.

Are you ready to fight back? 

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