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Karl Rove

Mr RoveYou will FOREVER be seen as a "HAS BEEN"Establishment GURU and your Opinion Means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, AS PROVEN WITH YOUR RECENT O'DONNELL RANTINGS, which are not the first as I'm sure others were suspicious also.You are either a complete Idiot or just A BIG MOUTH , EMPTY HEAD BLOWING IN THE WINDPlease Do Not Disgrace my TV or loyal dog as a guest on ANY PROGRAM. You Nauseating DRIBBLE, meant for Impact only causes Revulsion.Go Play with Jimmy Carter, you two are at the same level and position.A Sincere ( if possible) apology would somewhat mitigate the ridiculousness of your "Expert Opinion. ALSO Do Not Tell ANYONE That you are From Texas or Know George W. Bush, Both donj't deserve such humliation.Ron Dalton
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Ground Zero

GOP’s Jim DeMint is right. The Republican Party is dead if it doesn’t change its tactics. We want our country back. There are a great many gurus who possess the secrets of a life of bliss. It doesn’t matter what they call it, it’s our conscious connection with universal consciousness that leads us to our bliss.

Is my imagination running wild or is my awareness expanding? I’ve a story that has yet to be told, to the benefit of our politicians. It can’t be told in a few words, but if you will bear me out, my story may expand your conscious awareness and save America from the misguided in control.

My telephone rang, my wife calling from her work place to tell me to turn on our TV. I was horrified at what I saw. That terrible day for the American people is now brought back to mind by the flap over building a mosque near Ground Zero, which has nothing to do with freedom of religion or bigotry and everything to do with the arrogance of those we elect to high office. Thousands of Muslims danced in the streets over the 9-11 event. Certain politicians, those of the liberal persuasion, have been painting a phony picture ever since 9-11. Along with this, they have an agenda to transform America into something most Americans could not recognize. What is going on? Most Americans smell a rat.

Being retired and nothing better to do with my time, in May 2001, I started writing my memoirs. It was like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. The September 11th event put in place the Phoenix legend, a bird that after a life of several hundred years immolated itself on a pyre and from the ashes came a new life—bringing the thought of after the calamity hope and renewal.

My memoirs began with my decision to take on Uncle Sam over the constitutionality of federal income tax—in its implementation, not per se. I was flying with eagles. I had a bigger than life calling. At the time, my business was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me. Ever since that time, in 1973, instead of going to the dogs and blaming the world for my misfortune, my spiritual guides have been directing my life. But who in his right mind would challenge Uncle Sam on the income tax? I went on Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law,” Background of American Contitutional Law, America on might makes right. I won. Had America gone on the “Higher Law,” America would not now be going to the dogs. It’s not too late. Everyone reading this, where there is life there is hope.

Coincidentally, on Good Friday 1975, I drove out of my driveway and never returned. I drove from North Texas to South Florida, bought a live-aboard sailboat and set sail on the South Atlantic. Good Friday is a day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified. I’m not a Christian so it was happenstance that I departed on Good Friday, but it ties in with the Phoenix legend. While I was at sea, miracles occurred. I don’t have to be a Christian to know Jesus’ message is the hope of the world. Since I’d been writing about God’s hand being on my wheel, naturally, the 9-11 event came into my thoughts. Was the 9-11 event, the same as the Good Friday event, a symbol of man defying his truth, the truth Jesus taught, over and over, ignoring the “Higher Law” over and over. Was I put here as a messenger?

In early May 1980, I was sitting at the bar of the Greenwood Inn in Portland, Oregon. I was there for the purpose of dancing off the extra pounds I’d been putting on. It beat other forms of exercise. The last thing I wanted was another wife. I’d had three bad marriages. I asked Karen for a dance. The music was fast and she was having trouble keeping with the beat. Normally, I didn’t sit with my dance partners.

The moment our hands connected, I felt Karen’s warmth. I suggested that we sit that dance out. Talk came easy. I felt as though I were talking with an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. I’d been thinking about hiking the mountain trails near Portland. I asked Karen if she would like to hike with me. She accepted my invitation, but she had already made plans to spend a week vacationing with her two daughters. We made a date to hike on May 18, 1980. The reason I remember the date is because that was the date Mt. St. Helens erupted.

Karen and I were sitting on a log chatting on a trail about 50 miles southeast of Mt. St. Helens. Karen blurted out that she wanted ours to be a “platonic relationship.” I laughed. I thought what a funny thing to say on our first date, hiking. I wasn’t at all out of line in my talk. At that very moment, we saw that the sky in the northwest was black. We hurried back to the car where we learned on the radio that Mt. St. Helens had erupted.

In short order, ours was more than a “platonic relationship.” We were made for each other. I learned what true love was about. Was the eruption yet another symbol of after the calamity hope and renewal, or am a reaching? You be the judge. Fifteen years after the calamity, a friend with an astrological compatibility program in his computer printed out our compatibility. In it I read, “The platonic thing was there from the start and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you. Even if lovers, you will always be first and foremost, good friends.” Our lives together keep getting better and better.

I have on my book shelves a number of books that connect me with a bigger than life self, including the Bible, books on astrology and numerology, and books on quantum physics. I’ve found hundreds of connections, too many to call it coincidence. On earth as it is in heaven, consciousness, I refer you to Genesis 1:26. “And God said, Let us make man in our image.” Who is us? What is our distinguishing characteristic? Why do we act like brutes? Aristotle, in The “Higher Law,” said, “to invest a man is to introduce a beast, as desire is something bestial. . .” We are blessed with reason. Aristotle: “law is reason without passion. . .” Our conscious awareness gives us dominion over all other life on the planet. The more power an individual has, the less consciously aware he becomes. Therefore, what God said was, “let you and I make man in our image.” Let us make use of this great power that saved my life.

In the Introduction of The Scofield Reference Bible, “the progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said: ‘Distinguish the ages, and the Scriptures harmonize,’” think in these terms: We’ve drifted down the lazy river to the opening of two great rivers of thought. The choice is yours: Obama’s rewritten Constitution, which leaves out God-given rights, or the original Constitution, the one with which I beat Uncle Sam and went on to live a most rewarding life. Obama’s river has a waterfall, the other flowing smoothly.

In Jeanne Avery’s Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” she writes, “the individual (speaking of this individual, I’m Aquarius rising) has a unique approach to life that makes him somehow ‘different’ from other people. He may have a most unusual personality, or be so far ahead of his time that he is accused of being eccentric. . .The planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States. ” the planet Uranus is on the ascendant of my chart. Is there not a connection? Of course there is!

In Cosmos and Psyche, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.” We read, under “World Wars, Cold War, and September 11,” that the unfavorable alignments of Saturn and Pluto have brought about “the destruction of an earlier mode of life that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation.” We further read, under “The Saturn Pluto Cycle,” that between November 2008 and August 2011 Saturn and Pluto were in unfavorable alignment.”

In Astrologer’s Handbook, Frances Sakioan and Louis S. Acker write, under “Saturn trine Pluto” (a trine is the most favorable of alignments), “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. . .” On my chart Saturn is trine Pluto. President Obama was elected in November 2008, under an unfavorable alignment of Saturn and Pluto. Things are not going well for Obama. My life is as good as it gets. Does this not connect? Of course it does. Let you and I make man in our image.

We read that we are leaving the Age of Pisces. Pisceans, we read, are extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. They are easily influenced by external factors, such as those loons’ idea that freedom of religion gives Muslims the right to build a mosque near ground zero. No question about it; they have the “legal” right, but “legal” is merely the form of law. Hitler was “legal.” Let us make man in our image.

The symbol of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, making the statement that they have duality of emotions. What’s in their emotions we need to know that they are not telling us? Is it fear? Say astrologers, they must learn to stand alone and face the unknown with a simple faith.

We read that we are entering the Age of Aquarius. Aquarians, we read, are individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity. They have as their symbol the water-bearer. We read that Aquarians are eccentric and are determined and stubborn in their beliefs. They dislike hypocrisy in any form. We read that Aquarians operate as equals among equals; that they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others.

In The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow,” Evan Harris Walker writes, “it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. Does this not connect with making man in our image? Of course it does. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”

in Numerology and The Divine Triangle, Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker write that as my life lesson number, “You are here to use and to develop your mind.” Does that not apply to making man in our image? Of course it does.

I learned my truths from the Constitution, as originally written, and acted in accordance. I emerged from a life of despair to the life I was intended to live. Let us make man in our image.
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Obama Losing Liberal Californians
Black Liberal Insults Black Moderate
I. A recent poll of Californians showed that only 45.6% of the Golden State’s voters approve of the job done by Barack Obama as president while 49.6 DISapprove. 34.0% of Californians believe the country is going in the right direction while 61.2% say America is on the wrong track. Congress (headed by California girl Nancy Pelosi and Nevada’s Harry Reid gets only 24.6% approval and 69% DISapproval. California’s Generic Congressional Preferences show a virtual tie with Republicans receiving 43.8% support and Democrats 43.6% in a generic survey.

II. A Black radio talk show host went on national TV on FOX News’ The O’Reilly Factor and when it appeared he was losing his debate with FOX contributor and frequent replacement-host Juan Williams (who is also Black), Warren Ballentine implied that Williams was not “a real black person” and then added the racial slur, “It’s OK, you can go back to the porch, Juan.” The code term “go back to the porch” is Blackspeak for “Uncle Tom,” “House Nigg_r,” or “Slave-brown noser.” Of course, Ballentine refused to respond to information that many of the people who wanted Rush Limbaugh dropped from the potential new ownership consortium for the St. Louis Rams were playing fast and loose with the truth. To top matters off the next day, Ballentine was literally bragging on his radio show about his insult to Williams. So the liberal keepers of political correctness can use racial slurs and can invent willy-nilly intolerances that don’t exist; racism that doesn’t exist; and accuse patriotic conservative people of stupidity and being haters falsely . . . and that’s always OK, huh?

Their original argument was about Rush Limbaugh being criticized by some NFL blacks who don’t want him owning an NFL team and by Ballentine. Williams showed that a Black LA Times columnist had created the “Barack the Magic Negro” song that Limbaugh revealed to his listeners and that Limbaugh was just reporting on the growing disgruntlement with Obama across the board. When Ballentine realized that he’d been caught not doing his homework, that’s when he got “nasty.”

Later when Williams was a substitute host for O’Reilly, he showed that the leader of the NFL attempt to reject Limbaugh’s ownership is a black man who was extremely close to Obama and a big part of his 2008 campaign. Williams also translated for White folk the insult he’d been given and intimated that Ballentine was “not a man” because he hadn’t apologized for his crudeness but actually bragged about it instead. Williams also spoke with a Black ex-NFL player, the Reverend Ken Hutcherson, PhD., who called Limbaugh “my friend” and “decent” and said that he was “very angry about the lies used against Rush.” The pattern is clear . . . .

Item: Clarence Thomas is a conservative judge who was pulled through the ringer by false claims of sexual harassment over a decade old during his confirmations. The “lady,” raising the charge for the first time, was apparently so “off-put” by her first experience that she deliberately transferred jobs so that she could then claim continuing harassment by Thomas for a new employer which she also never made until Thomas's confirmation hearings. She was also a lawyer who had the wherewithal to stand up for herself immediately IF such outrageous conduct ever happened (Conclusion: it never did); and all without being able to show one shred of real evidence. Compare that to the National Organization of Women (NOW) and feminist reporters complete absence of censure for the continuing 20-year pattern of philandering and sexual harassment by their golden boy Slick-Willy Clinton who admitted to lying and . . . oh, yes, there was that semen-stained blue dress wasn’t there? By the way, Thomas has also been criticized for having a wife who is White and a conservative.

Item: The reason that Andrew Breitbart ran his clip of Shirley Sherrod's speech (which created the huge uproar) was totally overlooked, perhaps deliberately by the mainstream media (MSM). Sherrod was speaking before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Breitbart's point was that even though the listeners didn't know the "outcome" of her anecdote they were snickering and laughing when she admitted her racism in dealing with the White farmer . . . . Since 4.2% of Blacks voted for McCain and just short of 48% of Whites voted for Obama (more than Gore or Kerry received) it's time we admitted that Black racist conduct is alive and well . . . and time we lightened up on "racist" charges against Whites when they're undeserved.

Item: Actor-singer Harry Belafonte called Colin Powell “a house slave” when many were considering him an ideal presidential candidate. Compare the experience and solid credentials and patriotism of Powell to the man in the Oval office today.

Item: Clarence Thomas was depicted as a “lawn jockey” on the cover of prominent Black magazine Emerge in 1996.

Item: The NAACP applauded a preacher telling their convention how he and other Blacks beat up a Black entrepreneur selling “Audacity of Dope” buttons (depicting Obama with a joint between his lips – the man had made a fortune selling Pro-Obama buttons in 2008) and in the telling calling the man “Uncle Tom” and “Oreo” (White on the inside) and “House Nigg_r.” The four assailants were arrested for their criminal behavior but applauded loudly at the NAACP convention nevertheless.

Item: Just as conservative women are pounded by the Liberal media as some sort of Judases, Black and Hispanic conservatives are insulted and threatened continuously. Blacks at TEA Party events are insulted and receive innuendo of “stupidity” by mainstream media (MSM) interviewers who usually refuse to run the resulting stories (which only get run because FOX News was there covering the MSM’s treatment of the TEA Party at the time). Harry Reid recently made the patronizing remark that he didn’t see “how any Hispanic could ever vote Republican.” And elected Black and Hispanic Republicans are just never interviewed by the MSM in Washington or New York, etc. (outside of their own districts and states).

Item: Black and Hispanic CEOs and entrepreneurs likewise are among the missing on MSM business coverage unless their business is funded by the federal government.

Item: Former leftist, now moderate, lesbian talk show host Tammy Bruce outlined the Obama administration’s; the NFL players’ Union’s; the Black establishment’s and the MSM’s coordinated attacks upon Limbaugh since he first attempted to become an NFL owner on the show with Williams. She detailed how when she was on the left, these kind of attacks were common but that she’d never seen such a powerful coordinated effort as the one made by the left to destroy the name of Rush Limbaugh. Bruce, by the way, has received a lot of heat for her "constant criticism of the left and Obama's job performance."

Item: Racial incivility and “racism” claims by the left have reached new lows (or is that new highs in "lowness") since our “post-racial” president took office.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Next Step is the General Election

The primaries are over. The Tea Party Movement had good success with replacing incumbents in the Republican primaries. I am somewhat disappointed there was not more activity identifying and supporting constitutional conservative Democrats so we could defeat incumbents in the Democratic Primaries. We can have the best effect on congress if we can get constitutional conservative Democrats elected also. Well, we will have to plan better in 2012. Just keep in mind we are not republicans or democrats. we are constitutional conservatives.

Now we have to focus on November. The candidates the Tea Party supported who won their primary will need even more support to win in November. It is still an up hill pull. Angle, Odonnell and Miller will all have tough campaigns and a lot of mud slung at them. The Tea Party can help them stay on message and truthful. Especially in campaign ads.The voters all across the country are in a mood to return to the morals of the founders. The candidates we support have got to have that aura. Good ideas for ads can be found at They really know what words work.

If we can be successful in November we will have a better chance of bringing the socialist Progressive agenda of the Administration to a halt. Nothing is more important than that at present.

Happy Trails to All

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palins visit to louisville

AboutContactArchivesRSSColumnsPhotos Michelle Malkin Out: Palin’s a McCarthyite — In: Palin’s the Anti-ChristBy Doug Powers • September 18, 2010 03:09 PM **Written by Doug PowersThe AFL-CIO organized a protest of Sarah Palin’s appearance in Louisville, Kentucky this week, and they helped keep it classy. I guess calling Palin the second coming of Joe McCarthy wasn’t moving votes towards Democrats fast enough, so now it’s being ratcheted up a notch to “anti-Christ.”Here’s the sign held by a protester named Doris Beeler:Can you believe that? I know… everything’s spelled correctly. We should expect nothing less from someone involved in higher education (the University of Louisville should be beaming with pride at the intelligence of members of their resident advisory council).Click the pic to roll tape. The moonbat fun starts at about 1:10…Beeler also apparently has (or had) a beef with the Social Security Administration. Can somebody please tell her Palin doesn’t work for the SSA? Maybe it’s all a big misunderstanding.
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Oath of Office

Hi Folks,

The oath I took when I joined the Military is the same these con/sen take support and defend the constitution. Soon as their hand goes down they join the CFR Tri-lateral commission go to Bilderberg meetings which violates the Logan act and pass bills given to them by lobbyists which are mostly unconstitutional. Plus all the bribs and other untoward photos of them to keep em in line, All these mulletheads should be impeached...but they won´t because all the weaels are guarding the henhouse. We need to really throw these bums out. So what happened to Ron Paul? He was a star a year ago, now mention his name and you'll be beat up--- ya'all got deceived again by the conservative neo-cons and the power structure that does not want to lose thier power. Newt, Dick Armey, Rove Palin Romney Huckabe Cheney Bill Bennett Gary Bauer etc... Please go to google and search these folks out and see their fruits it ain´t pretty...

retired disabled vet

PS...Just a thought if Palin runs will it be victory for Hillary...OMG...what a thought
doesn't hillary still have to answer for vince fosters death?
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Drug-cartels-threatened-Nogales, AZ-police-dept


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Harry Reid Earns “Most Hated” Crown

for Latest Illegal Alien Betrayal

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has attached the so-called “Dream Act” to the Defense Authorization Bill. The Dream Act is a bill that Democrats have been trying to pass for almost the last dozen years driven almost entirely by progressive Democrats who believe that “open-border” laws are their ticket to permanent control of America by their party. It would give green cards to illegal alien students and further incentives for Mexican nationals to illegally enter America by providing a road to eventual U.S. citizenship. The main “justification” Reid gives for sticking this "abortion" in a defense funding bill is a companion attachment which would invite illegal aliens to defend the United States by joining our military. Hmmmmm let’s see they can’t speak, read or write English and don’t have the education . . . oh yeah, they’ll make great members of our military . . . not to mention creating another incentive to drag still more illegals across the borders. Most Americans by now understand that Reid, Pelosi, Eric Holder and Obama all regard illegal aliens as undocumented future Democrats and more “victims” the rest of us will supposedly act “racist” toward for eternity.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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It can be a lot like watching the night sky for comets . . . . The New York Stock exchange has apparently ceased and desisted creation and emission of any more Hindenburg Omens for the time being . . . ah, shucks! If the rare but often portentous Hindenburg Omens are “up to snuff” expect a serious stock market drop by the day before Rajjpuut’s birthday (of course, they are purported to have “called market crashes as far as four months in the future –so who knows?) which means Friday, October 15, 2010. But hold on a minute, now, just like that, it’s cancelled, like some school day fire drill? Oh, hell, it’s just too confusing to be understood! For those of you who like to delve into such things deeply:

The Hindenburg Omen is a so-called “technical indicator” which occurs very infrequently but which has had more than routine success in calling market drops of 5% or better and even stock market crashes. Technical data has nothing to do with economic reality and the underlying fundamentals of individual companies or the entire market, but only with everyday stock market variations in prices and volume; and patterns of highs; lows; volatility changes; moving averages; etc. The precise HO triggers are moderately complicated and seem to indicate a stock market that’s lost its way, becomes undecided whether to climb or fall . . . (see the web link above) and finally surrenders to at least a mild downward paroxysm; our recent New York Stock Exchange HO history reads like this:

8/11/2010 Witnessed a “near HO” event.

8/12/2010 Triggered a “real Hindenburg Omen” a preliminary signal which means nothing yet . . . .

8/13/2010 Friday the 13th saw another “near HO” event.

8/19/2010 Saw another “near HO” event.

8/20/2010 Triggered the Hindenburg Omen confirmation necessary to indicate the pattern is “demanding extreme caution!”

8/24/2010 Triggered another Hindenburg Omen confirmation, but wait, the 10-week moving average of stocks has begun to fall so make that a “false-confirmation” shucky-ding-dong-darn!

8/25/2010 Triggered the 3rd HO confirmation, but wait, the 10-week moving average of stocks has begun to fall so make that a second “false-confirmation” gee-whilikers!

8/31/2010 Triggered the 4th HO Confirmation, but wait, the 10-week moving average of stocks has begun to fall so make that a third “false-confirmation” doggone it!

9/5/2010 through 9/16/2010 The McClellan Oscillator which had been negative for some time, turned positive which “negates” the validity of any possible new HO signals and “cancels out” the validity of all the August, 2010 signals???? It NEVER HAPPENED! Talk about a lot of hooey!

Well, so much for the Hindenburg Omen which now “officially never happened.” But now as everybody starting today finds out about this from official channels such as the Wall Street Journal expect a brief surge in prices and buyer confidence and, of course, that’s when Ol’ Rajjpuut (ever the contrarian) would say is the time to be most careful. But rather than the HO HO HO Hindenburg Omen, the next stock market crash, should it come, will have to get predicted by some other portents. Let's see the New York Stock Exchange was born May 17, 1792 under the buttonwood tree in NYC at 7:52 a.m. which means it's a Taurus (the bull! one might suppose that Leo the lion is as close as the signs get to being an actual bear!) Oh, forget it . . . . Good luck.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“I’m sure Colorado women are thrilled that if Buck gets pregnant from rape or incest he will deliver regardless of any threats to his health. No man under any circumstances can gain by supporting abortion repeal . . . .”

3rd Party TEA Partyism

Works in Obama’s

and Progressives’ Favor

Since one of America’s two major parties, the Republicans, is ostensibly a conservative party fiscally and Constitutionally, it’s not at all surprising that since 1860, national 3rd parties throughout history have uniformly been unsuccessful and even counterproductively helpful** to liberals. Surprise, surprise some phases of today’s TEA Party movement seem to be stabbing conservativism in the back. The Obama administration is favorably impressed . . . .

As Rajjpuut first warned some eight months back, except in highly unusual circumstances, extensive TEA Party involvement prior to the primaries is a very, very bad idea. Let the political process play out and then play kingmaker, that is the winning strategy. Rajjpuut has repeatedly suggested that the TEA Party spend its efforts helping voters learn about the party’s Contract from America and then (only after candidates are selected) picking the most conservative candidate if he/she displays the requisite integrity. The biggest single failing beside becoming a conservative-killing third party? Stunning and deafening silence on the Contract from America. In other words, Rajjpuut suggests the TEA Party is not only losing its way, it’s often blocking America’s way as well. Ah, me . . . . Let’s talk specifics . . . .

Here in Colorado we face two extraordinarily fouled up elections, for governor and senator, made extraordinarily favorable for liberal candidates and extraordinarily frustrating for conservative voters. The TEA Party Express (whom Rajjpuut suspects was created by Harry Reid initially to ensure he faced the weakest possible opposition in Nevada: Sharon Angle) has backed an ignoramus named Ken Buck. Buck rather than concentrating on fiscal and

Constitutional conservativism; his opponent’s pathetic record; and the Contract from America . . . has preferred to talk about abortion regardless of incest, rape, or threats to the health of the mother . . . I’m sure Colorado women are thrilled that if Buck gets pregnant from rape or incest he will deliver regardless of any threats to his health. Since no man can get pregnant, no man under any circumstances can gain by hypocritically supporting abortion repeal . . . .” Rajjpuut reminds all conservative politicians that abortion is, unfortunately, the law of the land and unnecessarily bringing up a losing argument (and, in Buck’s specifics, bringing up a questionable moral argument) is just plain stupid and an easy way to lose women voters in droves.

Buck has also gone out of his way to unnecessarily give his opponent strong sound bites of “Buck threatening Social Security” and “Buck for changing the way Colorado Senators are selected” . . . regardless of the merits of those last two arguments, it never makes sense to step outside of a winning formula. This year the winning formula for conservatives is 1) Contract for America and fiscal and Constitutional conservativism 2) Obama 3) the record of the Democrats in Congress 4) specific weaknesses of their particular opponent . . . . Buck, unfortunately has a grand canyon for a mouth and just loves to hear himself talk. Mr. Buck could still win, but under any other circumstances than the anti-Obama revolt in place this year, Buck would be UNelectable. If somehow Buck is elected Colorado will boast a numbskull in the U.S. Senate. Needless to say, his big government, big taxes, big spending opponent Bennett is properly committed to Obama’s Marxist agenda . . . fine choice we have for senator in Colorado, eh?

Meanwhile, the TEA Party has twice gotten involved in the Colorado governor’s race and both involvements have been a mistake. A totally unvetted candidate, Dan Maes, who’d never held political office excited the TEA Party before he’d proven electable without them. Maes became the Republican candidate. Right there an ethical problem arises, why should Republicans then fund the campaign of someone basically nominated by another political party? In any case, Maes had a lot of baggage and it soon spilled out onto the sidewalk one lie and one scandal after another. So the TEA Party Express comes to town supporting one Tom Tancredo as an Independent running for guv. Tancredo is the eternal Colorado gadfly, who, like Buck, believes in the old out-dated Moral Majority litmus test. Just today, the Republican Party in Colorado removed its support for Maes which has to be demoralizing for Colorado conservatives. If Maes drops out, which he has vowed NOT to do, perhaps Tancredo can win. Since Tancredo, like Buck appears to be a cretin, that would be a mixed blessing at best.

From Nevada where ditsy Sharron Angle who, with the TEA Party Express’ help, defeated two electable candidates and gives Harry Reid a good chance at re-election; to Connecticut where the TEA Party Express-supported candidacy of Christine O’Donnell appears to have dethroned a winning bet^^ for November. . . the ignorance of TEA Party pre-primary election involvement is well-documented and regrettable; and likely to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat for the progressive Dems.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


**only in one instance, Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive (Bull Moose) Party in 1912, has any third party gotten as close as a losing 2nd place in a national election. In 1912 and in virtually all other instances, the presence of a vote-splitting conservative option has guaranteed victory for liberal candidates, specifically the Democrats involved. In Rajjpuut’s memory only the 1968 candidacy of George Wallace with the American Independent Party was not harmful to the conservative cause . . . why? because Richard Nixon was regarded as a moderate or even semi-progressive Republican in a race against further left-leaning Hubert Humphrey. The havoc created in state and local elections by third parties is not quite as predictable, but third party conservatives are a most welcome sight for Democrats.

^^ Castle, a progressive Republican, appeared to be a shoo-in in Connecticut and very popular. The winning strategy would have been to talk directly to Mr. Castle about the Contract from America. If he pledged to change his spots and support the Contract, then you support him until he proves unworthy of trust.

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Abolishing the Electoral College

This is long overdue and for possible third party candidate for president it is better. In 1824 there were four candidates and Andrew Jackson had the 41 % of the popular vote and lost the election in the house of representatives.
Immigration comes into play though. Impeach our present one that does not secure our boarders.
Thinking knowing Andrew Jackson's history. If Andrew Jackson knew how much our president does not defend our constitution he probably would think nothing of it take Mr Obama to some remote place and have a duel with him. That be the end of Mr Obama.

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You Have Won the Day!

Do you realize what you have accomplished? I’d like to add to what Beck said. In all likelihood you are not conscious of this. Before the Big Bang, there was something, as from nothing you get nothing. The something was universal consciousness. From the study of aspects of matter—subatomic particles—science theorizes that there is a God-particle called the Higgs bosen, a first out the box from which sprang a state of infinite possibility. What does that have to do with us? I’ll tell you. This state of infinite possibility, with local forces, began the process of creating the physical universe.

The meaning of life comes from its creator, universal consciousness. Science now reasons that consciousness is an absolute in the mix of things; our minds interconnected with a dimension of infinite possibility.

Again, the meaning of life, referring to the Bible, Gen. 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” you may say your religious faith is your salvation, but you are really saying faith in yourself is what made you take a stand. It was your faith in you that is responsible for the Tea Party. Give yourself credit where credit is due.

America’s most read Bible is The Scofield Reference Bible. I frequently refer to it because of its large Concordance. I read in the Introduction of the Scofield Bible, “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view.” The Intro goes on to state, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.” I totally agree.

The left has construed “progressive order” to mean strong central government. The “increasing purpose” of progressive government is to replace God with government and leave the individual stripped of all rights, replaced by government entitlements. This thought, coupled with the above Scofield thought, has stuck with me, the right and left, in general terms, the different meanings they give to our purpose, and neither the truth.

“In Cosmos and Psyche,” from the back cover we read, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.” Interestingly, Tarnas writes that Saturn and Pluto went into unfavorable alignment in November 2008, the year Obama was elected President. It was no coincidence. We read that “these three-to-four year periods, as did a widespread sense of epochal closure: ‘the end of an era,’ ‘the end of innocence,’ the destruction of an earlier mode of life that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation . . . With the help of corrupt government, the American people have sold their souls to the devil. We’re going down the tube.

In The Physics of Consciousness: the Quantum Meaning of Life. Evan Harris Walker gets into specifics of our demise with this: “The consequences have been devastating to religion. Religion—all religion—has for some time been dying a slow death.” What about Obama’s collective salvation? Obama is selling out America to revolutionaries. “Many will greet such a statement with elation that the earth may be freed of the self-righteous, the fear mongers, those who raise the specter of eternal condemnation, those who instill guilt in children and the frail of mind, and those who have inflicted pain, inflamed hatred, and fostered wars in the name of this or that religion. Sadly, these have indeed been legion. Surely what I have to say here, what I see for tomorrow, will never tolerate the return of such perverted minds. . . But for this terror, there is one thing that is worse: the thought that all the suffering and all the pleasure of life have no meaning.” Walker says we are at the very edge “of a world stripped of all innate moral values, without giving us anything to take its place.”

It cannot be denied that astrology shows consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. Consciousness exists, write Walker. “And for the first time, we have used the instruments of scientific investigation to fit its existence into the overall tapestry of reality. For the first time, we understand what consciousness is. We can understand mind as including conscious experience and will. We can see how these fit into the physical processes . . .Walker reasons that we are more than matter. The observer emerges now as “a co-equal in the foundry of creation.”

Connecting with Walker’s thought, astrology gives me Aquarius rising. In the Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising” Jeanne Avery writes, “If he is in touch with his individuality and special qualities, he can express strong humanitarian concern, have a strong sense of freedom for himself and for others, and be ahead of his time.”

Avery informs us that “The planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States. Freedom of speech and opportunity was the cornerstone of the Constitution. Inventions flourished, humanitarian concerns made us friends to all. We became the water-bearer, broadcasting our message of human rights.” The left wants to rewrite the Constitution. They say it is flawed.

Uranus transited from the time of my birth to a position opposing itself when I was in my forties. Avery says this fact may bring “a major life crisis,” and as well bringing about “opportunity for growth and change.” This is precisely what took place. My business enterprise went on the rocks. My second wife divorced me. “Old patterns and static conditions are no longer viable, old formulas no longer work; new decisions are necessary for growth. Uranus opposing its own position indicates times of drastic change. This may be life’s way of blasting us out of a comfortable rut we’ve established.” Long before I read this, I departed my old life, I didn’t plan it, but on Good Friday. The first day of my new life was on Easter Sunday. From that day forward, my life took on new meaning. Tomorrow, I’ll be 85. If my life could be any better, I don’t know how. The planet Uranus is on my ascendant. The Constitution gave me my bigger than life calling. It put my life on course. I don’t call myself a Christian. I found Jesus my own way.

In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that the Age of Pisces, with its symbol of two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, indication of “drastic duality of emotion,” they (Pisceans or progressive liberals) are “easily influenced by external factors,” and they are “extremely responsive to the thoughts and feeling of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them.” They “desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.” Progressive liberals are no match to the Tea Party.

Under “Aquarius,” we read, “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. . . There is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others.” I’m an Aquarian messenger. The Tea Party is the beginning of the Aquarian brotherhood. It is here to stay.

On earth as it is in heaven, we are leaving the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius. Glenn Beck says “You have won the day,” you who decided you were not going to sit silently and take it anymore. Let the left stew in its own juice. Let the right join the Tea Party, the brotherhood of man under tomorrow’s God.

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