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"The land of opportunity has become the land of shrinking prosperity ... Our government has failed us, we will take back our country. We will restore for a better future. This is our pledge to you." Kevin McCarthy, California Representative

Republican “Pledge to America” Says,

“We’ve Learned Our Lessons”^^

Everybody needs 100% of the time to be cynical about the actions of politicians. Having said that and admitted that the new Republican “Pledge to America” (linked at the top of this page) is, of course, aimed at answering the progressive Democrats claims that the G.O.P. is a “Party of ‘NO!’” nevertheless, any thinking voter has to be pretty impressed with the “Pledge’s” twenty-one detailed and inspirational but no-nonsense pages. One can only hope the party and its candidates will keep the Pledge to America” front and center over the next 43 days and BEYOND. Finally, the Republican Party seems intent on reverting to the Party of Lincoln, to libertarianism. A Libertarian is a social moderate and even rarely social liberal that is utterly fiscally conservative and Constitutionally conservative. About 65% of the TEA Party would classify as Libertarians, live and let live on social issues but deeply committed to fiscal and Constitutional conservativism . . . and the Pledge to America is indeed a libertarian document.

One last theoretical-political point, some will say, that Democrats protecting slavery were the conservatives in Lincoln’s time and that the brand new Republican Party, was the party of abolition and other radicalism. Not even close, elimination of slavery was seriously discussed by John Adams and Benjamin Franklin and George Washington before the Declaration, written by Jefferson, was approved. No, the words of the Declaration explicitly say “all men are created equal . . . endowed by their creator with certain UNalienable rights . . . life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, etc.” Springing back to the spirit of founding documents is real conservativism. Notice these truths about the G.O.P.’s “Pledge” . . . .

Social issues are barely touched. This is both smart and more importantly GOOD. When it comes to social issues (guns, abortion, drys vs. wets, gay rights, etc.) moderation is the key: respect old tradition and old law but don’t interfere needlessly with personal freedom. Don’t try to mandate social change through the ballot box or by edict.

Fiscal conservativism is the driving force behind 85% of the “Pledge’s” content. Get out of the way of the free market and out of the way of individual liberty and control by both the states and individuals over their own destinies. Constitutional conservativism is the glue that makes the whole thing worthwhile and workable. Common-sense Americanism is the result. A look at the chart depicting the Obamacare Law now on the books on page 16 is worth a billion times its weight in gold; as is the comparison chart of federal spending as a percentage of GDP on page 13 and the Federal Assistance chart on page 12. However, it’s not a perfect document. Let us point out two areas** where the pledge fell short, perhaps deliberately so:

1. No serious mention of “unfunded liabilities” such as Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid and Welfare, etc. is made, nor any indication as to how to solve the total of $190TRillion drain these unfunded liabilities amount up to.

2. No serious treatment of term-limits is given.

Why were these “flaws” allowed? Probably because smart politics is the art of the possible and practical. Obama and the progressive Democrats were raised on Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and ACORN’s propaganda-machine and take-it-to-the-streets mob law to become experts at nit-picking, deliberately causing confusion and using unfair sound-bites to create false impressions that appear to vilify conservatives. Why give these traitors ammunition?

Despite these shortcomings, IF they live up to their words and continue to be the party of NO MORE OBAMANATIONS and to fight relentlessly for these principles, Republicans will have re-energized the American political argument and earned the country’s trust. Congratulations, G.O.P!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Not directly relevant, but Rajjpuut would have gone to extraordinary measures to find a way to discuss Obama’s BIG LIE about the car (the economy) being driven into the ditch by Republicans in a footnote to the document. To wit . . . here’s the truth linked to the proof . . . .

** Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

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I got this in my e-mail from the HSLDA. I am a Homeschooler, and it sounds to me like the govt. is trying to control us again. Please write to your senators!Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,The U.S. Senate is scheduled to debate the DISCLOSE Act today, andhold an important procedural vote tomorrow. HSLDA believes this billwill hurt the free speech rights of organizations to inform citizensabout political issues.We have previously urged you tocall your representatives to oppose the DISCLOSE Act. Although theU.S. House of Representatives already passed this bill, the proposedlegislation has been stopped once in the Senate, thanks in part toyour calls. This is another attempt by Senate leadership to pass thisbill before the November elections.The DISCLOSE Act, S. 3628, places severe disclosure requirements oncorporations and organizations that decide to use corporate funds tomake statements about candidates for federal office. Organizationsthat use funds for campaign activities (such as taking out anadvertisement in a newspaper urging people to vote for a candidate whosupports the U.S. Constitution over international law) would have toinclude the names of everyone who has given over $600 to theorganization.The bill does not appear to apply to organizations such as HSLDAbecause we do not spend membership revenue on campaign activities, andwe only send political communications (such as endorsements of federalcandidates) to our membership. Additionally, the DISCLOSE Act does notapply to organizations that only engage in advocacy and do not getinvolved in political activity. However, we believe that the bill aswritten will create a chilling effect on free speech.Furthermore, this legislation may lead to even greater restrictions onthe free speech of organizations such as HSLDA in the future.Action RequestedPlease call your two U.S. senators right now and urge them to voteagainst the DISCLOSE Act. You can call the Capitol Switchboard at(202) 224-3121 or use HSLDA's Legislative Toolbox to find the name and contactinformation of your two U.S. senators. There is no need to identifyyourself as a homeschooler. You can make your message as simple as:"Please vote against S. 3628, the DISCLOSE Act. Congress should nottake away the free speech rights of organizations and corporationsthat are made up of ordinary American citizens."BackgroundCampaign finance reform is a complicated issue. While maintaining theintegrity of the campaign and election system is important, we believethat the DISCLOSE Act goes too far toward discouraging free speechthrough its imposition of severe disclosure requirements.The DISCLOSE Act, S. 3628, was intended to roll back the U.S. SupremeCourt's decision in Citizens United v. FEC. However, as stated above,the legislation places severe disclosure requirements on corporationsand organizations that decide to use corporate funds to makestatements about candidates for federal office. Organizations willhave to comply with onerous red tape and disclosure requirements,which will likely mean that they will cease to provide valuable andinformative statements on candidates and elections.To read more about HSLDA's concerns with the DISCLOSE Act, please seeour past updates about this bill at .Sincerely,Mike SmithHSLDA President
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10 Reasons to Reject Socialisam

10 Reasons to
Reject Socialism

By TFP Student Action
August 09, 2010

Copywrite © All rights reserved, ;(Posted by premission)

August 09, 2010

Why we must protect the family, private property
and America from the dangers of socialism

1. Socialism and communism are the same ideology

Communism is but an extreme form of socialism. From the ideological standpoint, there is no substantial difference between the two. In fact, the communist Soviet Union called itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991) and communist China, Cuba and Vietnam define themselves as socialist nations.

2. Socialism violates personal freedom

Socialism seeks to eliminate “injustice” by transferring rights and responsibilities from individuals and families to the State. In the process, socialism actually creates injustice. It destroys true liberty: the freedom to decide all matters that lie within our own competence and to follow the course shown by our reason, within the laws of morality, including the dictates of justice and charity.

3. Socialism violates human nature

Socialism is anti-natural. It destroys personal initiative – a fruit of our intellect and free will – and replaces it with State control. It tends to totalitarianism, with its government and police repression, wherever it is implemented.

4. Socialism violates private property

Socialism calls for “redistributing the wealth” by taking from the “rich” to give to the poor. It imposes taxes that punish those who have been able to take greater advantage of their productive talents, capacity to work or thrift. It uses taxation to promote economic and social egalitarianism, a goal that will be fully achieved, according to The Communist Manifesto, with the “abolition of private property."

5. Socialism opposes traditional marriage

Socialism sees no moral reason for people to restrict sex to marriage, that is, to an indissoluble union between a man and a woman. Furthermore, socialism undermines private property, which Friedrich Engels, founder of modern socialism and communism along with Karl Marx, saw as the foundation of traditional marriage.

6. Socialism opposes parental rights in education

Socialism has the State, and not parents, control the education of children. Almost from birth, children are to be handed over to public institutions, where they will be taught what the State wants, regardless of parental views. Evolution must be taught. School prayer must be forbidden.

7. Socialism promotes radical equality

A supposed absolute equality among men is the fundamental assumption of socialism. Therefore, it sees any inequality as unjust in itself. Private employers are quickly portrayed as “exploiters” whose profits really belong to their employees. As a consequence, they rule out the system of wage earning.

8. Socialism promotes atheism

Belief in God, who unlike us is infinite, omnipotent and omniscient, clashes head-on with the principle of absolute equality. Socialism therefore rejects the spiritual, claiming that only matter exists. God, the soul, and the next life are illusions according to socialism.

9. Socialism promotes relativism

For socialism there are no absolute truths or revealed morals that establish standards of conduct that apply to everyone, everywhere, and always. Everything evolves, including right and wrong, good and evil. There is no place for the Ten Commandments, neither in the private mind nor in the public square.

10. Socialism mocks religion

According to Karl Marx, religion is "the opium of the people." Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union, agreed: "Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man." ■

May God protect America from socialism.

For more information, visit:


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Application For Everyday Life

Application For Everyday Life

Goals in your personal life and business are often limited by your ability to effectively and efficiently communicate with the people that impact your world the most. Time, travel and cost all hinder the ability to meet face-to-face with people that have influence in your life. Whether family, friends, customers, or colleagues, you need to think creatively in order to keep these relationships going.
What if you could effectively communicate with the special people in your life without having to leave your home or office?
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Our Email, Live Conference and Live Presentation allow you the ability to instantly impact and dynamically interact with your family, friends, customers and colleagues through streaming video. Imagine sending a video email to a business prospect to confirm an appointment or thank them for their interest. The potential customer will see and hear your enthusiasm and experience an immediate connection, keeping you ahead of the competition. Follow up a video email by inviting customers to a Live Conference or Live Presentation to maximize everyone’s time by meeting in a virtual conference room.
We can also help you connect with long distance friends and family. Included with your basic account are numerous holiday and special occasion templates for sending a personalized video message on birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. Imagine the excitement of Mom and Dad when they receive a personal video anniversary wish from you in their email inbox. Use Our System to meet with friends online to plan upcoming social events or just to touch base periodically. The power of virtual face-to-face meetings will keep your relationships on solid ground.
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Tired of liberals apologizing for our country.

I am sick and tired of this leftist agenda apologizing for our country. I put on the uniform of this nation when people spit on us for defending and standing up for this nation and what it's stands for. I was proud then and always wear that uniform and died if asked for this nation and still today stand ready. My son is a Marine today that has served in Iraq and still serving. My family has been in the service of this nation for over 200 hundred years. I will be damned if I will stand by if everything we have fought with our blood, sweat and tears just be given away with a progressive socialist agenda. This nation was founded on a free market system, and personal freedom. This distribution of wealth and assets the democrats have in mind will not work. As an American that has served and been there when this nation called me I will not stand for this practice of socialism. The Soviet Union, China and Cuba proved this redistribution of wealth DOES NOT WORK. We need to stand up for states rights reduce this big conglomerate of federal government and take back or nation. We are Taxed Enough Already and need the government out of our lives and out of our free market system. Taek that crap to Russia or somewhere else.

Mark Barnette
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Propaganda Hides the Real Issues

I'm tired of it, aren't you? Photoshopped images of politicians we don't agree with can be funny, but they don't address any issues and often lead to someone believing something as a "fact" that is anything but. We need to be serious if we want to discover the truth. We need to do our own research before preaching things we hear from the media as gospel, even if it's media heads we think we can trust. We need to understand that some of the news is distraction reporting that keeps us from being informed about what is really going on. I understand there are strong feelings about the mosque, abortion, gay marriage, and marijuana legalization on both sides of these issues, but with elections coming up, the economy, healthcare issues, education issues, foreign policy (including immigration policy), political and corporate corruption, environmental issues, and two wars being fought, I think there are bigger issues that need to be addressed. Not saying that the former issues aren't important and don't need to be dealt with, but I don't feel like it's front page material right now. I beg you, let's not allow the politicians to get away with winning seats just because they agree with us on the more arbitrary issues.

Let us instead focus on the economy, energy, education, healthcare, military, and environmental policies. I believe there are many things that may help to improve both the infrastructure of our country and our economy that are not being considered seriously or debated seriously by our politicians/media/we the people. Today I want to discuss just one of those things that I feel should be considered/debated more seriously. I am not saying that we should jump head first into this and implement policies to do such right away, but I do believe serious discussion about this option, and others like it, is needed.

Now, I have heard from several engineers that there are potentially huge benefits in converting our general power source of large cities from coal & oil to nuclear power. In 2005 it was estimated that 40% of the nation's energy came from oil, 23% from coal, 23% from natural gas, 8.4% from nuclear power and 7.3% from renewable sources (such as wind, hydroelectric, etc.). By allocating government funding for the conversion of oil, coal, and natural gas plants to fail-safe nuclear plants we will be paying Americans to build facilities that will, in the long-term, save Americans money. With each facility that is built and operated, our fossil fuel consumption will drop, sending oil prices and dependency down. We all know that our oil money funds many of our enemies, even if it is inadvertently. I understand this will be a large fiscal responsibility, but this seems, to me, a reasonable way to spend what money we have to spend. It will provide jobs for hundreds of thousands of Americans directly and if we also buy the materials from American companies (steel, concrete, heavy equipment, etc.) it will provide millions of secure jobs for many years to come. These won't be low paying jobs either mind you. Indeed these will be secure, rewarding jobs for the American people and American companies, and when the work is complete, we will benefit again by having a steady supply of clean energy.

Having said what I've wanted to say, I implore you to express your opinions on the matter to both myself and others. First, I would like you to do some research on the matter. Here are some helpful links to get you started:, (U.S. Energy Information Administration), I can't wait to hear your diverse and unique opinions and when I do, I will respond with an updated post addressing your concerns and opinions with new information and citations of present information if needed. Thank you for your time.
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Rajjpuut's Folly: Used that Brain Lately?

Items of Interest for Thinking Americans
Item: According to pollsters at Rasmussen Reports, 43% of Americans believe that government programs increase poverty in the nation while just 22% of the nation’s likely-voting adults believe that those programs decrease poverty. 23% say they have no impact. 33% of all voters say the government anti-poverty programs are at least somewhat effective. 62% disagree and say they’re not effective. This includes 7% who believe the programs are Very Effective and 21% who say they are Not At All Effective.
Item: You GO, Arizona. They’ve done it again in Arizona where Proposition 106 (the Healthcare Freedom Act for Arizona) would amend the Arizona Constitution to prohibit any law from compelling any person, employer or health care provider to participate in any health care system, allow a person or employer to pay directly for lawful health care services without being penalized or fined, and allows health care providers to accept direct payment for lawful health care services without being penalized or fined. Besides Obamacare being a mad law in a multitude of ways and increasing the National Debt it’s horrifically complicated and creates 388 brand new federal agencies or offices. Yeah, Arizona!
Item: the recently defeated Defense Funding Bill had provisions about illegal aliens; openly homosexual behavior in the armed forces; and abortion . . . wonder if there was anything in there about the military’s budget?
Item: According to Rasmussen, 52% of Likely U.S. Voters say their own views are closer to Sarah Palin’s than they are to President Obama’s, while only 40% say their views are closer to the president’s than to those of the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate. Within the Political Class, however, 68% say their views are more like Obama’s, while 63% of Mainstream voters describe their own views as more like Palin’s.
Eighty-four percent (84%) of Republicans and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party say their views are more like Palin’s. Eighty-one percent (81%) of Democrats say they think more like the president. White House Press secretary Robert Gibbs last week said Palin is perhaps “the most formidable force in the Republican Party right now,” but just 22% of all voters agree. Fifty-two percent (52%) do not believe Palin is the party’s most formidable force. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren’t sure.
Item: bumper stickers on a hybrid-electric car . . . “Save the polar bears, stop global warming” and “Don’t vote, it just encourages the bums” Sounds like the Dems are praying for a very light turnout . . . perhaps the bears will save them?
Item: Barack Obama’s aunt from Kenya, an illegal alien for several years, claims the U.S. now owes her an American citizenship.
Item: 50% of Americans give Obama a “poor” rating on economic issues, according to Rasmussen while 35% rate his performance on jobs and the economy as either excellent or good. 71% of Americans say the best way to create jobs is to cut taxes while only 17% prefer increased government spending as the best way to create jobs. In another poll, 61% of Americans want Obamacare repealed with 56% saying it will be bad for the country and 61% saying it will increase federal deficits and the national debt.
Item: Because of the new Obamacare regulations beginning to kick in or threatening to kick in by 2014, some insurance companies have dropped child coverage . . . which would soon be mandated till age 26 under their parents’ carrier by Obamacare and would even be required regardless of pre-existing circumstances no matter if the parents waited until their children were sick before signing up for coverage.
Item: Ever heard the term “shovel-ready?” The stimulus bill that funded a lot of $10,000 “your stimulus dollars at work” signs, liberal art projects and esoteric research grants immediately, but which was supposed to quickly get the country back to work with shovel-ready projects has apparently set up an almost impenetrable red-tape obstacle course for legitimate businesses seeking stimulus funds. Many reports exist of would-be employers spending a year or more seeking to clear legal hurdles thrown up before them to prevent their hiring of new people and receiving stimulus funds.
Item: Reports that officially the recession ended in May, 2009, appear to have been greatly exaggerated since the country’s lost more jobs than it created during the ensuing fifteen months.
Item: 56% of the HOPE-benefitted students (Helping Outstanding Students Educationally) did NOT need any financial help in Georgia (the originating state) and across the country and not surprisingly, HOPE programs are running out of money without helping very many needy students.
Item: Medical marijuana has caused police departments across the nation huge problems deciding who’s legal and who’s not and even who’s a dealer and who’s not.
Item: Remember Rachel Carson’s ecological disaster, ‘er ecological masterpiece Silent Spring? The sixty million malaria deaths that have occurred each year since DDT was banned (in 1971 only 43,000 deaths worldwide from Malaria occurred, today two million die from malaria annually) despite the paucity of scientific evidence (which actually amounts to zero scientific evidence) she provided have got scientists debating the virtue of a world without mosquitoes. Most say their environments might “hiccup” and then go on as normal. How do you kill several dozen TRillion of something? They’re working on it . . . . Rajjpuut suggests that mosquitoes, damn them, play an important role in pollination. The males (which don’t bite) are nectar drinkers and the scientists should know that. Kill ‘em, kill a lot of ‘em and prevent malaria and the other eight awful diseases they carry, but don’t go too far.
Item: President Obama recently denied that he and his administration have repeatedly vilified business and denied that Americans are growing frustrated with his job performance but he did it in a very strange way . . . “IF I was green or I was purple, people are still going to be upset if they have no job or they’re losing their home; we’ve done everything we could to buck up businesses.” Hmmmmm besides his grammar mistake . . . what exactly has the president’s color got to do with the economy? Somebody send the “too-cerebral” Barack a book on the subjunctive and remind him, that despite his much ballyhooed “post-racial presidency,” everything in this country is NOT related to someone’s skin color. And NO, MR. PRESIDENT, taking over businesses is NOT the same as bucking them up.
Item: The “Dream Bill” to benefit illegal aliens and “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell” repeal amendments within the Obama defense budget proposal were rejected again today, both for the umpteenth time. There seems to be no statute of limitations for relief from facing ill-conceived laws.
Item: Why is it that no conservatives or Republicans ever mentions that 4.2% of Blacks voted for McCain and 48% of Whites voted for Obama (more than and a higher percentage than either Kerry or Gore received) when racism is implied as something that Whites only are guilty of?
Item: Some Republicans are coming to the rescue of Ms. Christine O’Donnell their Delaware senate nominee recently lambasted by Karl Rove and others. It seems to Ol’ Rajjpuut that Rove’s got it right and that Mr. Castle (whom O’Donnell defeated) was preferable to a one-time witch and an admitted present-time Marxist (Coombs, her Democratic opponent) . . . good work TEA Party Express.
Item: Obama’s still telling his “car in the ditch” lie . . . why don’t conservatives or Republicans remind the Democrats that with their help and ACORN’s abuse and 30 years of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee law and its expansions they took the country from ¼ of 1 percent bad home loans to 34% of all home loans being fiscally-irresponsible and granted at less than 3% down payment . . . why not remind progressives and Democrats that they created the sub-prime lending crisis and Obama’s treasury secretary recently said that without G.W. Bush’s 2007 law the recession would have been much deeper and home prices would have plummeted . . . why is this never mentioned?
Item: the Democrats and Obama Administration have made a big deal about them being behind “extending the Obama tax-cuts to the middle-class” while the Republicans, they say, want tax-cuts for millionaires. FACT CHECK. It is impossible to extend what doesn’t exist. There are no “Obama tax cuts for the middle-class” being presently discussed; the cuts in question are about nine years old now and were created by the Bush administration. Secondly, the Republicans want to extend tax-cuts to 100% of Americans while Obama wants to raise taxes on the job providers, the vast majority of which are not millionaires but rather individuals earning more than $200,000 or couples earning more than $500,000. Meanwhile Mr. Obama and his administration have pointedly refused to bring up legislation to extend his stimulus bill’s “Making Work Pay Tax Credit” which provided individuals up to $400 and couples up to $800 in credits from their withholding. If anything could be called an “Obama middle-class tax cut” that would have been it. But the Administration has pointedly NOT created a budget this year and any MWPTC tax cut extension would either have to be passed within the overall budget or raised as a separate item . . . which the Dems have also pointedly decided NOT to do thus far. Whatever names you call them by, eliminating such programs amounts to a willful tax increase which is a monstrously bad idea during a recession, much less a severe recession.
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Democratic Party turned me into a Republican

I have always considered myself to be an independent voter. I have never voted strictly along a party line before. The actions of the Democratic Party and the Representatives who voted against the wishes of the people they represent have proven to me I can never trust them to truly represent me. I will NEVER vote for a Democratic candidate in any election at any level for the rest of my life. I am not saying I will always vote for the Republican candidate, but I will never again vote for a Democrat. I urge everyone to do the same in November
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The Full Truth and Nothing but the Truth

I’m a nonconforming, anti-religious, independent. For my birthday, I asked my wife to give me a new Scofield Reference Bible. Her’s, given to her when she was a small child, is falling apart. When she was a girl, my wife was very religious. After 30 years with me, she’s a nonconforming, anti-religious, independent. She knew why I wanted a new Bible. We are as one. I’ve taken note that some bloggers here write about their woes and ask for advice. Misery loves company. I write about how I’ve solved my woes. Few read my blogs and few comment.I opened my beautiful new Scofield Study Bible, printed by The Oxford Press (larger than the Reference Bible, the print bigger), to the first book of the New Testament, “The Gospel According to St. Matthew.” Chapter 2, “Visit of the Magi,” tells about three “wise men,” astrologers from Persia, being led by the Star of Bethlehem to the birthplace of Jesus, and how King Herod reacted when he was not informed of the whereabouts of the Christ Child, so he could destroy this prophesized “King of Jews.” He had all the babies in the area under age two killed. That sounds about right. The more power one has, the less one thinks about others. Chairman Mao was heard to say that China had millions of Chinese to spare. We’ve got advisors to President Obama who believe the same as Mao. Birds of a feather flock together.After Herod died, Joseph and Mary returned with Jesus to Herod’s former kingdom. Jesus began his earthly mission, I read in Matthew, after he faced three temptations placed before him by Satin. The first, if he be the Son of God, to turn a stone in a loaf of bread. Jesus: “Man shall not live by bread alone;” the second, to jump off the highest pinnacle of the temple, Jesus: “Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God;” the third, to fall down and worship Satin and in return be given the whole world: Jesus: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thy worship.”I have no problem with Jesus’ response. The problem I have is just exactly who to believe this so-called Son of God is.Reading on, I find that after Jesus gathered his twelve disciples, he and his disciples, along with a mass of followers, climbed a hill and Jesus delivered The sermon on the mount, starting with, Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. After reading the entire sermon, I didn’t have a problem with Jesus’ sermon. We can never come up to all that we are meant to be, but it doesn’t hurt to shoot for the highest of principles and values, as written in The Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution. Why do we need to sacrifice those high principles and values for a rule of law that steals our sweat and empowers the intelligentsia, in the name of social justice. Does this end justify the means? I was born with reason. What makes another’s reason for me better than my own? I was not born for social justice. I’m not a machine. I don’t have hive mentality. I have a mind capable of unlimited expansion. President Obama, you’ve got a big problem: nature.President Obama says our Constitution is flawed. He says he is going to transform America. He speaks of “collective salvation.” I’ve never gotten President Obama’s ideas in the Bible or in the U. S. Constitution. I get all of President Obama’s ideas from Marxism—and in Kenya’s communist ideas, and from President Obama’s advisors and czars. Knowing what too much power does to people, I wonder what President Obama has in mind. He surely knows his stands are not at all good for his Democratic Party. It appears that President Obama doesn’t worry about losing the mid-term election; that he doesn’t feel he needs Congress to implement his agenda. I’ve not heard anyone say where President Obama’s power ends, and least of all his attorney general, who refuses to abide by the law. I heard one of President Obama’s czars say that power comes from the end of a gun. I’ve heard much about redistributive justice from President Obama. I’ve not read it in the law.The woes I’m hearing are a drop in the bucket. It was going from a swamp to a super highway when I departed my old life in 1975. Today my life is as good as it gets. The change that put me on the high road to destiny was something I’ve never heard the “woe-is-me” of this society even hint. I invite them to read my blogs, telling of how I went from my world of despair to finding my bliss.It began, of all things, by my personal attack on Uncle Sam in 1975. And guess who won the battle? On December 1, 1986, the headlines read: “Taxpayer wages 11-year feud with IRS.” “The IRS said the error was caused by confusion over what Smith and his ex-wife individually owed in 1974, the year they were divorced.”“But on Oct. 23, 1986 he said (IRS’ Euringer said to the Post), concerning an IRS revenue agent who came to his door (my door) demanding that he (I) pay $3,180 in assessments, interest and penalties owed on his (my) 1974 taxes. . . Action wasn’t long in coming. On Nov. 5, the IRS issued a notice to Barnett Bank of Palm Beach saying it wanted the $960 in Smith’s bank . . .Euringer said the Nov. 5 bank account levy was a mistake.”The IRS wrote my current wife, Karen Meredith Smith, a letter stating that she owed over $35,000 in tax, penalty and interest, and that if she didn’t pay it immediately the IRS was permitted, among other things, to take our home and sell it for back taxes. The letter was addressed Karen Meredith, my wife’s name before we were married. The envelope it came in was addressed to Karen Smith. The letter came from the same office in Portland, Oregon, that was confused over what my ex-wife and I owed.With regard to IRS “mistakes,” The Palm Beach Post headlines on September 21, 1997: “Senate hearing to deduce IRS’ alleged ‘reign of terror.’ The Finance Committee will hear from hooded witnesses who will testify to persistent and pervasive abuse of taxpayers.” Our representatives are so worried about we taxpayers that they are still trying to figure out what to do to stop the abuse. Anything they come up with would hurt the needy. In the meanwhile the national debt soars uncontrolled. The needy are more important than taxpayers being taken by the IRS, more important than a balanced budget. Why?While the American people have been terribly concerned over their personal woes, the wolf has been devouring them.Jesus said: “Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon. And whoso shall swear by the temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein. And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon. Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! . . . Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. . . Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you. Ye shall not see me henceforth, till you shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” And that prophecy became a fact. Twenty years after Christ was crucified, the Romans tore down the temple and carried of the Jews to Rome as slaves. And what does Matthew say?“Then if any man shall say unto you Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; inasmuch that, if it were possible , they shall deceive the very elect. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”All of my life I’ve listened to spin doctors distorting the truth to their benefit. On the first day of my second life, Good Friday, 1975, commemorating the day my Redeemer was crucified, yes, Jesus gave his life that I might have mine, and a good life it became after I discovered the truth: my Lord exists in me, I know, and nobody knows that but me.Jesus left for the high and mighty this message: “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.”Pass this on to President Obama and those Muslim losers he’s placating: on earth as it is in heaven. Who is this “Allah?” He was borrowed from some minor religious group. From the outset, it was a means of control. Jesus told us there shall arise false Christs. It’s a all there. In truth the religious have been led to a fool’s paradise.“The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not been born.”Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. We are going to at last find out who the Son of man is, and what he is about.
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As I See It

I'm new to the "TeaParty" But so far what I've read about the organization they seem to believe in many of the same "CORE" issues that I believe of the biggest problems facing our nation is out-sourcing and illeagal immigrants taking the So-Called jobs that we don't want here in the United States.In this economy I would say we need every job we can find.I live in Cumberland county Tennessee, far from 'The Border', and the immigration problem has taken its toll on not only my business but my friends as well.

I hear alot about 'Immigration Reform' but I think that is just another term for 'Amnesty', my question in that regard is "How does giving citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants going to help? wouldn't instead ad to the problem here in the United States?- The thing about it is the jobs that these people are taking are not 'Jobs We Don't Want', we do want them and further more they are 'Jobs We Need'. But the 'Jobs-problem' we have is not limited to 'Immigrants' taking jobs we need here; There is also the issue of 'Out-Sourcing',sending work we need over seas.

The manufacturing sector of this country is in shambles, reminessant of a 'Ghost-Town' if you ask me; A close look at 'Detroit' and the surrounding area will verify that.The auto industry is just one.all you have to do is look at the cars you see arround you. In other words how many 'American-made' cars do you see and how many of them are from 'American' companies?- Better yet instead of looking at cars just look at your 'Shirt-Tag'

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Rajjpuut's Folly: Like to Make Some Easy Money?

“. . . except for rare awards such as MLK’s in 1964 and Mother Teresa’s in 1979, the Nobel Peace Prize doesn’t have anything to do with peace . . . . It’s simply a way that the relatively IMPOTENT Scandinavians can try to push their political views on the rest of the world . . . to date, five progressive U.S. Presidents have won the Nobel Peace Prize but no conservative or moderate presidents have although the progressives have got us into a lot more wars and a lot bigger wars . . .”

Predicting the Next Nobel Peace Prize

Winner for Fun and Profit

A great philosophical question to ponder is this, why is so much of the world so interested in progressive American Presidents? Progressive American presidents tend to be the most popular beyond our shores and only Progressives have ever won the Nobel Peace Prize. What’s that all about? What’s the connection?

Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite one of the greatest inventions in man’s history and one that’s saved a lot of trouble in the mining and construction industries, was appalled when the invention that made him rich was also used in munitions (the material of warfare). Actually, that’s not true . . . that’s just the story. What is the truth?

We’ve all seen those old west movies where they’re transporting nitroglycerin in bottles and everybody’s having a nervous fit . . . basically by combining sawdust, sort of, with nitroglycerine, Nobel made a fortune from dynamite which he invented in 1867. And once it was fully evolved, it made him a whole ship-load more. TNT (which was created by a German chemist, only four years earlier in 1963, was first created as a yellow-dye SURPRISE BOOM!) is even today taken around the world as the gold-standard when it comes to measuring explosive power. Dynamite, Nobel’s invention of a solid form of nitroglycerin is actually 60% more powerful than TNT. But TNT is more compatible with bombs and artillery shells so the myth dies there. Nobel did amass a fortune, however, the result of roughly 360 inventions during his lifetime.

What really happened is that the ever-responsible press in the northern latitudes didn’t understand and realize the difference between TNT and dynamite and excoriated Nobel, getting older, relentlessly. One newspaper took a mistaken report of Nobel’s death and wrote his obituary in 1888, titled Merchant of Death Dies. This falsehood so upset Nobel that he provided for the Nobel Prizes in his will. Thus Nobel created the fund which still exists today and which still awards the various Nobel Prizes.

Today, the Nobel Prizes for Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Literature and Peace are perhaps the most famous prizes granted human beings anywhere on the planet. The “mathematics prize” actually does NOT exist but several times mathematicians and game theorists have been awarded an economics or other Nobel Prize in recognition of their great works. American John Forbes Nash, subject of the biography and fictionalized version of the biography made into the movie A Beautiful Mind, shared an economics Nobel Prize in 1994. And then we come to the Nobel Peace Prize and the pure Nobel Economics Prize. First a paragraph on the prize in economics to set the scene . . . .

When issued as a pure economics award, the Nobel Prize is a pile of horse pucky. All the pure Economics that’s ever been worth printing is found here:**

but the IMPURE economics that wins the Nobel Prize when they’re not giving it to deserving mathematicians is some variation of Keynesian economics. At last count there were at least 80 versions of Keynesian economic models out there. This is very reminiscent of the numerous contortions the geo-centric astronomers created to buck up the Church’s geo-centric dogma that the whole universe rotated around the earth . . . when a simpler and more effective and demonstrably true model (the earth and other planets in the solar system all orbit the sun: the helio-centric model) was rediscovered (the ancient Greeks knew about it and that the earth spun on its axis once a day) all the useless curlicues and retro-orbits disappeared immediately. Keynesian economics is utterly popular but Classical (TRUE) economics is not. Keynesian economic allows governments to pretend they can play around with our money and do great things including saving the day from economic crisis. Of course, the truth is that government interference is 99.9% of the time the cause of economic crisis and a sure recipe for economic disaster . . . such as thirty years of forced loans from five U.S. government laws that multiplied bad home loans in the U.S. 133 times from 1975 (1 in 404) to 2005 (34 in 100). So the economics prize is largely B.S., what about the Peace Prize and how might I make money from it?

The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the biggest lies ever created. When Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 he was the odds-on recipient that year, but his name was quietly dropped off the list. Gandhi never got the award but was the inspiration for Martin Luther King, Jr. who did. In fact except for rare awards such as MLK’s in 1964 and Mother Teresa’s in 1979, the Nobel Peace Prize doesn’t have anything to do with peace usually. It’s simply a way that the relatively IMPOTENT Scandinavians can try to push their political views on the rest of the world.

To date, five progressive U.S. Presidents and near presidents have won the Nobel Peace Prize but no conservative or moderate presidents have^^ . . . Teddy Roosevelt in 1906; Woodrow Wilson in 1919; Jimmy Carter in 2002; Al Gore in 2007; and Barack Obama in 2009. Of these only one, Teddy Roosevelt, actually succeeded in any lasting peace attempt . . . negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. The rest have been abject failures and/or have won the award for some other ridiculous purpose. Certainly Carter has not brought any lasting peace of note; Gore’s science is disproven and had nothing to do with peace; and Obama got his for being elected president despite being half-Black. If we add in the prize won by Cordell Hull in 1945, the story becomes complete.

Cordell Hull was the long-serving (eleven years) Secretary of State under Franklin Delano Roosevelt and was given the award for ostensibly being a “co-initiator of the United Nations.” If Roosevelt had lived a bit longer, chances are that award would have been his or his shared with Hull. So the pattern is clear. The folks in Norway and Sweden (the Peace prize is awarded separately in Oslo, Norway not in Stockholm) are real big on progressivistic socialism and are one-worlders. Anytime an American President spreads American money and American effort toward those kinds of goals, that progressive president is very likely to become a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Of course such American lavishness with money is always popular all over the world, not just in Scandinavia.

So who can you put your money on? Only once has the award been given twice to the same person, once. The Scandinavians would love to give it to Barack again, but it’s really unlikely. That leaves progressive Bill Clinton. One small problem if they award the Peace Prize for his efforts in Haiti, they’d have to split the award with George W. Bush and pigs’ll fly before that ever happens. So the best bet over the next few years will be Bill Clinton for his “lifetime body of work” referring to what he did as president and for negotiating with North Korea for prisoner release, etc. Billy Boy is right now doing everything he possibly can to build his legacy up to Nobel Peace Prize status . . . he’s a progressive and he knows how the game is played. Be smart, take at least ten or twelve to one odds, but it’s a very good bet . . . if Slick Willy can get his name involved in just one more such enterprise (perhaps his "Clinton Global Initiative" will do the trick for him?) he's got to be no worse than 2/1 against. That's a bet Rajjpuut would expect to win while deploring the winner all the way to the bank . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** This is where all the mathematical models spring from and it’s a valid source of solid economic theories.

^^ of course, the progressives are far more likely to get us into wars. Wilson, was classic, he ran for a second term on the slogan “He kept us out of war” but within a month of his victory inauguration, had deliberately put us into World War I.

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Obama Wants Specifics for Reducing Spending

September 21, 2010

President Obama said it takes more than just cutting spending. He challenged the Tea Party to give some specifics. I’m all for it. Here are my contributions.

If I were in Congress I would work hard with all colleagues to:

1. Immediately reset the salaries, expense allowances and benefits of all elected officials back to the 1960 level and freeze them for ten years. Include in the required legislation the requirement for the legislatures to have to vote unanimously for salary or benefits increases.

2. Pass legislation setting term limits for Representatives and senators to two consecutive terms effective with those elected in 2010.

3. Seek to pass legislation to require a balanced budget to be effective in 2012. Simultaneously start a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget except during a declared war.

4. Pass legislation abolishing retirement benefits for Representatives and senators effective with those elected in 2010. The Founders never intended representatives and senators to be career positions.

5. Pass legislation decertifying all Unions representing civil service (public sector) employees, forbidding collective bargaining for civil service employees and designate the Civil Service Commission as the ombudsman for civil service employees. Also convert Civil Service employee retirement plans to 401K retirement plans.

6. Immediately reset the average civil service salaries, benefits, allowances, etc to the same level as the national average of the non-government workforce excluding the organized labor contracts.

7. Immediately abolish all departments, agencies, panels and commissions, established in the executive branch after the creation of the Department of Home Land Security including all paid Government employment positions also established. Transfer all duties of abolished positions to the previous department that should have been handling them.

8. Revise procurement regulations to limit labor and executive compensation on government contracts to not more than two percent above national averages. Also limit net profits to not more than 10%.

9. Revise procurement regulations to require all cost plus contracts to be incentive fee type. Performance evaluation teams to be composed of members from a different facility and having expertise similar to that required by the purpose of the contract.

10. Pass legislation barring Lobbyists from congress and also barring the practice of earmarks.

11. Seek a constitutional amendment to limit the congressional sessions to a maximum of six months in a calendar year. In addition limit Executive Branch cabinet or Judicial Branch recess appointments to filling vacancies that occur during the congressional recess. All recess appointments will be subject to Congressional confirmation during the next congressional session. If the Congress fails to act, the recess appointment will be permanent.

12. Pass legislation to bar any changes to the executive branch organization without congressional consent and oversight.

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Restoring the American Dream
What’s needed? The big picture: Restoration in two areas, change in three . . . .
1) Restoration of the U.S. Constitution is crucial.
We mean the power of the states, the power of individual Americans, the Bill of Rights and especially the Bill of Rights’ 10th Amendment to the Constitution must be restored. America has lost its character as a land of freedom and opportunity largely because of willful expansions of the power of government at the expense of the States and the individuals. It is because of this long-standing abuse that . . .
2) Restoration of fiscal sanity and integrity is necessary.
The Economy is the key issue for 2010 and to any thinking person must remains so at least until 2020. To be precise here’s the present situation, these are the problem areas:
A. Our real unemployment is about 18% if everybody who’s given up looking for work is added in to those on the official no-job count.
B. Our present National Debt stands at $14 TRillion.
C. Unfunded obligations of the U.S. Government in Medicare, Social Security and the federal side of Medicaid are almost $112 TRillion. If unfunded Welfare payments over the next 40 years are calculated and added in . . . then the total of unfunded liabilities for the United States amounts to roughly six times the total Gross Domestic Product of the entire world.
D. Our economy is growing very slowly: at the rate of a typical third-world nation.
E. We don’t have nearly the manufacturing base we had in 1970.
F. We have willfully handicapped the nation in matters of energy and particularly use of coal, oil and other fossil fuels.
G. Much of our outstanding debt is owed to nations which are not properly speaking allies or friends of America.
H. Our people are overtaxed; the government spends too much and too unwisely; and the government is involved in thousands of places where government has no business being involved.
I. Our businesses find friendlier environments for expansion in other countries than they do here in the United States and foreign investment is similarly repelled.
J. Our government has created a whole new “expensive and expansive political class” which ignores the will of the people and whose main purpose seems to be the advancement of issues favorable to the political class itself.
K. Our states are being forced into bankruptcy by the penison plans of government workers; and by the burdens commanded them by big federal government (for example the new Obamacare will bankrupt all the states between 2018 and 2024 because of the shift in Medicaid responsibility) and all of them are either functionally bankrupt now are will be within fifteen years.
L. Government has become the enemy of business and especially small business. “Too big to fail” means that the taxes upon small business and medium-sized business will forever prop up big companies which take unreasonable risks . . . we are privatizing the success of big companies and penalizing the public for their failures. Beyond issues of fairness and policing corporate good-citizenship, government needs to get out of the private sector.
The specifics, What exactly must be done?
I. Between 2012-2020 cut total overall federal spending by 50%; defense budget; border protection and homeland security spending by 40%; spending in most other areas by 55%.
II. Between 2012-2018 cut all taxes other than income taxes by 45%
III. Create a simplified new income tax beginning with 5% taxes for those single earners who earn less than $100,000 up to 20% taxes for single-earners making $1 million or more and married earners making $1,200,000 or more. Eliminate all “deductions” and loopholes except deductions for spouses and children and property taxes. Permanently establish inheritance tax at 10% for estates worth more than $300,000 and at 5% for all other estates. Simplify the personal tax code so that anyone with a 10th grade education can understand and easily comply with it . . . maximum of 60 pages 12-pt. type.
IV. Defund, repeal and replace Obamacare with a simplified program based largely upon a) tort reform aimed at cutting malpractice awards by 50% and malpractice insurance by 50% b) preventive medical intervention and screening based upon lifestyle improvement and the 7 Golden Rules of Health c) placing the Center for Disease Control and a 10% increased budget in charge of educating and informing the public about item b d) cutting iatrogenic deaths, illnesses and injuries by 80% based upon a uniform “checklist” created for nurses and doctors based upon individual patient problems and by moving 75% of the most dangerous drugs already approved by the FDA onto special “superwatch” lists and cleaning up the corruption in the FDA that permits such dangerous drugs to be approved in the first place e) instituting a new policy at the FDA that drugs which merely treat symptoms have 300% tougher approval restrictions than drugs that actually cure ailments
V. Forbid cap and trade laws for pollution and cap and trade businesses and exchanges. After 2018, gather real scientists and fund them to really investigate the history of the earth’s temperature variation over the three million years and to evaluate the reality of a) man’s contribution to temperature change up or down; and b) the nature of any changes in temperature over the last 10,000 years and the relative contribution of nature and man’s cultural contribution to those changes.
VI. Each new bill must pass a “TEA Party audit” for Constitutionality. Each proposed bill needs to deal with only one area of influence and must show specifically which of the 17 named powers of the federal government in the United States Constitution creates the power for the federal government to pass such a law. No amendments are allowed during the original passage of a bill, all bills must be rewritten totally and comply with items VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X on this page.
VII. Each bill must avoid all earmarks or other variations from the bill’s main purpose.
VIII. No bill may require more than 100 total pages.
IX. Each bill must be printed in a voter-straightforward language condensation reviewable for one week (on the internet?) prior to voting on the bill of no more than five pages in total length. A voter 20 question test on the bill will be similarly provided.
X. A provisional budget created by the leaders of both chambers of the congress must be passed not later than April 15 of each calendar year; and no new bills may be entered into congress until the provisional budget is passed by 66.67% majority in both chambers.
XI. No legislator will be eligible to vote on the bill who doesn’t pass the voter 20-question test with a 90% or better.
XII. No legislator may sponsor any bill until he’s served at least one year in the House or two years in the senate.
XIII. Pay down the National Debt beginning in 2016 for as long as necessary at the rate of 6% per year or more.
XIV. Require that every year by June 30, a federal budget be passed by 66.67% majority. Failure to pass such a budget means that congress doesn’t get paid; is required to continue in session until such a budget is passed;and each member will be fined 1/24 of last year’s income until such a passage occurs.
XV. Pass a balanced budget amendment requiring that every year (except during TRUE emergencies or when paying down the National Debt) a 1% budget surplus be required in the federal budget.
XVI. Pass an all-of-the-above energy policy which rewards with start-up tax breaks and credits research into alternative energy sources but which has the federal government rewarding the building of refineries; drilling for oil and natural gas and mining of coal; and building of nuclear power plants in safe and responsible fashion.
XVII. Do the “TEA Party Audit” on all government agencies for constitutionality, etc., etc. Engage a “Blue Ribbon Panel to audit the entire federal government for agencies and programs that are not constitutional; as well as wasteful, duplicative, ineffective, corrupt, or better left to state, county, and local authorities or to individual free will.
XVIII. Eliminate all pay and budgets for “Czar”-type appointees as well as all power to control any facet of American life. If a candidate for appointed office cannot be vetted and approved of by the FBI and the senate for a cabinet or sub-cabinet level position, they may visit the White House only once a year in an “advisory” role.
XIX. No members of the Communist Party or similar organizations may serve in any federal government position other than a civil service job for which they’ve passed an appropriate test.
XX. No bill may employ a euphemistic title using words such as “reform,” “improvement,” etc. unless the leaders of both parties deem the title worthy. In other words if a bill is a change but at least one major party does NOT believe it’s a reform, etc. it may not be labeled as such. The purpose of this provision is to encourage bi-partisan cooperation.
XXI. The Department of Education be reduced in scope to 3% of its 2010 level of budgeting and personnel. 60% of all savings from these reductions will be included in the yearly federal education budget every year into perpetuity.
XXII. Federal money returned to the states for education be provisional (20%) on new less-binding tenure for all teachers based upon demonstrated competence over five years. And Federal money to states for education will be based upon (80%-80%+) competence in students passing federally created and mandated tests every other year. Satisfactory passage means 80% funding; outstanding passage (for say 20%) means an additional 10% funding to excellent schools. Private schools which comply on 5-year tenure and take the test and pass are eligible for 10% funding.
XXIII. No terrorists caught outside the United States regardless of nationality shall have any rights beyond a highly reduced Geneva Accords guarantee of freedom from abuse. Questioning by appropriate U.S. government agencies for up to one month before official charges are filed is allowed. Any American caught in a terrorist act or any foreigner so arrested faces a maximum penalty of death regardless of the success or failure of the act.
XXIV. Any American violating willfully the civil rights of any person, American or foreign, by abusing provision XXIII shall face a maximum penalty of up to 20 years inprisonment.
XXV. Change the present term limits and change the retirement plans of congress. Maximum for Supreme Court Judges: 32 years or the age of 80 whichever comes first. Maximum for senators 12 years. Maximum for representatives twelve years. Combined Maximum in congress 18 years. Maximum retirement annual pension 25% (of the present maximum).
XXVI. Change congress to a part time activity meeting no more than 28-32 weeks per year; never meeting (except in TRUE emergency sessions) between November 1st and January 15th.
XXVII. Change the passage requirements of bills in the House beginning 2018 to 3/5 (60%) majority; and of bills in the senate to 2/3 (66.67%) majority and for minor adjustment of financial bills to 55% by both chambers.
XXVIII. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression shall be modified to encourage responsible speech. To wit: any person who’s speech can be judged by a jury of his peers to be highly irresponsible and to serve no useful communicative purpose and no other logical result (intended or otherwise) but to hurt, anger, endanger, defraud, villify, inflame, or cause emotional distress to others is guilty of “reckless speech” or “reckless expression” and punished as the law will allow up to a maximum of three months in jail for a first offense.
Examples: Crying “fire” in a crowded public place where no danger exists. Most instances of so-called “fighting words” uttered in hate, haste or anger. Most “hateful” demonstrations at funerals. Most burning of or damaging of the American flag, the Bible, the sacred texts or flags of other cultures. Most burning of effigies. Actions like creating fires in public places; overturning cars or smashing cars; etc. So-called “practical jokes” or similar acts which endanger individual or public safety. Much higher standards are required for speech or expression aimed against the states or federal government or public officials, but reckless speech and reckless expression are a danger to to the public and will NOT be allowed.
XXIX. Reasonable free speech and free expression is NOT to be abridged by abuse of new law and any persons found guilty of attempting to limit reasonable free speech or reasonable free expression will serve a minimum of one year in prison.
XXX. A combined Inspector General Six-Year Review of these policies shall be done in 2018 requiring not more than 45 days. Based upon the results of that review, a new Six-year plan based upon the need to restore the constitution and fiscal sanity shall be created or the present plan shall be judged a success and continued.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** Here’s a reprint of Rajjpuut’s Folly shortly after Obamacare was passed on Christmas Eve last year revealing the Seven Golden Rules of Health . . . .
December 24, 2009 - 3:51pm - by A1Rajjpuut
Today we'll concentrate upon one of the greatest health care entities ever created: the Seven Golden Rules of Health. However, to put things in perspective, let’s quickly touch upon the evils of recent history: that evil monstrosity called Obamacare which has just passed the senate. Now the two legislative branches will attempt to create a more evil combo between them sometime after the new year begins. What’s wrong with this picture?
1. It completely ignores the single most valuable piece of health care advice ever given “First do no harm.”
2. It completely ignores the most valuable health research results ever achieved (the Lester Breslow ten-year UCLA study of vigorous older people) and Rajjpuut’s 7 Golden Rules of health that were extracted from it.
3. Trillions of dollars of new taxes will now be added over the coming years.
4. No program to return Americans to fitness, health and better quality lives.
5. Brand new federal bureaucracy established with 388 new agencies or offices created (almost 10 times what FDR did in 12 years).
6. Lying assumptions were required to get the bill “approved” by the CBO.
7. Huge corrupt buyouts of individual senators were required to get the votes to pass it.
8. It does nothing to address the underlying health care mess financial mess in the country.
9. It does everything to exacerbate the country’s present financial ills and unemployment problem.
10. Of Rajjpuut’s 44 points needing reform, Obamacare only addresses one (infant mortality) and does not address it well but avoids the key issues because of the liberal agenda of the proposers.
11. It keeps the inept FDA in place and doing sloppy business as usual.
12. It allows the politicians on both sides of the aisle to pretend that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security (the three grand GSBs “government spending boondoggles created by the left) have not bankrupted the country and that they do not right now owe $112 TRillion in debt and obligations that cannot be paid.
13. It allows them to create another entitlement entity based upon promises that will NOT be kept such as the cuts in Medicare and the cuts to physicians and hospitals written into the bill – promises they will not keep as history tells us.
15. It creates another “set-aside” entity from which the left can rob the country by refusing to honor the “iron-clad” set aside provisions as they’ve already bankrupted us with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
16. It adds another level of power and control (now adding 16% of the economy) to the already too massive federal government and moving us more surely to abject Marxist -style socialism.
17. The bill and the process it was achieved under are all unconstitutional.
18. The bill has a provision for establishing oversight committees for Medicare that, as set up presently, would not allow itself to ever be abolished (perhaps the most heinous part of an heinous process and heinous bit of legislation).
19. No one yet has read all of the house or senate bills finally passed.
Let us now return to happier subjects: Interested in adding 35 years of high quality living to your lifespan?
Here's how, and here's WOW!*
If anything beside the spendthrifts in Washington, D.C., can derail the American Dream, it's the ever increasing cost of health care both to the nation at large and to the individual. Roughly 77% of the price of a new American automobile is tied up in employee salary and benefits, especially health care. This is why it’s so difficult to compete with foreign automobile offerings. This health issue then is of great national interest; but in a very real sense, good health is a very personal matter . . . as the "Spider Man" movies remind us: "With great power comes great responsibility," and you, the individual, certainly wield immense power in the battle for your own health, fitness, longevity and in avoiding high health care costs.
While working as a health educator for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas in 1976, Rajjpuut read about a recently-completed long-range study of vigorous, hardy older people. The gist of it all came to this: the University of California (Los Angeles campus) extracted seven lifestyle practices that vigorous, hardy senior citizens tended to share as a group. As for the study results, here's what those salubrious old folks had in common:
The Seven Golden Rules of Health
1. Eat a large healthy breakfast daily
2. Regularly eat 3-4 smaller meals daily
3. Maintain a healthy normal weight
4. Avoid tobacco and drug use (minimize over-the-counter remedies)
5. Drink alcohol extremely moderately
6. Sleep 7-8 hours nightly
7. Practice regular vigorous exercise
The "magic" from the study came when UCLA extrapolated their finding out into the general populace. They discovered that if they took two men, one aged 55 years old and the other 20 and compared their lifestyles . . . if the 20 year old practiced 0-1 of the "Seven Golden Rules" and the 55 year old practiced 6-7 of them: the two men had the exact same life expectancy. That is, it would be absolutely no surprise at all if they both dropped dead on the same day, say 28.2 years in the future. I'm not sure what that means to you, but the 35 years difference between the two men is my personal definition of "quality of life." Understand this as you’ve understood nothing more deeply before: the synergistic wallop of obeying at least six of the seven rules can mean up to 35 years of quality life added to your existence – now ain’t that something?
Further studies by other groups have shown that when it comes to changes made before age 42, once the individual starts to practice the Seven Golden Rules . . . within eight years most of the harm from the prior twenty years of a dissipate lifestyle is gone. That means, for example, quit smoking and follow the seven golden rules for eight years, and it's almost as if you've never smoked a day in your life. Benefits from lifestyle changes after age 42, were less consistent but still quite significant.
A few comments are in order. Buckling seatbelts was a fairly new idea at the time of the study. If an eighth and ninth golden rule are needed which I would add from my experience as a health educator, they would be:
8. Buckle-up in moving vehicles and always observe proper caution around machinery
9. Avoid highly processed foods and fried foods and eat some high-fiber food daily
Rule #5 "Drink alcohol extremely moderately" deserves some discussion. After a brief flirtation with boozing as a youngster, Rajjpuut rarely consumes a six-pack a month these days, so that's what he practices and preach. However, in the actual study the amount of liquor mentioned was "averaging slightly less than one beer or glass of wine per day." Over the years since the study, much has been made of the value of red wine in the diet. All this implies that a little bit of alcohol is preferable to none at all. If there is one area of the study that he would put in question it would be that conclusion. Here's his "take" on the matter. The trouble with saying that teetotalers are less healthy than extremely moderate drinkers comes in two areas: A) a whole lot of teetotalers are reformed alcoholics who in many cases regrettably did great damage to their health prior to quitting drinking altogether and presumably shortened their probable life spans in the process. It is my intuition that IF the study had eliminated this effect from former alcoholics in its study, their fifth rule might have been modified: "Rule #5 "Drink alcohol extremely moderately or not at all." Additionally, from experience Rajjpuut suspects that there are "overly pious personalities" out there who don't drink and resent everybody in the world who does . . . and in fact they deeply resent almost everybody in the world for any number of reasons. If they were removed from the rolls of non-drinkers, he's sure the non-drinkers would have averaged a longer life also. So his last addition to the Golden Rules of Health is:
Rule #6 7/8 Have a sense of humor, relax
If on top of all this great advice, the individual, let us call him "Bill" takes charge of his own health and finds a health-conscious (rather than disease-oriented) doctor "muy simpatico" who believes that the purpose of wise medicine is to keep people hale-healthy and out of his office . . . and if Bill always seeks at least a second opinion in considering serious health care matters, then he and his doctors are part of the solution to the health care mess rather than part of problem. If every company had a full roster of employees like Bill then health care costs and costs across the board would drop markedly starting now.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The first time Ol’ Rajjpuut put up the “Here’s how and here’s WOW” subhead he didn’t notice that WOW were the initials of “Word of Wisdom” which is something a Mormon friend told him about roughly four decades ago. In any case, for simple healthy lifestyles the whole state of Utah seems to be showing the nation what behaviors are wisest and what’s not and the individuals there are averaging longer, healthier and more vigorous lives as a result.

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Life in the Age of Aquarius

Karl Rove now gives us nothing, which brings me to ask: what was here before the Big Bang? Consciousness. It’s the only logical conclusion. We exist as conscious beings under universal consciousness. Rove is unconscious of the change. We the people are aware that both political parties have been leading us down a garden path. We’re not going to take it anymore. The Tea Party is way ahead of Rove. We want real change, not a reshuffle of a deck missing all the aces.

What is consciousness but our ever-expanding state of awareness? Suddenly, we’ve become aware. The First comes consciousness, then matter, not that matter is not real, but secondary. We’ve suddenly been awakened to the fact that all is not matter. Consciousness is in the mix of things.

Were the universe conscious, I ask myself, why all the useless matter? My answer: What we see is the space-time universe, whose matter is spread out very thin, to mark the passage of time. Time in the microcosmic universe is practically non-existent. It has the appearance of not being real, but it is real. Observation of the microcosmic gives us a dimension of infinite possibility. The observer creates reality. Apply this to our current reality. Rove isn’t with it. Left at the old guard’s switch, Rove is observing the past.

All that useless matter out there forms a picture astrologers use to determine our characteristics and future. Ancient science now connects with modern science. At a very special place in the space-time consortium, the planet Earth supports life as we know it. We’re discovering now that we’re here with increasing purpose. It is mind over matter. I’ve been predicting for some time that the energy was building for a sudden and vast change.

In my case, the transit of the planet Uranus, my ruler, called for a significant change. By chance, an astrologer appeared. He created my astrological chart. It didn’t fit. After I changed my life, my chart began to fit. I would say that I found my path of destiny. Life kept getting better and better.

The talk now is of a huge change. It is always darkest before the dawn. My life is an omen. You can bet your life the change coming will not be what the establishment wants. You, individually, will regain control of your lives. I come to you as an Aquarian messenger. The galaxy’s movement is from the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is of two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, to the Age of Aquarius, from a divisive, contractive age to an age of expansive brotherhood. Aquarius has for its symbol the water-bearer, “who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy,” we read in Astrologer’s Handbook. “Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians.”

What this means is that you are about to see the phasing out of coercive government entitlements, consequently, the end of astronomical debt building. Not to worry about your financial security, though, you will see the rekindling of the free enterprise system. You will see a thriving, turbulent world of connecting networks, billions of pulsating chips, a hyerlinked telecosm, more for less and less cost, until materialism’s hold is replaced by spiritual energy. Furthermore, the dog in the manger control freaks and establishment goons in charge will no longer be able to conceal the fact that extraterrestrials are here waiting for this change. Making its destined quantum leap forward, humankind will become part of the galactic community.

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I am an Afro-American woman who believes in the Tea Party movement. However, we need sane, educated representatives who are able to articulate our conservative views before the mainstream media. I believe our views are as follows: We as Americans have the right to say we do not want Muslims or socialist attitudes running our country. We want our boarders protected from illegal’s from all countries. We want English to be the language of our country. We have the right to say we believe in one woman and one man for marriage. We have the right to say that we should not be killing millions of unborn babies and last but not least; we have the right to say we are a Christian nation and until the Muslim countries allow us to build a church in their country that we are not ashamed to say we don’t want their religious building in our country anywhere near ground zero. We could cut the federal budget by at least twenty million dollars a year or more if we stopped duplicating government documents in Spanish. There is no other country that accommodates one group of people like we have done for the Spanish speaking community. I just don’t understand why this was not done for Germans and Italian immigrants. Let us remember, there are only two groups of people that are not immigrants in this great country of ours. The American Indian and the Slaves. Everyone else came here because they wanted to be here in the greatest country in the world. Wake up Christian America, black and white, we are not each others’ enemy. This country was built on the backs of poor whites and black slaves. By the way you can’t get a job in Texas unless you speak Spanish, Bilingual preferred dummy.

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Conscientious Choices

You may be weighing how your personal choices can affect the world politically, socially, or ecologically today, and thinking about your impact on the world might be a way for you to effect positive change. By choosing to be more conscious in your decisions, you could notice that you are able to maximize the positive effects of your thoughts and actions on others. Perhaps today you can first make a list of things you wish to do that can change the world for the better such as recycling, choosing fair trade products, or using nontoxic products and cleaners. You might then think about what other things you would like to do such as getting involved in a local grassroots organization or volunteering at a shelter. Reflecting on what you already do and then building upon that to create forward-thinking goals can help you recognize the lasting results of your decisions.

Awareness of the choices we make allows us to realistically assess the impact our decisions will have on future generations. As participants in society there is no way that our actions will not have an effect on the earth and the global community. Every decision, from the food we buy to the organizations we are involved with, influences others around us in some way. If you can set an example by your actions today—no matter how small they may be—you will increase the potential for others to follow suit, which will nurture a shared understanding of our shared responsibility to care for the world.

LifeSuccess Consultant
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