Trump, Trumpers Trumped by Truth

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

trumper-1.jpg?width=280For the past month, and with few signs of letting up…Trumpers, some of them Conservatives…most of them Trump trolls…shills for the liberal/socialist machine…continue to try and sway voters to vote Trump or NOTHING in November 2016.

Trump, they claim, is THE Conservative answer we need.

I will say this much right here at the top of this article…should Trump either secure or purchase the Republican nomination, he will have my vote because I…unlike Trump himself…WILL support whoever the republican nominee happens to be.


Trump is not the answer we, as Conservatives, have been seeking all these years.

As Conservatives, we have held, for years, to a certain set of standards we have wanted in a candidate. We want a solid Conservative. ..someone who has exhibited solid Conservative practices over a considerable time span from which we can see the candidate’s true motives, true agenda and voting record.

Is Donald Trump a fit regarding that standard?


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  • Anderson you are the neo-conservative, the stooge of the neo-communists. You want what we have now, a one-party minority dictatorship. You are the looser CONservative who is not really a CONservative, but an enemy of the majority who favors minority parasite rule. They put you commie crap on the Tea Party, of which a traitor like you should not be welcome. Because your support of minority tyranny is the very basis of the new minority parasite controlling coalition which includes a large number of Conservative, you represent the dogma of the Oligarchs who finance phony conservative forums. That dogma is the insidious promotion of black racism and minority tyranny as a patriotic virtue.. I renounce you and all conservatives as enemies of freedom and stooges of minority dictatorship. I support Trump, and the Confederate Flag, but why explain these well thought out stances to a foolish stooge like you?

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