The Pleiadians, One of the Family of Light

The Pleiadians come to Earth at different times to do their work.  They have a plan for us, which has been heralded by the Pleiadians for many eons.


Having spent two years sailing in the Bermuda Triangle, experiencing miracles I’ve written about in my blogs, and now reading The Bermuda Triangle by Charles Berlitz, wherein he speaks of the legendary Atlantis, which I connect with the Age of Aquarius, I typed in my Google search “Aquarius and Atlantis” and found a video entitled Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians by purplehaze 1212.


It is nice to hear that we are inwardly magnificent beings, after being incessantly told that we can’t make it without the help of this planet’s earthbound orthodoxy.  The Pleiadians, we are told, are a collective energy from another universe now here to work toward completion of their plan or transformation of us.


This is an extremely important time for the people of the planet Earth, we are told. For what happens now will affect the entire universe.  The Pleiadians gave us their DNA.  It is now time for a dimensional uplifting.  There are others than the Pleiadians here, who have other ideas for us. The Pleiadians are here as an act of love.  They say that it is out of love that all exists; out of love that all purpose exists; out of love that all progress is made.


The Pleiadians tell us that before we came to Earth we were told we would receive help while  here, not that the Pleiadians would change us, but that they would act as a catalyst. There are those who think the Pleiadians are too ambitious; that they risk failure.  The Pleiadians insist on helping us achieve ever-higher levels of consciousness.  Their aim is to encourage new ideas, and not to get stuck on any one idea. If in doubt, you liberate yourself for all concerned. This brings us to the Pleiadian’s final tenant: It is the power of your thoughts that got you here, and with the assignment to bring many forward.  You are needed.


You have been in training for your assignment for lifetimes. You did not come unprepared.  All that you need to know is inside of you. This is not a lifetime of new information. This is a lifetime of remembrance, we are told by the Pleiadians.  You are here to remember what you already know. The Pleiadians are simply here to remind you of that, we are told.


This universe was created by your prime creator, we are told, out of extensions of itself, created for self-gratification and self-expression, created with the command to go out and create, and to bring back all that you create to the prime creator.


In this way, we go about individually creating, and creating our own hierarchies, each succeeding hierarchy creating other hierarchies.  Eventually, a plan developed to design Earth. It was an incredible plan.  Earth was a beautiful place, and located on the edge of the galaxy, making it easily accessible to other galaxies.


The original planners of Earth were members of the Family of Light.  Light is information. Earth is a place where all may participate and share the information that comes by means of the cosmic library.



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  • We can give consciousness any name we want. Without consciousness nothing could exist.  Consciousness is a state of existence. We are each part of it, part of the galaxy. Maybe we should connect with the galaxy and disconnect from the orthodoxy.  
  • Collectively they are "alien beings"....didn't know they have specific names for our knowledge as of yet.


  • A Case for the Bermuda Triangle sounds like of title the grabs attention, don’t you think? I’ve convinced myself today that astrologers are right. I’m here with a peculiar karmic mission I must fulfill.  I’m going to try for a second time to write my memoirs, having now spent ten years remembering my past. The first time I spent only two years. My book of memoirs, An Aquarian’s Bold Venture didn’t sell.


    Thanks for your support, and don’t hesitate to advise me. I need all the help I can get.


    Respectfully, Joseph Whitworth Smith



  • In my chart, as luck would have it, Saturn is Sextile Mercury. I have mental discipline that was handed down from past lives.


    Café Astrology: I bring into this life certain talents and interests that help expand my horizons. Jupiter tells the astrologer of my karmic gifts, that which I brought with me from past lives.  With Jupiter in Capricorn my traditional values from past lives is expressed as honesty and fair play.


    Saturn trine Pluto, according to Café Astrology, means that having endured many hardships in prior lifetimes, this trine gives me considerable will-power. Astrologer’s Handbook goes on to say that if my chart generally points to the occult, which it does, I would slowly work to make changes in my life and other lives. I could be here with a peculiar karmic mission.  


    Planets in retrograde hide or reverse true energy. With Uranus retrograde in my astrological chart, I might appear conventional, but inwardly I’m quite unique. My ideas can be so far in the future that I appear eccentric.


  • This to Socialists: Socialist Robert K. Merton in Social Theory and Social Structure, “The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.”


    A prophecy declared as truth when it is actually false may sufficiently influence people, either through fear or logical confusion, so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-false prophecy.


  • From “Intelligent Design:”


    The molecular knowledge in DNA requires the quantification of the amount of information, to give quantity to something having only quality, as anything scientific, or legal, most have a precise or mathematical definition.  The everyday definition is that knowledge conveys something useful.  Neither the legal nor mathematical definition takes into consideration that knowledge conveys something useful. Evolution involves the creation of information that provides a selective advantage, something in which the information is useful.


    The establishment seeks to carry us back in time, to the time when life had intermediaries—hive mentality, and later herd mentality. Some quantum physicists, I’m here to tell you, do not see God as a supreme being, but as the supreme consciousness of the universe, and that we are inextricably part of it.


  • My thought: The Pleiadians, like God, is the personification of consciousness.  Remembrance--all that you need to know is inside of you--inside quantitative, outside qualitative, you did not come unprepared. You are here to remember what you already know.


    For the past ten years, first thing in the morning, every day, I write my thought, which you are privileged to read here.

  • Yesterday, in my blog, "1925 A Banner Year"


    “Consciousness exists. And for the first time, we have used the instruments of scientific investigation to fit its existence into the overall tapestry of reality.  For the first time, we understand what consciousness is.  .  . Faith was never meant to be blind faith.  .  . Those willing to discover an even greater truth in their religion will find untold wonders hidden in what they already know.”


    Today, the Pleiadians:

    You have been in training for your assignment for lifetimes. You did not come unprepared.  All that you need to know is inside of you. This is not a lifetime of new information. This is a lifetime of remembrance, we are told by the Pleiadians.  You are here to remember what you already know. The Pleiadians are simply here to remind you of that, we are told.


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