The Long Con

First, a bit of explanation: there are two kinds of cons: the short con, which happens quickly.  


Then there's the long con. It can take weeks, months, and even years before the people who set it into motion get their payoff . That kind of con takes a LOT of patience



Okay, anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a fan of Barack Obama. No, it's not because he's black. I would dislike him even if he were all white. I didn't like Bill Clinton, either, and he's white. Maybe it's Democrats that I have problems with? Nah, I've seen a few so-called Republicans that I haven't liked, either.


Anyway, we all know that Obama and his cronies love to say that all of the problems are ones that they have inherited from other administrations....maybe, in a way, he did.


I can hear my friends all shaking their heads--just hear me out, okay? 


Everything that's going on now has been a long time coming. A hundred years, in fact. It might have started when Woodrow Wilson decided that having the US join the League of Nations was a good idea. The League was the precursor of the United Nations. But it had no ''teeth'' and fell apart. 


Things settled a bit, with the government deciding to experiment by prohibiting alcohol (a total failure that brought about crime syndicates and probably did little to help the economy). Once the great experiment of Prohibition ended, the country faced a huge crisis: The Great Depression.


We all know that Progressives (the con men of our tale) never let a crisis go to waste---and they didn't. Under FDR's "New Deal" government expanded rapidly--but the economy wasn't recovering at the same pace.


It took a World War to get America working and growing again. There was prosperity over the next 2+ decades.


The US joined the United Nations, and slowly began ceding bits and pieces of our sovereignty to them, ignoring that it was designed as a governing body for a One World Government.


During the 50s, Sen. Joe McCarthy started spreading the alert that there were Communists in this country who were actively working toward the destruction of the country he loved. Hearings were held, lists were made. Did it do any good? No.


The Communists and the Socialists and their ilk all went underground. Did they give up on their dreams? Again, no.


They went for the long con.


They put themselves into positions of power inside corporations, universities, schools, and even into government. They knew that they had moved too quickly and that some citizens had been concerned. This time, they were more patient, moving the agenda (con) forward at a much slower pace, finding ways to con the citizens into believing that they were moving in the direction they wanted to go.


In the 60s, LBJ envisioned the ''Great Society'' which gave free tax money to people who weren't working for whatever reason. Anyone who tried to rein in the program was tagged as being unsympathetic to poor people. Over the years, these programs were expanded greatly, at the expense of the self-sufficiency which had built this country.


It hasn't been just one President and administration that has contributed to the con, a lot of them moved it forward. I have to wonder why they decided to speed up the process once Obama was elected, but they have. I'm not sure that anyone in DC can be trusted to turn things around totally.


Is there hope? Maybe.


We, the citizens of this country are waking up and starting to see the truth. I only hope that there are enough of us and that we haven't waited too long.


We MUST stand our ground and fight.


There is too much to lose, for us and for our children and their children. The future of America depends on what we do.


Remember the story about how to make ''frog soup''----


Put a frog into boiling water and he'll jump out. But if you put the frog into a pan of cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will slowly boil to death.


Friends, we're the frog, and the water's boiling--do we have the will to jump out or is it already too late?


Pray. It's our only hope of survival.

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  • Good shot Nancy & how true-years in the making,while we were sleeping. Its not to late We The People can change this around. Theres millions of us now that are awake to the truth & were taking our country back. My generation so called baby boomers have allowed this to happen by staying silent, no more now its personal. We became parents & grandparents we see we failed our kids,their future freedoms & liberties. A debt that cant be paid,we will sacrifice now,know matter what it takes. Our days are numbered on earth with the understanding we screwed our families,all of us. Now we stand & fight,we will win, leaving a more perfect union,our constitution in tact,our freedoms & liberties in place, a financial debt ( O ). Schools back to GOD & COUNTRY. ETC ETC. We The People are taking back our country. God Bless The Tea Party & GOD BLESS AMERICA

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