Wikileaks Info Shows Obama Used CIA as “Watermelons”



    With Hundreds of Millions of His 'Profits' at Stake

President Seeks Extortive Data

Against Countries Doubting Global Warming



Hillary Clinton is not the only high level American politician embarrassed by Wikileaks revelations.  According to documents released by Wikileaks, President Barack Obama employed covert CIA operatives to try to dig up scandalous data on countries opposed to the Copenhagen Climate Treaty which he’d so actively seek to sell to the world in December, 2009. Of course, one month prior to the Copenhagen meetings, the infamous release of tens of thousands of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of East Anglia (England) University which came to be known as “Climategate,” destroyed all of Obama’s dreams of triumphing on the world stage by leading virtually the entire planet into signing a Copenhagen Treaty with far sharper teeth than the nothing paper that the 2009 meeting produced. Shocked by Climategate, Europeans were not enthusiastic about getting involved with more green nonsense (Spain had gone from the #1 European economy in 1997 with 4% unemployment to one of the worst economies in the world with 21% unemployment after their experiment with subsidizing green job creation). Obama, except for a rousing speech against capitalism but praising him by Venezuelan communist leader Hugo Chavez came home from Copenhagen empty-handed.


Just as the Wikileaks data shows Hillary Clinton seeking diplomats to dig up dirt and embarrassing info on foreign leaders and diplomats; Wikileaks now shows that Barack Obama ordered the CIA to find similar information about whole countries and their supposed despoiling of the environment or coolness about global warming at Copenhagen. According to what Senator James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, told the Daily Caller website: Obama was “desperate to enforce its orthodoxy on global warming.”


Obama, Al Gore, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Franklin Raines, Richard Sandor, Valerie Jarret, Joel Rogers, John Ayers, the Shores Bank of Chicago, several Goldman Sachs bigwigs, and about fifty other well-known progressives stood to make vast fortunes if the United States passed Cap and Trade legislation in concert with world leaders united by a strong accord from Copenhagen. Climategate blew their plans out of the water and then the failure to achieve any consensus on strong global response at Copenhagen shot their scheme to hell. The folks in question all were part of a Chicago area initiative called CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) which expected to own the lion’s share of American carbon trading under cap and trade which Sandor estimated at a $10 TRillion yearly industry. In good times the U.S. economy amounts to $15 TRillion. Thus CCX would literally sell the country “blue sky” with its fictitious-based global warming driving carbon trading and drive all prices roughly 67% higher and enjoy commissions on a good part of 40% of the economy for scamming the people with a system that would eventually bankrupt the nation. Thanks to Climategate and Copenhagen the CCX enterprise “dissolved just within the last three weeks. A lot of progressive money was lost in the last thirteen months.


Not surprisingly, the same liberal so-called mainstream media (MSM) in America which refused to run the Climategate story linked above thirteen months ago to date has failed to show the Wikileaks revelation of Obama’s scandal (the link at the top of the blog is to the ultra-liberal London Times’ website which reported the Climategate story accurately but did NOT show this information:  


about the biggest fraud in Climategate the deliberate omission of the Medieval Warm Period from CRU calculations). The Wikileaks revelation on Obama ran in England’s The Guardian newspaper which reported that State Department administration officials, acting at the request of the CIA, sent a secret cable asking U.S. diplomats to gather intelligence on other countries’ preparations for the then-pending Copenhagen climate conference. The request also asked diplomats to be on the lookout for indications that countries were not fostering environmental cooperation and for evidence of countries circumventing U.N.-sponsored environmental treaties. In effect, Obama and the diplomats and the CIA were acting as “watermelons.”


A ‘watermelon’ (since the Climategate revelations) is what Europeans call an extreme environmentalist leader. Just as an “Oreo” in the United States is a Black that other Blacks say “is black on the outside but white on the inside” . . . a watermelon is somebody “green on the outside but pink to deep red on the inside.” That is, pretending to be concerned about the environment in order to push an ultra-socialist or Marxist agenda because cap and trade legislation would require an almost totalitarian state to administer. Climategate which was heavily covered in Europe but ignored in America undermined Obama’s Copenhagen hopes and apparently made him desperate. Given all the important data that’s resulted from Wikileaks, Rajjpuut is shocked to find himself saying that Julian Assange has proven himself to be a hero for freedom lovers everywhere . . . this Obama scandal and the similar blackmail-seeking actions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both revealed by Assange’s Wikileaks, show us an administration that will stop at nothing to advance its progressive/socialist agenda. To them clearly, their foul ends justify whatever super-foul means the opt to employ. Barack Obama is a watermelon. To push his collectivist agenda, he pretends to be environmentally-conscious, but he’s really only interested in the power that accrues to a government that has the power and scope to carry out such a grave assault on freedom as cap and trade would prove to be.


When the cap and trade bill stalled in the U.S. Senate after squeaking through the House of Representatives in the late spring of 2009, and then failed to advance out of the Senate for several months, Obama tried to circumvent the lawmakers and have the Environmental Protection Agency create law by regulatory edict. Shortly afterward the EPA published a regulatory change saying that henceforth Carbon Dioxide would be regarded by their agency as a toxic emission and levels would be controlled by the EPA. Fortunately, the EPA was violating its own charter. Florida and Virginia immediately sued and the short-lived regulation was rescinded because the EPA is not allowed to take anyone else’s studies (such as those of the East Anglia University CRU involved in Climategate) but must do its own research and congress must be allowed to monitor that research. CCX and Obama’s dreams of making a fortune scamming the American people while unveiling a virtual totalitarian state upon us all went up in smoke at the same moment.


According to Daily Caller website, in a leaked Feb. 17, 2010 cable, Michael Froman, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for international affairs, held a meeting with the European Union’s climate commissioner-designate, Conne Hedegaard, seeking to work around “unhelpful countries such as Venezuela or Bolivia” and get the Copenhagen treaty into force. Froman in the cable said the U.S. and E.U. “need to neutralize, co-opt or marginalize, co-opt or marginalize these and others such as Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador.” He also advocated using divide-and- conquer tactics to confront several of the more strident opponents to cap and trade and global warming orthodoxy and other Copenhagen treaty opponents, saying the U.S. and E.U. needed “to better handle third country obstructionism and avoid future train wrecks on climate …”


The Obama administration later cutoff aid to Ecuador and Bolivia last April that would have helped them reach the Copenhagen treaty’s carbon emission targets, citing their opposition to the agreement.


“I think this goes to show that to the left-wing of the Democratic Party, national security means anything you want it to,” former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton said. “I think it is certainly a misallocation of priorities to be using intelligence capabilities on something like climate change.” Rajjpuut would say it shows the progressive Democratic leaders are morally bankrupt.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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