
I'm running for president - go to www.feldmeierforpresident.com to see my views of Russia and China and the handling of this situation is spiraling out of control, as China is starting to send rhetoric backing Russia. This is nothing more but to rattle Obama's cage further. The more the United States talks and promises not to use military force the more military forces Putin is putting into the Ukrainian region to fend off the Ukrainian Army.

If you have read anything about him he is equivalent to Stalin as far as the Soviet Doctrine is concerned. One thing Putin has forgotten is that today's Russian is not the same as the Russian that was back in the 1960's.

People in Russia like free travel aboard and somewhat of free elections and they also like Capitalism. Putin behavior with Crimea is starting to turn the Russians against him. Its the same as if we Americans went into Jamaica and forcefully took it over and made it our 51st state. We like Jamaica, we like visiting Jamaica but that does not give us the right to just take it over. 96% of the American population would also be against it .

 There is only one way to stop Putin. Putin Knows that he is treading in deep water and if Western Europe won't put up any kind of resistance what so ever he takes this as an approval.

So what do we do? If I were president I would move the military force we have in Europe in put it Poland as Poland has requested. When Putin see's a line of American tanks pointed at his ragged tagged army he will back out of Crimea. I would also send three squadrons of A-10's to Poland. The Russians fear the A-10's more than they do any other aircraft we. The tank is the back bone of the Russian Army. The A-10 is the backbone of our defenses.

 Remember more than 60% of the Russian hardware is inoperative. They have no true blue water navy anymore. The Russians only have two oversea naval ports and both of those are in the Black Sea. One in Syria and one in Crimea. The Russians only have 1 operational ship in the Black Sea

Putin knows the United State Military alone can annihilate his army. So with the Nato countries behind the United States Putin has no chance. He knows this.

But in Putin defense, the day Putin feels he can win a conventional war with the United States, he will attack the United States. The sooner the Russians get rid of Putin the more stable Russia will become.

For those of you who will post that we have no business in Ukraine, google Budapest Memorandum 1994.


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  • You know Virgil your right without any sarcasm.  Remember that "Hot Mic" interview back in 2011?

    President Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that if given “space,” he’ll have more flexibility “after my election” for negotiations on issues like missile defense. “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” Obama told the Russian leader.

    “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space,” President Medvedev replied. “Space for you…”

    “This is my last election,” Obama observed. “After my election I have more flexibility.”

    “I understand,” responded Medvedev. “I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

    How irresponsible is this?

    Three reasons why Russia did not want the missiles in Poland.

    They wanted to reclaim Ukraine as Russian territory    
    They want to move the new Yars 29 Missiles into Ukraine. They even went as far as to test the missile which against any SALT treaty.
    They did not want Ukraine to join NATO. Having those anti -missile defense in Poland would have encouraged Ukraine to join NATO. Right now Ukraine is terrified of Putin as they don't know what he will do next.

    I can't believe Obama did not see this coming. Obama might learn a lesson here or even the United States. You cannot trust the Russian Government when the Russian Government does not trust it's own people. When there is blatant censorship and restrictions of communications starting up in a country. Take heed something not good is happening.

  • He has his fellow Marxist to support him, namely, Obama!

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