





From: James M Wesley Jr. Land O Lakes, FL

To: The House & Senate of the United States of America

Subject: Constitutional Responsibility to Remove Barack Hussein Obama from Office, and to try him for treason in the Senate and if convicted of all charges Arrest and nullify all official actions taken during his administration.


Dear Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen of the U.S. Congress

            I’m writing this letter in hopes of striking a cord of righteous indignation that will reverberate throughout the historic chambers of both houses. A cord that will remind you of your sacred oath to “DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC”… today we are faced with an assault on this REPUBLIC that is worse than “THE DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN EMPHMY”… you see there are no sunken battleships, but rather an insidious assault from within. In fact it is more devastating than December 7, 1941, because the enemy is already on our shores and has infiltrated the deepest recesses of our government.  

            The urgency of the situation cannot be over exaggerated. How soon should you act? The old term of yesterday would not be an overstatement. You see because of your failure to honor your oath of office we find ourselves at a point that POLITICS AS USUAL is not sufficient, in fact it is a sad testimony of the lack of either understanding the gravity of our situation or courage in the face of an enemy that is determined through “FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE” to destroy 240 years of our history, heritage, culture, and faith. These four points are the foundation of our nation and the source of our prosperity and strength. These ladies and gentlemen are the HEART OF OUR CONSTIUTION that you swore to “DEFEND FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC”.

            In light of all that has been perpetrated over the years since November 2008 it should be obvious to any one of you that has had experience as a prosecutor that this administration reeks of a CONSPIRACY so pervasive it has compromised the whole executive branch of government and possibly some amongst you also. We have not had a credible DEPT OF JUSTICE since they have come to power. They have turned Washington D.C. into a gigantic Chicago, with the District Attorney (Justice Dept.), Mayor’s office (President), Judges (federal courts possibly including SCOTUS) all in line and under control. Then the obvious complicity of the MAIN STREAM MEDIA THAT IS FOR ALL ADMIDENT PURPOSES HAS BECOME THE “DEPARTMENT OF PROPAGANDA” that refused to properly VET this man prior to running for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and became his ATTACK DOGS when any would dare question his motives of sincerity. 

            Sadly we are now in the enemy’s END GAME he has (OBAMA) been allowed by your failure to honor your oath to preposition the pieces of his final assault on our REPUBLIC. What are these pieces? First the Atty General Eric Holder has had over six years to reassign or fire all high level officers in every investigative branch of the Justice Dept. with those LOYAL TO HIM OR THE PLAN OR BOTH in turn this SELECTION PROCESS has been repeated down the chain of command. Have you noticed how difficult is to get “W” TESTEMONY OR DOCUMENTS? Have you noticed how he is able to ignore CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS CHARGES? WHO’S GOING TO ARREST HIM...You have stood idly by and allowed this malignant influence to ravage the department of defense. Watching while all the things that has made the UNITED STATES MILITARY the GOLD STANDARD OF MILITARY MIGHT loved by our allies and respected and feared by our enemies be DEMORILIZED, FEMINIZED, COMPROMISED AND THREATENED FROM WITHIN. The religion of our enemy ISLAM is being forced down the throats of the men and women of the military at the same time the FAITH OF OUR FATHERS is being persecuted and suppressed across the military. Bill Clintons “DON’T ASK DON’T TELL” was illegal when it was allowed, now it is being enforced in the heaviest handed ways causing chaos confusion and disciplinary problems that were never before seen in such numbers. The most damaging thing that has been allowed to go unchallenged is the military PURGE OF SENIOR FIELD AND FLEET COMMANDERS that dared to even slightly honor their oath to “DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC” the count so far is an unprecedented 200 and counting. This president is building weakened armed forces LOYAL TO HIM AND NOT THE CONSTITUTION. Your window of opportunity to act is closing fast if it has not already. The fate of this REPUBLIC IS NOW IN YOUR HANDS “next election worries or fear of riots” should not hinder you from doing what should have been done several years ago with little or no blood shed.

Now we have this USERPER IGNORING AND REWRITING OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS…WHICH IS A DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE THREAT TO OUR CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Where this criminal administration has at tax payer expense transported by bus and air all over the country. These illegal NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING unaccompanied children are being dumped on already financially strapped school districts. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE AND A CRIME AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THIS REPUBLIC.

Sorry to say since we have entered the ENEMY’S END GAME it (BLOOD SHED) will be unavoidable, look at FERGUSON MISSOURI! This president has encouraged these violent demonstrations’. Yes your action is as necessary as President Lincoln’s response to the attack on FORT SUMPTER, AND PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT’S response to PEARL HARBOUR. Because of your indifference or complicity, we are at a point the issue is the survival of the REPUBLIC. The plea of the people though the pundits want to ignore the issue is… IS TO HOLD THIS ADMINSTRATION ACCOUNTABLE THIS PAST ELECTION’S RESULTS WAS A MANDATE…HONOR YOU’RE OATH AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.



James M Wesley Jr

Citizen of the United States of America


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  • If the Congress has the Constitutional power of the purse (and they do!), then they have sufficient authority to refuse to pay the White House's utility bills -- i.e., no phones, electricity, cable, water service, trash collection, heat, etc.  No "fearsome" government shutdown needed -- just White House shutdown.  (And, it is hard to detect anything that is done there that we would not be better off without!)  Constitutional and non-violent.  I especially like that they'd have to bring in candles and porta-potties to have their Muslim Brotherhood meetings there.

  • I'll donate a few hundred dollars to a fund which will pay for mailings of this letter to every home in the United States.  Perhaps the TEA Party managers could organize such a fund for people to donate to.

  • Now that was a Great Letter. They have been told, and yes they will do nothing, the time has come to take matters into our own hands. They started this war buy doing nothing, thinking they will be protected, well when things hit the fan, they will not be protected, Traitors will be judged. We do not need to say how,  they already know. They have this one last chance to turn around and do what they should have done in the beginning. Enough is Enough. WE WILL PROTECT OUR COUNTRY, OUR FLAG, OUR HONOR, OUR  DUTY, OUR RIGHTS, OUR CONSTITUTON, OUR FAMILY'S, OUR GOD, AND OUR FREEDOM. And don't think won't. If one falls another one will take our place, and that you can count on. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Little Eagle. 

  • "To shun a essential Liberty for a little temporary Safety one deserves neither Liberty nor Safety." That is the way we are heading Mr. and Mrs. America. Get used to it. Everyone getting Food Stamps. Everyone getting Medicaid. Who is paying for it? I haven't the foggiest. But I can guarantee this, the money will run out then what, Anarchy? I see a lot of blood ahead if our Congress can only do but sit on their hands and do nothing.

  • @Mangus Colorado:  Good post; very apropos.

    Ahh, for a few more men like Madison in our government today!

  • Mr Wesley: Very well said and sad to say very truthfull. We have a Kenyan born, Foriegn Aid student, who was not eligable for the president office but managed by hook or crook to get elected. Obama by his own ommission before elected stated in an interview, Quote; Micheal and I have been to several flag burnings, I do not like the National Anthem, I am MUSLIUM and will stand with them if need be.This interview by a large network was NEVER broadcast. 

    Obamma and Eric Holder have you might say encouraged the protesting groups waiting for the grand jury inditment  I fear this would be his excuse  to call martial law and the it will hit the fan as WE the American people have had to much of this rogue illegal person in OUR W-H.

    I could list the numerious scandles this man has been involved in, The improper way he treats our military, Aiding and abetting the enemy, but the AMERICAN people already know and are very discusted with.his actions as dictator in chief.

    My question is WHY has he been allowed to remain in office ?? Yes we know Holder is in Obammas pocket but are there no persons or elected officers to stand up and remove Obama ??. Could the military not remove him ( for example) aiding and abetting the terrorists, Bengazi sending arms thru Turkey.Causing 4 American deaths including  Ambassidor Stevens. God Bless these Americans who lost thier lives because of failure to give proper security and then when under attack failed to receive any military help.

  • Unfortunately, the Leaders (and most of the members) of Congress lack the courage to live up to their Oath of Office and pursue the righteous path of impeachment, conviction, arrest and confinement.

    Emperor Obama could possibly remain in power past January 20, 2017.  A major event (real or false flag), declaration of Martial Law, suspension of the Constitution, suspension of elections and he's in the oval office until he loses the civil war that would ensue.  And, lose it he would at the cost of millions of lives, but it would provide a point of reset to put America back to what it should be - a Free Republican form of government.

  • We all need to say it like it is, even if we are sent to a FEMA Camp. Better to die a hero then to die like a leftist coward. 

  • David, I could do the same. I am a past copysetter, proofreader and editor. Also, I think he must have meant the word "adamant." Thanks.

  • Dear Rev. Wesley, Thank you for your emotional plea and for taking the time to write it.  I hope it gets to the eyes of those who need it.  I pray someone is stirred by your sincerity and earnest.  My fear is that no one in DC cares anymore.  I have no faith in any Democrat and very little left for Republicans.  The lines are blurring and power and status seem to be the only prize they are eying.  We, the little, stupid people, are on our own.  I am open to suggestions from all of you, as always.

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