upcoming (1)

Upcoming Election

I was pondering over a question concerning this upcoming presidential election. For those who have children or young relatives, would you leave them in the care and control of just anybody? Would you place their care in the hands of someone who wouldn’t pay attention, be responsible and protect them? NO, of course you wouldn’t.


Well here we are prognosticating the future and what it will be like, some thinking along the lines of gender, some skin color, as though either of those are qualifiers. Some thinking along the lines of socialism, they want to flush what has provided them with their daily bread and that includes God. Some have blinders on and refuse to see the bloodthirsty enemy waiting for the right moment to pounce. Then there are others who are profoundly concerned about the welfare of this country, our way of life, our rule of law, our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, our unique history, and they want it preserved. They want to achieve what President Reagan envisioned. They want this country to be all it can possibly be, they want the children to have a rich heritage, a legacy to build upon. They refuse to allow the take over as a police state.


So back to my first question, with our nightmarish and enlarging debt, the dogs barking at our door, the world wide threats that surround us, will you be willing to elect someone, simply because of race or gender, who’s responsibility it is to hold this country on a straight and steady course upwards, or someone with whom you can feel a sense of security, of determination, of the intestinal fortitude to say what he means and do as he says, looking the enemy, either domestic or otherwise, square in the eye? With whom will you entrust the future of this country and our children?

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