the (94)

The Revolutionary War

I'm starting to ask myself the question "Is the total breakdown of our government equivalent to the harsh English rule that forced this nation into a war against it's enemy"?  Is it time to take up arms and force-ably take this nation back?  As a Christian, I don't want to kill another person but we have been infiltrated with people who do NOT love this nation and are trying their best to destroy it.  It seems to me that we are in the same situation as our founders!!!!  If I'm right then I volunteer my service to the establishment of re-constructed nation.  I believe that the military will come along beside us as they have seen the total decay of democracy.  I need for those who have clout to respond to this.  People such as Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Dr Ben Carson, Paul Ryan, and all those in authority who are willing to lead the way into battle.  This is no longer just politics, it is a cry to save this nation!  I believe God will bless those who will step forward to save the country that He put together.  A country that is supposed to be a light to the rest of the world!  This country was a special country used by God to save millions but now it has come to be like Sodom and Gomorrah; totally devoid of  that which is good and right and holy!  I think it's time to change the strategy.  We have tried to use the laws set in place to protect us but those laws have now been ignored and run over like a bulldozer runs over a small house.  What do think?  Am I right?

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“Never apologize and never explain--it's a sign of weakness."--- John Wayne in “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon”"

“Apologizing as a coward to appease murderous communists, Moslems and Black Supremacists is weakness.”----Confede on Scribd

 Obama Hidden Agenda Apologies

Apologizing when carried out by the tyrant Obama is a way of insulting and besmirching the USA. He symbolically informs, evil, twisted and hateful foreign crowds: “I am a felon who seized control of the USA illegally. I seized that power so that I could destroy the US. One part of my destructive strategy is to join America’s enemies in condemning America as bad and problematic. In this way I undermine the hope, pride and honor of white Americans. When they see me, an evil ignoramus, apologize for the heroes of the American past and for mistakes that other nations have made in far greater frequency. I am saying that white Americans who voted me into office to prove how much they love Africans, are  such low down scum that I, President for Life, Tutu Obama will symbolically make them grovel, just as the crook they elected grovels before the thugocracies of the world.”

 Obama's apologies made the US more vulnerable to attack because enemies realize that they can commit mass murder in America and then build mosques on the ashes of the murdered. The Bwana Obama claimed that he wanted to engage enemies through the application of "smart power" (apologies are stupid surrenders of self and power) so you carried out a series of stupid power apologies to mass murderers and tyrants everywhere. Appeasement consists of letting certain special religions and races commit crimes which only white Americans are forced to pay for. Recent missile tests by Iran and North Korea show there's nothing smart in "appeasing rogue states." Thanks to Obama, the US is increasingly "jeered rather than feared" by enemies. No leader in American history has gone to greater lengths than Barack Obama to make amends for his own country. From condemnation of American “arrogance” in a speech in Strasbourg to acknowledging U.S.“mistakes” before millions of Muslims on Arab television, Obama has rarely missed an opportunity to apologize for the actions of the American people.

President Obama has elevated the art of national self-loathing to new heights, and seems to delight in prostrating the most powerful nation on the face of the earth before its critics and rivals, especially on foreign soil. The Obama world view revolves around the central premise that the United States must be humble and “engage” and work with its enemies through the application of “smart power”. There is nothing smart, however, in appeasing rogue states such as North Korea or Iran. The Obama doctrine is now lying in tatters after North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-Il and Iranian demagogue Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met Obama’s recent overtures with missile tests and even a nuclear blast from Pyongyang. The president’s video message in March offering “a new beginning” to “the people and leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran” was followed by the launch of a surface-to-surface missile with a range of 1,200 miles capable of reaching southern Europe. Incredibly,the U.S. response has been to slash defense spending, with a dramatic scaling down of plans for a global missile defense shield.

The world today is considerably more dangerous, than it was in the days of the Bush Administration, and the Obama White House has nothing to show for its weak-kneed, anti-American efforts, but premeditated failure. The brutal truth is that the United States is increasingly viewed as a soft touch by its enemies, increasingly jeered rather than feared.

 It will be hugely tempting for the rock star president “obama” to play to his Arab and European audiences by scoring points against his hugely unpopular predecessor. He could easily rail against the Bush Administration’s enhanced interrogation techniques, boast of the impending closure of the Guantanamo detention facility, or revive the ghosts of Abu Ghraib. The president’s advisers are no doubt furiously trying to outdo one another with the most original mea culpas.

 Obama’s supine approach has become a humiliating spectacle for a country that, together with Great Britain, has done more to advance the cause of liberty and freedom across the world than any nation in the world. Every groveling apology by the president undermines America’s confidence, standing and power, and strengthens the hand of those who seek her destruction.

 Obama is exercising another form of the put-down power of apologies which the racist, minority parasites that he really represents, use to heap scorn on white Americans. It is white Americans who have awarded black treachery, violence and racism by transforming them into the most evil, pampered, privileged synthetic parasitic communist elite in the world. Pampered false elites who have extorted their wealth from the majority simply because their skin color and souls are varying degrees of black, will always stab their benefactors in the back.

 Everyday in North America and Europe gangster minority parasites are wrenching apologies from national political figures. Those apologizing national political figures are always communists who fanatically promote African and Islamic supremacy paid for by the hard work of white working and middles classes. Although the evil wretches and political whores who are pulling the strings behind the scenes of the “Apologies Movement,” are among the most craven political gangsters in the world and are infamous for using their political power to get rich and enrich their cronies, they remain immune from criticism.

The Apologies Movement

The fact that the “Apologies Movement,” is just another communist program to gain more financial handouts for the real constituents of the American democrat-republican party is only sensed by the enraged American public.

It is time to spell out exactly what the “Apologies Movement,” is after. In fact the “Apologies Movement,” has two goals:

 -Extort money and privileges from the white enemy

   A major weapon constantly exercised by professional racist negroes in America is the “Apology Card.” Racist communists claim that apologies are meant to accomplish positive things. However the apologies are always one sided, discriminatory and dishonest. If the minorities seeking apology were honest and sincere, they would also apologize for many of their own shortcoming, violence, murders and racist/religious hate crimes.

  The subversive aspect of the “Apologies Movement,” is important to recognize. Among its several real purposes are the demands that white working and middle class people be apologized “for” by a communist political whore and hypocrite. Such apologies by an arrogant commie political “Ho”, is in fact, nothing more than :

  Humiliation rituals, the apologizing white race must grovel and heap public scorn on itself as evil, although the true facts about each “crime” committed are not honestly brought to light.

   Domination rituals, by apologizing one submits to the minority parasite group and accepts their control.

   Dishonest, there are two or more sides to every issue and the people who are forced to apologize are convicted of guilt without a fair hearing.

   Mercenary, the real purpose of the apology by a lying political whore who presumes to apologize for white America, is to justify more reparations in the form of financial payments to the phony “aggrieved parties.”

   Unfair, political whores who are elected to represent the best interests of all of their constituents decide that one race is guilty and must be apologized for while another race is pimped as heroic victims. In other words the political/cultural apology process is an exercise in deceit and duplicity.

   Institutionalizes communist values: Communism has always preached that groups and/or races are guilty of the “crimes” that their ancestors supposedly committed, and must pay for them currently. The so-called “guilty party” is robbed to enrich the “aggrieved party.” Such reparations never end and in the long run produce a false nobility of racist parasites who are paid to live a life of leisure.

   Illegal: White people are judged as guilty and all rights to legal due process are abrogated in order to satisfy the demands of minority parasites.

   Institutionalizes racism and religious bigotry: White Christians are evil, black muslims are good

    Promotes Anti-Democratic Police State Communism: When one group of people is proclaimed to be guilty, without recourse to the constitutional right to trial by jury, it is illegal. When the same group is forced to pay reparations as well as grovel by participating in humiliating and obnoxious apologies, the group judged guilty is discriminated against. It is thereafter treated as a criminal. Were the architects of the “Apologist Movement,” among the hundreds of thousands (over 500,000 foreign moslems attend US universities at US taxpayer expense) of college professors and student who, a few years ago, signed a petition demanding the genocide of all white Americans?

 Who is Behind the Apology Scam?

    No one should be surprised to learn that the usual combination of back stabbing communists are behind the “Apologies Movement,” scam. That gang of political gangsters includes communist black/Islamic supremacists from: US universities, the federal government and the media. In other words the usual political criminals who re always involved in scheme to embarrass and rob the white working and middle classes are at it again.

    A leading communist academician behind the “Apologies Movement,” is Melissa Nobles, Associate Professor of Political Science at MIT. She holds a BA in history from Brown University and an MA and PhD in political science from Yale University. She is a black racist and has written: The Politics of Official Apologies (Cambridge University Press, 2008). Nobles argues that political apologies help to alter the terms and meanings of national membership. It raises the prestige of one race at the expense of another. Minorities demand apologies in order to focus attention on self-serving and moot historical injustices, the rectification of which, they argue, should guide changes in present-day government policies that favor special rights above the civil rights paid for by taxpayers. When employed by political whores apologizing for white people without their agreement or approval, apologies play an important, if under appreciated, role in bringing certain views about history and moral obligation to bear in public life.

   The apology-reparations process institutionalizes minority parasitism, forever. The so-called “moral obligation” of white working taxpayers, consists of accepting minority parasite charges without questions, apologizing and then awarding the parasitic minority power and financial handouts known as reparations. Nobles preaches that white people owe blacks and moslems reparations and contrite apologies. Examples of such apologies and reparations are the German government’s continuous apology and ongoing reparations for the pay 70 years to Jews after WWII and the state of Israel, and U.S. President Ronald Reagan providing $20,000 to every surviving Japanese-Americans who claimed to be affected by the necessary internment of Japanese fifth columnists during World War II. Nobles insist that, “what is the least desirable is an apology that is just said and is not followed by any kind of compensation...” Guess who has to pay.

 What About Communist-Congress Political Whores of the One Party System?

Two congressional communists, Republican Sam Brownback and Democrat Rep. Stephen I. Cohen are pimping two of the most sweeping, unfair and insulting apology stunts in American history.

Cohen, a Tennessee communist-Democrat, has introduced a resolution apologizing for all of the supposed wrongs suffered by blacks at the hands of the U.S. government, especially slavery and segregation (over a hundred and fifty years ago). And red-leg Brownback, a Kansas communist-Republican, is pushing a measure offering "an apology to all native peoples" for hundreds of years of government hostility and oppression.

 Brownback, who is seeking the GOP presidential nomination (and will never get it now), has offered his American Indian resolution in the last two Congresses, and it was approved by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in 2005. But it has never been adopted by the full Senate. His co-sponsors consists of a rogues gallery of congressional communist whores who have been robbing the American people for decades, including: Sens. MariaCantwell (D-Wash.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.).

Brownback's resolution opens with declarations that the government "violated many of the treaties ratified by Congress and other diplomatic agreements with Indian tribes" and took numerous official actions that caused immense harm to American Indians, including "extermination, termination, forced removal and relocation, the outlawing of traditional religions and the destruction of sacred places," the resolution says. And these policies contribute to the social and economic problems facing American Indians today. Brownback wants a formal apology to American Indians from the president and Congress.

In a speech on the House floor a few years ago, Cohen, a freshman communist party hack representing a predominantly black district in Memphis, spoke out passionately for his resolution apologizing for the wrongs inflicted on blacks. (Cohen is well hated in TN for his racism.) Gives typically communist reasons why modern, post-slavery white Americans must grovel and pay reparations to rampageous black minority parasites." For 246 years, our Constitution and our laws allowed a system that made people slaves, that divided people from their families and treated them as property," Cohen said. "And for 100 years thereafter, a system of laws in many states throughout the country had Jim Crow laws that deprived people of the opportunity for equal access to education, health care, public facilities and other types of programs. These ended by law in the [1960s], somewhat through the efforts of Thurgood Marshall and other attorneys in Brown v. Board of Education, but the effects are lingering. "This country needs to apologize for a brutal, inhumane system of slavery and Jim Crow laws," Cohen (who is a grotesque black racist bigot and has never mentioned black racism or black supremacy in his white put-down harangues), went on. "President Bush has made remarks similar to this in Senegal; President Clinton also in the [commonwealth] of Virginia most recently."Cohen's resolution is graphic. "Slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals," it says.

Cohen also states that "the system of de jure racial segregation known as 'Jim Crow,' which arose in certain parts of the nation following the Civil War to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans" still has some "vestiges" today. Cohen wants the House to acknowledge "the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow" and officially apologize to "African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States" and offer a "commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African-Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future."

Cohen has 36 co-sponsors for his resolution, all of which are the usual communist suspects that have been involved in dozens of criminal rip offs, immoral acts and legislation designed to suppress white civil rights for years, including Reps. Patrick J. Kennedy (D-R.I.) and Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio), as well as House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) and several other members of the extremely racist and segregated Congressional Black Caucus.

Cohen tried to join the Black Caucus after the November election but was turned down because he's white. He talks the commie talk, but his skin is the wrong color to be accepted by his black racist cronies who insist upon segregation, for themselves only.

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Ideological consolidation is possible only through polarization. The obama dictatorship fears publicity about the growing polarization within America. The commies prefer to pretend that the minority parasite dictatorship is popular among all Americans. The Big Lie is that all Americans are fools, united behind obama. Polarization is important for several political reasons: (1) It is truth (2) It publicly confronts the lies of the obama dictatorship (3) It shows the masses that many millions are not afraid to criticize the police state and encourages their committed participation.  (4) Ideology is required for any group of citizens who want to win a political war. Polarization facilitates ideology. (5) Polarization identifies something to believe in. (6) Polarization is the necessary prerequisite for political victory. (7) Polarization begins to explain to the public how a small minority of communists, black racists and moslems got control of America because there was no organized polarization.   Polarization refers to differences in how people think politically, it refers to a political war between opposing ideologies that are driving people apart. Polarization is a struggle to clearly define friends and enemies by their beliefs and behaviors, instead of believing their lies and cover ups. Those who want consolidation of opinion are identifying themselves as deceitful infiltrators if they reject polarization.

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A Forgotten American Hero of Iraq

Sgt. 1st Class Dillard Johnson is the deadliest US soldier on record – with 2,746 moslem kills.

Yet he only received a Silver Star. In any other army in the world, he would have received the equivalent of a medal of honor or victoria cross. America's highest decorations are reserved for life saving of one individual because the US Army no longer fights to close with and destroy the enemy and they don't care how many of our soldiers are killed or maimed. Think how many American soldiers were saved by the annihilation of the equivalent of an entire  enemy brigade. The US Army is controlled by neo-communist Clintonista generals who believe that excellent combat heroes are "murderous thugs." They are pro-moslem and have fired many US officers up to bird colonel rank because they spoke out against the murderous moslem killer cult. It is our duty to stage the second American Revolution and eliminate all neo-communists from government, no matter what the cost.

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Americans have lost their moral compass.

Fellow Americans, 2015 and 2016 are the years of political revolution, Democrats and Republicans are fed up with Washington corrupt politicians, puppets of the oligarchs.  We only have two candidates that will change the path of America’s self-destruction; they are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul.   We must become activist and stand for America. 2016 is mean to be the year of reclamation and the turning point to reclaim our Constitution, our country’s principles and values and most important our God given rights to freedom, Liberty and the rule of law.  Our country has serious issues; we have become a country with a large corrupt powerful government that is controlled by the oligarchs; the oligarchs own and control this system of monopolist predator corporatism and our government, that have destroyed our economic and the means for the American worker to earn living wages, sufficient to meet their basic needs to support their families and to provide discretionary income and the means to finance the education of their children’s.  To be more precise, Americans want their dignity back and Living Wages; a livable wages free of any handouts, social service or welfare assistant we want our dignity and freedom back.

Democrats and Republicans must become one voice and vote for America; we believe that before anything, we are Americans and the foundation of our country is our US Constitution. We will not allow the use of any political ideology to destroy our country nor our economic and welfare.

This is the truth, Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the destruction of millions of Americans jobs, the demise of our economic freedom and they are the promoters of slave wages, the oligarchs got richer at the expenses of the American working class and use their money to control our economic and our government. We must show the oligarchs that all the money in the world will not be enough to control the destine of the American people, our country is a country of liberty; by the people and for the people.

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American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs

Income Inequality is destroying America’s Middle Class.

Our freedom and economic future.


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.


The wealth inequality in America and the whole world was an agenda of the IMS, the World Bank and the Reserve Banks. “The world’s oligarchs”. They are the architects of free trade, globalization and the making of the one world order. To sale their agenda to the people, they use democracy, human rights and the war on poverty, the war on drugs and now the war on terrorism; but their real goal is the economy control of the world economy and the slavery of the working people of the world.

Here today I will like to expose only one segment of the US foreign policy that made millions of Americans economy slaves. What we need to acknowledge is that, we are to be blame for all of the harm done to us and the country, we are the ones that admire and applauded the criminal’s sycophants that committed the crimes against us the people; they were rewarded and got pay for their crimes.

The ones that deceive us and destroy millions of Americans jobs are the Oligarchs, the US politicians and the US news media; they all work together to deceive the people and pass the free trade agreements by misinformation lies and promising the American people that free trade agreements will create jobs for Americans, but the truth is that do not created jobs but demise millions of jobs, destroy the wealth of millions of working people, cut their wages and made them economy slaves; while the CEOS, The Banks and financial system made millions at the expenses of the American working people.

Americans are in denial of the truth, because they are brainwashed by the news media. The truth is that predator corporatism killed the true American free enterprise through monopolistic tactics supported by our politicians and our supreme court. Corporate American control our government and the NEOCONS are the ones that support their agenda, preaching free enterprise, cut taxes for the corporations and the super-rich of this country; we need to cut taxes for the working people not for the rich CEOS that made millions the CEOS of the big corporations made 450 times more that the average American worker; this is the biggest income inequality in the whole world, we are the biggest exploiters of the working class and it was done by free trade, without any concern or regards for the economy and welfare of the American people. Their greed for money and power, demise the future of millions of Americans. The question is who is worst we the ones that know the truth and do nothing, or the real criminals that commit the crimes and are being rewarded for their crimes.

Americans have the power to change this path of corruption and it is simple; this war is about money and the ill power of the oligarchs. Civil unrest and public demonstrations will not win this war against the oligarchs; the most effective strategy is the use of our money. Our money is what made them rich and powerful and what we must do is; stops the flow of our money, to continue the enrichment of the oligarchs.

A-     Close your accounts on the following Banks and deposit in local Banks or credit unions.

Banks Turning Accounts over to Police for Seizure


B-     Withdraw 80% of your investment and retirement account and form cooperatives to create local jobs, invest in real state, local manufacturing, farming ect.

C-     Support your local own business.

D-     Be an activist to stop the privatization of agencies that serve the community and the state.

E-     Stop the unionization of police, fire Dept. Schools and any government agencies including local own utilities and community services agencies.

F-      Boycott corrupt oil companies.

G-     Promote local own import and export companies register in your state. And boycott the predator US international companies. Do not buy any imports goods from retail store like Wal-Mart.  The Myth of the U.S. “Insourcing Boom”.

H-     Promote family farming and Boycott products from industrial farming.

I-       Be an activist to promote the truth in labeling of products, to inform consumers.

J-      Be an activist to close all pay loans companies, they are predators that feed on the needs of the poor.

K-     Promote the education of personal financing and the danger of debt.

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 Bill Moyers on Plutonomy

This is the truth that was concealed from us the American people.

Wal-Mart leads the world in labor exploitation

Economic Inequality and Political Representation

The Myth of American Meritocracy

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

His dream was for all poor and working people to live lives of decency and dignity”

Slavery and elite education in the US

Theories of Justice

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This was about 7 years ago and reading this again (nothing new) I am still amazed HOW "O" was elected President the first time, let alone a second time... tells you a lot about what many people (some of your neighbors) believe and actually support... WHY???
I know you have seen it, but read it again and reflect on America today... 
The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press”. From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag. 
General Bill Gann, USAF, (Ret) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played. 
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171... 
During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It". 
Senator Obama replied: 
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides." "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression..." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing." 
Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. 

It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ......"

When I Become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. 

We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".

"Of course now, I have found myself about to become The President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black  Family. 

Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America."
Dale Lindsborg, Washington Post
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Bringing Liberty To The Streets

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Americans have inherited from our ancestors a glorious tradition of Liberty and resistance to oppression. Our country has long been admired by the rest of the world for her great example of Liberty and prosperity.  A Freedom light shining in the darkness of tyranny - Is Now Here!  

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

The question is, who is worst the criminals that commit the crimes against humanity or the ones that know what is taken place in our country and do nothing to stop it and remain silent.

Ron Paul, the only honest candidate that was destroyed by the US News Media because he do not sale out. The NEOCON hates Ron Paul because he stands for Freedom, Honesty, and Sound Money. We are broken and pull apart by deception and betrayal; 2016 is the year of unity and the time to get our country on the right path, restore our freedom and take back our jobs and our rights to work for decent wages and our prosperity.

The “neocons” believe that American greatness is measured by our willingness to be a great power, through an unlimited global military intervention in other nations; their objective is to control and dominate regional resources to consolidate control, sufficient to generate global control and power. As American neocons continue to shape the narratives that define the permissible boundaries for U.S. foreign policy thinking, the failure to enforce any meaningful accountability on them for their role in the criminal and disastrous invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan has become painfully clear. We have become the world’s bully, the predators of many nations’ natural resources. Our integrity and honor was destroyed by the ill foreign policy of the GOP NEOCON. In any vibrant democratic system, it would be unthinkable that the neocons and the war hawks who pushed the United States into Iraq and Afghanistan  a little more than twelve years ago would still be exercising control over how Americans perceive today’s events. Yet, many of the exact same pundits and pols who misled the American people then are still misleading them today, they picture themselves as the champions of Democracy, freedom and pro free enterprise system, but in reality they are the promoters of predator corporatism, free trade and globalization, they want the control of the world’s natural resources, commerce and the en slavery of the working class. The question is who is worst, the criminals that commit the crimes against humanity or the ones that know what is taken place in our country and do nothing and remain silent. America, wake up and stand united to take our country back in 2016. Let’s work for Freedom, Honesty, and Sound Money. 

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The Criminal Plot to Stop Ron Paul

Ron Paul, the U.S. Representative from Texas

The NEOCON conservatives hate Ron Paul.



Get to know the man. Ron Paul news, articles and information:

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Attention Retirees and Soon To Be Retirees:  Does the Ominous Bill contain legislation that allows public and private employers to cut the pension benefits of current retirees? 

I would strongly suggest that you read the fine print of this "Bill" to find out the answer!

If this proves to be a "fact" then the current Speaker of The House should be forced to resign his post immediately.  How can the GOP members who supported the Ominous Bill sleep at night?  They have virtually screwed the very people who worked so damn hard to get these "traitors" elected and give them a House and Senate that could stop the "train wreck" called "OBAMANATION" that is destroying the United States Of America and all that it stands for, including its laws of the land.

We have worked our butts off to get these chauffer driven "GOP congress men & women" elected in a time when "tyranny" runs amuck in our Government and its lawless leaders.  How much more does the Legal, Law biding & self supporting American People have to be subjected too before we can exercise our CONSTITUTION RIGHTS AND LAWFULLY OVERTHROW A TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT.   

Some one please tell me I am WRONG!  I would like nothing better than to be WRONG regarding millions of American Retirees, Pension Benefits being cut by their employers. Besides cutting pension benefits for current retirees, the Ominous was a complete sell-out of the American People who supported the GOP in this last election. The GOP House and Senate Members were give this gift by the voters for one reason and one reason only... STOP OBAMA, DEFUND HIS SOCIALIST EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND DEFUND THE LEFT WING SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WHO HAVE BEEN WAGING A SILENT WAR AGAINST THE LAWFUL CITIZENS OF THE US.

Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell you are not GOD! You are self-appointed demigods.  Just because your tenure positions aligns you for leadership of the 2015 Congress of the United States, it does not mean that either of you are the people who elected this Congress choice.  So far you both have failed to live up to the will of the American People.  In plain and simple terms Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell are your NUTS or is your judgment impaired by the use of too much alcohol? 



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By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Seek the truth and expose the collaborators, the people must know the truth.

The Path to Nazi Genocide will be a duplication strategy of the US Government.

Fellow Americans, the extermination of millions, will be repeated again here in these United States, Hitler was able to kill millions of Jews with the help of the Nazi collaborator and the Christian hatred toward Jews. Today our government is recruiting Christian preacher to help them in the control and subjugation of Americans patriots to be place in concentration camps wen they start defending their rights and confronting the corrupt government that is destroying our country.

Most American will think that this is impossible, just like the German Jews, they can't believe that Hitler will arrest them and place them in concentration camps and exterminate them; but it happen.

Fellow Americans the fall of the Dollar will be the beginning of this human genocide, the people will turn against the government and the government will place them in concentration camps and will kill millions with the help of Christian pastors that are trained to obey the laws of this tyrannical corrupt government. I ask you to open your eyes and see what is taken place in our country.

1- The building of concentration camps in the United States

2- The buying of food supply for millions.

3- the buying of coffins, why?

4- Why HLS is expending millions in ammo.

5-Why the militarization of our police force.

6-Why our government is collecting information on American citizens.

7-Why our government is recruiting pastors and training to act as collaborators.

Nazi collaborators.

History of human extermination will be repeated again here in the USA.

The church should not be part of this agenda.

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The people voted for America

By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

Seek the truth and expose government corruption-


Fellow Americans, this is a new beginning; the American people voted for America and against the Obama administration culture of corruption; the people give the Republican Party an opportunity to stand with the American people to re-store our Constitution, our God given rights, work for the economic and welfare of the American people and end the Neocon predator corporatism and their globalist agenda.

Fellow Americans, The future of our country rest on us, the power of the people cannot be suppress by the Neo-con globalist elite nor government corruption; during the last 15 years we have experience nothing but deception and betrayal from the Bush and the Obama administration, their bold planned and execution of mandates in violation of our U.S. Constitution, the rule of law and most important the will of the people, place our country on a path of self-destruction; Their greed for power transformed them into whores that sold their dignity, principles and values to the predator neo-con globalist corporate and financial system that today rule in this country of ours. By their actions of betrayal and deception they destroyed our faith and trust in our government. Today, God almighty give America a new opportunity, to fix what we done wrong and stop the wars and all the killings done under the pretense of national security and democracy. Corruption is evil and we are committed to stop it.

Today I’m proud to be an America and I believe that we can re-store and build a new American under the conservative principles and the American ideas of true free market, our constitution, the rule of law and our commitment to freedom and responsibility for the economic and welfare of the American people and end this concentration of wealth that is destroying our societies.

Fellow Americans we have work hard to place in office the Republican Party and give them the control of the Senate and Congress. Our expectation is that this new Republican control of the senate and congress will change this path of self-destruction and place our country on the path of prosperity for all Americans not only the rich elite of this country. Washington must take back their responsibility to run our country and stop the influence of the rich and the Neo-con globalist elite of this country and stop the concentration of wealth that is destroying our country. This is the facts; this huge concentration of wealth is the main cause of this economic crisis, the destruction of the middleclass and the creation of the economic slavery of millions of American; the new economic slave class, that depends on government handouts and social service that is pay by the working class.

The fact is that the rich got rich, because the government benefit, protect and help them worldwide so they can exploit and take advantage of the world’s defenseless poor countries. We have expended trillions of Dollars and millions of Americans lives following this ill agenda; and we expect to stop this deception and betrayal that has being going on for many years under the pretense of protecting the interest to America, National security, the war on terrorism and the war on drugs. Our hope is that this new Washington legislation and executive branch do their job to avoid a revolution in our country that will cost millions of lives. Americans have enough of this Washington culture of corruption and will destroy Washington before Washington destroys American. America is the land of the free and refuses to become an economic slave of the rich elite of this country.

We must stop the predator corporatism; they control our government by political contribution, the political bribery system. Join us now.  The fight against corruption just start, we must work together to purge Washington culture of corruption in 2016 and place in Washington statesman, believers of our constitution and defenders of our God given rights and the rule of law. We will end this system of corruption, we have proof to America that we the people cannot be suppress and control by neither big money nor corruption. May God bless all the ones that give their time and money to make this happen.

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The Betrayal of the American Dream

Political corruption

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By Oscar Y. Harward


The November 4, 2014 North Carolina GENERAL ELECTION offers multiple ‘STATEWIDE’ candidates for 4 seats on the SUPREME COURT and 4 seats on the COURT OF APPEALS. 


This presentation is to assist in making well-informed decisions in the Judicial Elections with many, otherwise, unknown candidates, their supporters, their histories with political appointments, their values, etc.  Like all aspirants for (re)election, Judicial candidates also apply their own political findings.


After some concerted research on the list of ALL candidates, PLEASE evaluate and consider these studied recommendations.


These proposed choices enrich your choices in VOTING FOR EXCEPTIONAL Conservative men and women who are FULLY QUALIIED to serve in our STATEWIDE NC Courts.  I PROPOSE!  YOU DECIDE!










NC COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE (MARTIN) (MARTIN SEAT) – 19 candidates are seeking this office for 1 seat.  May I propose you to  VOTE FOR either 1 of these 2 candidates: Tricia Shields OR Hunter Murphy








Thank you!

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Seek the truth and let the people know.

By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA                                       

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

 Seek the truth and let the people know.

The CIA, The FBI, The DEA and the NSA are criminals, trained murders that made our reputation of American Imperialist and created the hate toward Americans all over the world, the world hate us because the crimes and the killings of innocent people done by our corrupt government in foreign countries to control the natural resources and commerce in these countries. Greed for money and power is the evil motivator of these sycophants, sociopaths and pathological liars.

As Americans we have the obligation and duty to seek the truth, we cannot continue ignoring the crimes and corruption done by our government, the very people that we elected to office and swore on the Bible that they will defend our constitution they betray us. Fellow Americans our founding fathers made this act; to be taken the oath and defend the constitution, a requirement to secure the loyalty and moral commitment from all politicians and servants of this country that hold any position and office that serve the citizens of this United States to prevent treason and corruption.

The fact is that our government is corrupt, they trashed our constitution and voided our God given rights; the patriot act legislation passed to take our rights and it was done under the pretense of national security and the war on terrorism.

Fellow Americans, this corrupt government colluded with the US News media to betray the people of this country and keep them misinformed to gain the support of the people to commit all the crimes and killings perpetrated against foreign nationals and Americans that know too much and were a threat to the criminals by exposing the truth.

Washington is corrupt, our hope is the youth of our country, we must prepare them to take our country back and re-store our moral leadership and authority in our country, from Washington to all the states government. We have some good people in Washington that refused to compromise the integrity of their office and their honor, they are our heroes and we praised them they will be the base of the new America, an America that we will be proud off. We must never forget that our enemy is Greed, ignorance and apathy. Our number one job is to repeal the “PATRIOT ACT”.  2016 is set to be the youth revolution to take our country back and end corruption in our government. New Motto” Freedom and honor is non-negotiable” Nothing matters but our constitution, our God given natural rights and God’s law.            

 Mike Ruppert - The Truth And Lies Of 911

In honor of Mike Ruppert. Feb. 3. 1957  -  April 13, 2014


Published on Mar 14, 2014-The CIA criminals In Action

The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order Agenda 21

CIA Crimes in Indonesia - Genocides In Indonesia

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Stop the Killings

By: Juan Reynoso, activist -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Fellow Americans, we are in support of Israel to defend them-selves, but this conflict is getting to the point that the intervention of the world community is a must. The world community has a moral obligation and the responsibility to stop the killings and to implement a humanitarian intervention to seek peace in the region. Violence and retaliation promotes more violence specially if is done by a powerful country against a less powerful country with limited military force.

This in fact is a violation of the individual sovereignty-human rights of the people of Palestine that are no part of the Hamas terrorist army; the state of Palestine sovereignty includes an obligation of guaranteeing their citizens security and basic needs. When states do not meet these conditions, they are often called failed and collapsed states, and thus their sovereign status is affected, and an external interference is necessary to stop the violence and the killings of innocent people.

Because international law is based on the support of human rights and the individual sovereignty the world community must take action now and stop this killing of innocent people and get Israel and Palestine to negotiate a peace that guaranty the human rights and security of the people, since the people’s rights and sovereignty must not be in jeopardy by the actions of the State or any political or military force that they are not in support off and undermines the people’s right of self-determination.  

This should not be an act to dilute the power and sovereignty of any of the countries involved is this conflict, but to insure the sovereignty and human rights of the people of Israel and Palestine.

The Jewish and the Palestine people have the right for self-determination, peace and harmony in their historic homeland; Palestine belongs to the Jewish and Arabs and they must learn to live together and end this long 18th hundred conflicts and retaliation.

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F is for Friendship

Proverbs 18:24 KJV
King James Version
"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly : and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

My sister is like a friend. But I have a friend Becky of forty plus years.  She sticks closer than a sister almost.  It is hard to distinguish between the two.  Why?  Because both are my friends, my best friends.

What is a friend?

  1. (Miriam Webster) a person who you like and enjoy being.
  2. (Miriam Webster) a favored companion.
  3. (Miriam Webster) a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another.

Synonyms (Miriam Webster) cohort, confident, supporter, collaborator, and main woman.

Becky and Twila meet all of these critera.

Sandra's (my defenition) of friendship.

1.  Shared experiences.
2. Support each other in all life needs.
3. Keep in touch often.
4. Help each other in all needs.
5. Will be there in all future life expereinces and future needs.
6. We do this because we care an love each other.

My sister Twila has been around since my birth.  We had our differences growing up. I owe my sister plenty.  If I need her she is always there to help and support me.  I love her not because of this but because she loves me and does it out of love.  She is an angel on earth.

Becky is my friend that got in trouble with and we grew up together.  We learned about life together.  We learned from our mistakes with one another.  We decided what kind of parents we would be because of what we did wrong.

Becky keeps in touch with me almost daily.  Cares like a sister.  She is part of my family.  She grew up knowing my sister Twila and her best friend Kathy, now my sister-in-law and another friend.

Friendship means we can call on one another anytime and we all come running not out of duty but because we care.  I am blessed to have Becky, Twila and Kathy and others in my life.

KJV Provers 27:5  Open rebuke is better than secret love.

Friends will openly rebuke you.  Hoesty is something that comes with friendship.  They call you on thing s when you need it.  They slap you down when you need it.  Not physically but with words to make you see what is good and right for you.

What more can I say about friendship?  Friendship is a special kind of love.  If you haven't  known it then you have missed a great thing on Earth. It is not to late.
If you follow the Golden Rule, you will find a friend that will treat you right back with the special kind of love called friendship.

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Who's Playground is it?

Warning! First Blog!-Since this is my first blog on Tea Party, or anywhere else for that matter, I'll make this blog as pleasant as I can and build up to the crescendo as time goes by.

The psychology that unfolds on every playground is the fruit of people watchers. Although I'm not the best people watcher, I like to think I do alright and the harder lessons that I've learned are not to be shared with strangers. The hardest lessons that I've learned are unpleasant and are mostly intended for prisons. Since retirement, I try not to use or think of those hardest lessons.

The general lessons are there for the taking and one I give freely-what you see on a playground has been developing over several years of operation. For instance, an older ball player plays well partially because he is familiar with the field. A visiting ballplayer must be confident in his game to overlook the unfamiliar field. Certainly all the variables are not possible to know or list, suffice to say that thousands of emotions swirl around a playground.

When you are on a playground, the ownership of the property was never doubted until Barry came to town. Forever, playgrounds have belonged to We the People. They still do and always will. It's just that  certain individuals are unable to conceive the American Model and lust for money and ego. These occasional nuisances have become significant due to lack of vigilance in Congress.

In America, fair play is for all and bullies are chased out. Confident and empathizing children rally to the aid of their friends and under normal situations, bullies are recognized and treated accordingly. Not a perfect system, just the best one in the World. 

It isn't the bully's physicality that makes him scary. It's the perception of harm by the other kids that give the bully his command. Scared children seek bullies! Some seek bullies for protection and most run for safety after they've seen the bully.

For the sake of an analogy,  government is a playground-not in a simple form by any means but rather  in the complex macro-societal confusion that it is. More than one ballgame, a few matches of tennis, and maybe a scrimmage on the basketball court is all that it takes to appease the elderly spectators and allow them to reminisce about their youthful days. Driving past a playground doesn't allow enough time to capture all the dynamics of any playground.

Using this analog, I ask that you imagine Barry entering the playground-what happens next? Nothing. He is not a "bully" in the traditional sense of the word and the police have no reason to suspect his affable nature of any vandalism or damage to the playground. Barry's personality allows him to endear himself to others and draw up alliances.

Without keen people watching skills, no one could have identified the friends of Barry that preceded him to the playground and had been waiting for his arrival.

In a well-planned execution of some nefarious plot, the kids and parents succumb to not Barry's plan, but the rather the plans of Barry's friends. Barry is only the patsy for the shills. In a very short while, the majority of the playground is in love with what they think Barry can do for them despite knowing that Barry has no skills, no history of accomplishment, and certainly no interest in the playground outside personal gain. My story-stick with me!

There will never be a shortage of selfish people in this World and selfish people recognize other selfish people instantly. Once the core group suckers a small group, the small group is made to look bigger and important. As a group, the bullying and manipulation is much easier but deceit is still the main thrust. If one member of the group gets found out, they are cast off and business continues.

Rather than spin this beyond use, Barry is known and the establishment of the Tea Party is figuratively the concerned parents that want to keep the playground nice-this is reprehensible to anyone that has been trained to hate the Tea Party but it will work for my purpose. The only problem now is concerned parents have no shills and cannot organize as splendidly as Barry says he is. Since Barry owns the enforcer, who doesn't need to be identified until after an event happens (already done), concerned parents have the opportunity to say, "I know but there's nothing I can do!". How many tines have you heard that?

Republicans linger in the bleachers. The Whigs and Tories have gone home. Other groups just can't seem to get an invitation and they watch from behind the fence. Therefore, Barry and his boys must infiltrate, deface, and discredit the Tea Party boys. The Sharks meet the Jets, no difference.

The few tussles and taunts done to preserve the playground were late, pathetic, and insulting to concerned parents. The bullies control the playground, set rules, and grant wishes. Ballgames have cheerleaders that shout "Yes We Can!' whether they win or not. It can be a wonderful, working playground if it weren't for the admissions booth at the entrance and the Board of Directors.

The Tea Party could regain the playground and here's how:

Focus on an issue and declare it solved and won whether it is or not. Misinformation goes both ways.

Sue for damages done and hold criminals to bear for crimes committed, no more of this revolving door drama-they did or they didn't.

Since the dawn of time, killing, starving, poisoning, and torturing people has been done for monetary and political gain. The Tea Party could accept this or any other issue to champion rather than defend the Constitution or similar diversion from true progress as a Nation. If we lose the Constitution but save lives, we can draft a new Constitution that does not mitigate criminal actions of the government-need an example?

Never before, have we had an opportunity as grand as this one to solve problems, rather than start wars. The Repubs and Dems can't do it -too much like work-so it will have to be the Tea Party.

The playground will exist and be available for a fee. Neither Democrats or Republicans have an issue with that or any other item of business. Life is good and everyone is making millions, so what's the problem? The Federal Government of the USA is on its ass!

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Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.
By Juan Reynoso – Activist - .
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God.
We believe that no government can exist in peace, if they are in violation of the people’s faith on God and their natural laws are not framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment guarantees the basic rights of an individual: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to peaceably assemble, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The free exercise of religion has been called an American invention; it was the belief of James Madison that freedom of religion would provide, “luster to our country." Roger Williams of Rhode Island, a Christian preacher, was the first to address freedom of conscience in his book the Bloody Tenant of Persecution. Maryland was the first colony to enact a Toleration Act for all Christians in 1649. Rhode Island in their Charter of 1663 was the first colony to enact freedom of conscience and religion for Protestants.
The Anglican Church was the established Church in Colonial Virginia, and Evangelicals, particularly Presbyterians and Baptists were persecuted. Thomas Jefferson had written the Virginia Statute for Establishing Religious Freedom in 1779, but this was tabled by the prevailing Anglican assembly. In reaction to a bill to assess every Virginia citizen to support Anglican teachers, James Madison wrote his Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessment (1785), where he states "We maintain therefore that in matters of Religion, no man's right is abridged by the institution of Civil Society, and that Religion is wholly exempt from its cognizance." This led to the passage of Jefferson's Statute in 1786.
While Separation of Church and State was necessary at the time to allow other Christian faiths to prosper, Jefferson and Madison supported a vibrant public square for religion. School prayer and Bible readings existed in public schools and public events for over 300 years in our nation! The First Amendment allows the Free Exercise of Religion.
Daniel Carroll of Maryland, a Catholic who had suffered persecution under British oppression, helped James Madison write the First Amendment, which protected our liberties such as freedom of religion.
Fellow Americans, our Liberty and freedom are being demise by this system of government. To force and impose rules or laws that demise the faith of all Christians is tyranny; our country’s morality must supersede tyranny in any legitimate form of government. Otherwise, people are left with a society system rooted in backwardness, disorder, and regression.
The concept of human and equal rights should not be used to demise our Christian faith; our government argument is that the preservation of equal rights requires action on the part of the government to prevent some individuals from taking away the rights of others. What our government is doing is reaffirming the rights of a group of persons that want to do or be what is against God’s laws and force Christians to accept gay marriage and take part in their chosen world of depravation by forcing Christians to see gay and lesbian couples ‘flaunting’ their relationships and accepting them as role model of our society. 
Last Wednesday, a federal judge ruled that Texas’ amendment banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Judge Orlando Garcia stated that same-sex marriage should be legal in Texas. The ruling in Texas on Wednesday is just another step towards the demise of our Christians rights to choose of no to take or be part of any thing connected to the LGBT community. Judge Garcia rejected the notion that Texas and each state in this country should be allowed to determine what the definition of marriage is and accept same-sex marriage as a right protected by our constitution.
Judge Orlando Garcia stated that the Court decision is not made in defiance of the great people of Texas or the Texas Legislature, but in compliance with the United States Constitution and Supreme Court precedent. Without a rational relation to a legitimate governmental purpose, state-imposed inequality can find no refuge in our United States Constitution. The fact is that this system of government is so corrupt that under the pretense of human and civil rights is voiding our constitution and our rights to gain political points. The majority of Americans in this United States are Christians; Christianity is the frame that encloses our Christian values and protects us from all the people that dismissed the existence of God our creator.
Fellow Christians, the fact is that this system of government has declared a war against Christianity in this United States. Our history and the existence of our country is base in Christianity. Christians are the founders of our country they are the ones that gives us the constitution and Christians are the ones that give their lives to defend us from Nazism and communist and the preservation of our Christian faith, principles and values. Today is that time for all Christian in this United States to be united to fight this corrupt system of government and re-store our Christian principles and values in our country, we will not let this government destroy our faith and values and force us to be part of and accept sin as part of our values as Christians. 
Fellow Christian, vote for candidates that will stand for our constitution, our Christian principles and values and destroy the termites that are destroying our country from within. Our Loyalty is to our God the creator of all things, not to any political party, politicians or any especial interest organization. In God we trust. Our God will give us the wisdom, courage and power to destroy this system of government and any one that will intend to destroy our Christian faith by forcing us to be part of any event, man laws or mandates that are against God’s laws and principles.


Principles are the basis for God's laws… they are the reasons behind His laws. And if you were to read the entire Law of Moses, you would have a much better understanding of God thoughts on many matters. They are the guidelines we can refer to in order to make wise decisions.
However, it has often been said that principles are more important than laws, because God's laws for mankind have changed, depending on the circumstances, while His principles remain the same. And though this is true, we must understand that God's laws have always been far more important than obedience to the principles. For, whereas principles are general guidelines, His laws are the dividing lines, and He has used His inspired servants to write them down in the Bible so we would know the difference. Remember that laws are greater, because they are also principles, but principles that God felt strongly enough about to turn into laws.

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Patriots, let's pray for motherhood

 Let’s pray for motherhood. 6-25-14


Let’s pray for motherhood.

Father, today we come to you to thank you for all your blessing and pray for all the mothers in the world. We praise the woman that become mothers and preserve the existence of humanity. They are your creation and to be a mother is a holy privilege and a gift from you my Lord; becoming a mother is the greatest joy that a woman can have in her life, when she gave birth we know that the Children are a gift from you my Lord and we are full of joy that a child is born into the world; they are an heritage of you my LORD: and the fruit of the womb is her reward.

Father you specially designed the woman physically and emotionally to not only conceive and bear a child but to nurture and raise a child as well, we ask for your blessing and pray for your protection of the whole family and let nothing compromise the love and duty to rise the child under your laws and principles. Mothers should be willing to put God first and seek to dedicate her child to the service of the Lord.

Lord blessed is the mothers that follow you and give their Childs the knowledge of the kingdom of God. Amen.

Mothers are very special, God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.

Jewish Proverb

The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.

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