take (5)

By Jim Mullen


If one had to use one word to describe the entire Obama administration it would be anarchy; a word by which fascists live.

Much of traditional America recoils in horror at the utter chaos and devastation befalling this nation in the last seven years. We are fast becoming a country cowering in fear of an uncontrollable, oppressive government.

How did this happen? It makes no sense to people that leftists like Obama crave the exact opposite of a free, traditional, Constitutionalist America. We rationalize that these radicals are ignorant and mistakenly chose this dangerous path of governance.

However, once we comprehend that they are deliberately following their Socialist/Marxist scheme; their actions make perfect sense.

Nearly all wannabe dictators derive their treacherous, tyrannical philosophy from the Manifesto of the Communist Party, the 1848 pamphlet by German Philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

As you read Obama’s agenda below, remember his pledge to “…fundamentally transform the United States of America.”  This was his Marxist pledge and a calculated and deliberate takedown of America.

Barack Obama, a devout and leftist-trained, slick-talking revolutionary makes it clear that he despises this country and everything for which it stands.

Obama’s Muslim father hated the entire Western World, and Obama had more than a few Communistic influences in his youth. When watching and listening to this President, it’s good to bear in mind that Communists, Marxists, Muslims, and radical leftists, dominate his ideology and poison his judgment. American Nazis of the thirties preached incessantly that to rule this country; they must first destroy the Constitution. Our Commander-in-Chief follows that doctrine - he stretches, bends, and violates nearly every element of the Constitution and whimsically repudiates established laws as minor inconveniences.

Understanding the background, goals, and motives of Barack Obama, his minions, and his New Democrat Socialist Party is essential if we hope to glean an understanding of why they relentlessly lay siege to our American way of life.

Obama’s and the left’s Marxist agenda and blueprint:

  • Use the power of bureaucratic politician-created offices and departments to target, isolate, and then destroy any citizen or group of citizens resisting government bondage. Obama uses all the numerous bureaucracies to lay siege on Americans. The IRS, Education, Justice, Labor, Homeland Security, Interior, and Energy, are just a few of the departmental weapons he uses to attack and terrorize citizens.
  • Expand illegal Executive power to grow central authority and subject the masses to his whims and dictates.
  • Redistribute income and wealth. Obamacare was the epitome of a Marxist scheme not only reallocating peoples’ money, but in controlling who lives and who dies; the ultimate power.  
  • Maneuver the United States deeper into the United Nations and cede our national identity. We surrender our Constitution, security, culture, religion, and liberty to the New World Order.
  • Employ anti-business economic policies designed to restrict people from employment and snare them in a massive web of dependency. These schemes work well reducing the once-powerful middle class into a new malleable voting block of welfare class.
  • Relax rules and qualifications that allow more people to qualify for disability. Government reliance skyrocketed under this administration. Creates more dependency.
  • Eliminate Charter Schools, home schooling, and all private education programs for easier indoctrination and grooming of children into total acceptance of federal power.
  • The second fatality of this administration was the Welfare to Work legislation enacted during the Clinton presidency. Obama wanted no restrictions on welfare. He guaranteed the welfare class would remain on the Democrat Socialist Party’s federal government plantation.
  • Continue hammering the ‘Big Lie of Climate Change.’ This shameful scam is an effort by Obama-leftists to impose their dream of world-wide American income and wealth redistribution and global governance. The plot is a massive tax hike on the American people.
  • Bestow citizenship to every person in the country.
  • Maintain our open border policy and crowd our country with legal and illegal aliens, Islamic immigrants from countries rife with terrorists, and then emptying prisons of violent convicted felons. Subsequently, placing them surreptitiously and strategically around the country to counter balance and/or replace white Christian voting blocks. Expand sanctuary cities.
  • Enact voter ID laws that encourage fraudulent voting by granting voting rights to every person in the country - including felons and illegal aliens.
  • Accept the staggering debt of Puerto Rico and bring them into the fold of statehood, counting on the added votes of another blue state.
  • Destroy the Electoral College process for determining the President of the United States. Leftists know this Constitutional protection of states and national rights stand in the way of large Democrat-controlled states deciding nearly all presidential elections.
  • Further weaken our Military through monetary cuts and purging the leadership of commanders not toeing the line of leftwing loons. It includes social engineering to undermine and debilitate the American Armed Forces.  
  • Criminalizing and encumbering police officers from doing their job; especially in minority neighborhoods.  Leftist revolutionaries use the streets for riots and demonstrations - therefore, they must demonize police.
  • Eliminate tax deduction credits for charity. It’s more difficult getting people enslaved  to government if private charities help people.
  • Disarm law-abiding citizens and leave them unprotected or create substantial gun-free zones that leave us defenseless wherever lawful Americans may roam.
  • Pack our U.S.  Federal and Supreme Courts with left-wing radicals who redefine the Constitution as a living document subject to modern-day “modifications” or mores.
  • Create divisive strife between classes, genders, religions, races, national origins, and all others Obama rubs together to generate friction and discord.
  • Carry on Obama’s policies of laying waste to the middle class. Unemployment and falling wages effectively create additional plantations over which the slaveholder, centralized government, assumes absolute control. Also, it builds another enormous, guaranteed voting bloc of dependents.
  • Persist with the assault on our monetary, Capitalist, and free-enterprise systems with stifling regulations, fees, and demonization. Mucking up capitalism brings us nearer to the government offering centralized power as the only logical, conclusive alternative. Marxism mandates complete control of all commerce, business, finance, and the citizenry. That is why it always fails so miserably. Government can never compete with liberty; therefore, it must destroy liberty.
  • Continue releasing the world’s most dangerous terrorists and unilaterally making deals with terrorist states. Press on with “Rules for Radicals,” Saul Alinsky’s blueprint for fascist control. Likewise, employing politically correct speech to silence the voices of dissent and liberty.
  • Maintain the practice of using the U.S. Federal Treasury for bribing people, state and local bodies, businesses and schools into accepting money in return for relinquishing control to the feds. This federal policy led to the present-day catastrophe we now call education.
  • Increase Muslim rights. Shariah Law practiced by most Muslims is a complete violation of our Constitution. However, we continue to bring them here. Most are violently intolerant of American ideals, culture, and religion, and the clashing with our values will end in a Holy War and extreme violence. Europe is finally realizing its Muslim folly - far too late.

It is a simple concept; well-educated, employed, and self-sufficient people have little need for an all-powerful entity controlling their lives and robbing them of their income, liberty, and wealth.

Understanding the goals and tactics of Barack Obama and his despotic band of New Socialist Democrats reveals how their ideas relate to the seemingly implausible actions we witness daily. The revolution we see is not a revolution for liberty, but an insurrection for tyranny. Common sense became lost in the fog of fascism.

The deadly extremists inhabiting the White House and their leftist comrades stand as sworn enemies of the United States of America, its Constitution, culture, religion, and entire way of life. They are, by careful design, transforming this country into a Marxist dictatorship. These fascists, abetted by the Main-Stream Media and leftwing Congressmen, embedded themselves into the fabric of government.  Obama collectivists represent the greatest threat to the health, security, and freedom of this nation! They symbolize all that is diabolical in a world ablaze and an America facing imminent peril.

Jim Mullen


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Predator corporatism, takeover of ours country

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -  voteforamerica@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

We seek the truth and let the people know. An informed citizenry is vital for the preservation of our democracy and freedom. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties. http://themoneygps.com/

The poverty business.


Fellow Americans, after 30 years of the NEOCON takeover of ours country government, poverty in American and the world have turned the working class into a slave class. Capitalism and free enterprise is dead; the new system that dominates our economic and our lives; is the predator corporatism. Free trade open the doors for the US corporations to become the predators of the US small business: they used anything to demise the competition and control the market to make money; they monopolized an array of business and control the commerce in our country; from financing, manufacturing, agriculture, energy, transportation and everything that they can see as a potential, money making opportunity.

Predator corporatism, control our US government and through our government they control foreign governments by bribery, military interventions and any other means. Predator corporatism is in control of our lives our economic and our future; they are very close to make us their slaves by making us debtors of the financial system that they control.

The NEOCON strategy is working very well, with the help of our corrupt politicians; they are the ones that write the legislations that help them to gain more control over our lives and our country. They keep the American workers wages low and the unemployment high by job outsourcing, free trade and globalization, they promote legislations that will support subsidizing and bail outs to protect themselves from their ill policies. They are in support of tax cut for them but not for the poor.

Today the worse threats to the American people and humanity are the NEOCON and the predator corporatism psychopath’s ideology of control; that the end justifies the means. They take all risk because they are sure that they will be rescued by our government at our expenses.  

2016 elections it’s our only hope to build a government of moral principles and committed to social justice for all Americans and end this greedy predator corporate system that is destroying our social fiber, the American dream and economic prosperity. We must seek a candidate, a statesman like Theodore Roosevelt with the courage to demise the predator corporate monopolist criminals; we must take on the oligarchical corporatist fascist’s predators of the American enterprise and the small business that they see as competition. We seek fairness and a win-win situation relationship between business and employee’s relationship. Decent living wages will be good for our economic, promote good working ethics and productivity and disposable income that will generate sales and benefit the retail industry and the economic as a whole.

We all count to make this a reality; the choice is ours to be free or slaves of the predator corporate system that is in control today.

God bless America. Register to vote and vote for your freedom.

PS. I dream that I Get up one morning and read in the paper that all media conglomerates have been disbanded; that all criminal Wall Street banks have been broken up and nationalized and that scores of CEO Bankers have been charge with serious crimes.   I'd like to see media/propaganda campaigns across the country, billboards, ads, TV, flyers, marches. But it all starts by acknowledging the obvious: That the United States of America has become a Corporatist Fascist State.  If people can't even acknowledge that obvious fact, then nothing of significance will be possible in order to start the process of removing the Corporatist domination of our country.

Spread the word. To share this please clicks here       Share

The end of the American dream.


Corporatism:  The Monopoly of the Global Elite.


The wealthy elitists control the world.


The poverty business.


Entrepreneurship for human flourishing


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The truth is the invasion has begun in America.

Check out these videos and see the death threats made to law abiding citizens.  These people are violent and they have no respect for any countries laws except Sharia own.  Violence and intimidation are their way of life, it's all about control.

Wake up because it may be to late in America if the complacent citizens do recognize what's taking place right now in our country.




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If the proper application of the word was applied according to it's origin diversity does not mean we celebrate differences.  The usage of the word itself has become twisted to fit ones agenda for Change!

Word Origin & History


mid-14c., "quality of being diverse," mostly in a neutral sense, from O.Fr. diversité (12c.) "difference, diversity, unique feature, oddness:" also "wickedness, perversity," from L. diversitatem "contrariety, contradiction, disagreement;" also, as a secondary sense, "difference, diversity" from
diversus "turned different ways," in L.L. "various," pp. of divertere (see divert). Negative meaning, "being contrary to what is agreeable or right; perversity, evil" existed in English from late 15c. but was obsolete from 17c. Diversity as a virtue in a nation is an idea from the rise of modern democracies in the 1790s, where it kept one faction from arrogating all power (but this was not quite the modern sense, as ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, etc. was not the matter in mind):
So you see it's more cultural rubbish that's been adopted by the unwitting mindless minions who have no concept of its true meaning.   Time to wake up, shake the cultural dust off of our backs, stand up to the out of control PC crowd,  GO HEAD TO HEAD WITH THOSE WHO WOULD ATTEMPT TO FORCE THEIR DIVERSE AGENDA ON US, and restore sanity in our land.
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In the midst of foreign enemy pitched firefights, IED’s and rocket barrages, the Ohio military service men and women are now being targeted by an enemy at home as well. Obama presidential campaign officials, with the apparent go ahead from the commander-in-chief is suing to eliminate the legal voting rights of Ohio military soldiers. Millions in Ohio and across the nation may regard this as an unthinkable act of unbelievable disservice to soldiers who place themselves in harm’s way daily. Of course, they would be correct.

For a calculating politician who had just visited the Buckeye State, just scant days before, one would surmise that this callous act would not have occurred. Well it has occurred and it is clear from the Obama administration’s undertaking to openly deceive and divide the voting public with deceptive attention diverting advertising ploys against Mitt Romney, their end game is to win this key battleground state.

What drives this desperate move to disarm Ohio’s military voters is possibly tied to the Wednesday Gallup Poll numbers that were released, showing Obama’s approval poll numbers stalling at 46 percent in Ohio. If these underperforming approval ratings worsen as the campaign heads into the post Memorial Day election battlefield, Obama and his administration will be decommissioned by the voters of Ohio.

Enter the Obama campaign’s clumsy effort to outflank the one area of the Ohio voter base that can unseat the president: the military vote. This is important, because in the 2008 presidential election, approximately 1.7 million votes or close to 30 percent of Ohio’s vote total were cast through absentee ballots. With the military vote making up a large chunk of the votes cast and most military votes are supposedly typically cast for the republican presidential candidate, you can do the math. Eliminate the military early voting right and you eliminate a probably Obama presidential re-election loss.

What appears unfathomable to a majority of Americans in the heartland, is how can a president of the United States fight to protect the rights of millions of illegal aliens who engage in an ongoing criminal activity, i.e. residing in the United States by breaking federal and state laws of entry. Meanwhile soldiers under President Obama’s command are being undermined by this same commander-in-chief who is fighting in the courts to destroy the valuable voting rights of military servicemen and women protecting this nation.

Righteous outrage is the first phrase that comes to mind and former decorated military officer and now Florida congressman, Allen West is outraged by this dishonorable practice by Obama and his presidential campaign. Congressmen West stated, "To have the Commander in Chief make our US Servicemen and Women the target of a political attack to benefit his reelection actions is reprehensible.”

Yes, indeed and when you think about your family members who have been noble in their performance of duty and service to this nation it indeed leaves one with a deep sense of betrayal by Obama and his administration. On one hand as Obama’s campaign fights to take soldier’s early voter rights, the other Obama hand fights to increase and fast track jobs, education, housing for illegal aliens. His administration also is in court fighting to weaken state voter ID laws which will increase illegal alien illegal voting.

Soldiers who wear the uniform of the United States' military are not going to take this laying down. In fact, while the president’s men are sniping at our soldiers’ voter rights, military organizations have entered the field of battle. AMVETS, the Association of the U.S. Army, The National Guard Association of the Unites States and many others are rallying to the cause in a concerted effort to force dismissal of the Obama’s sanctioned lawsuit against soldiers.

Americans all over this nation, who have loved ones in the military, have been in the military or who simply love and support the military should let the Obama administration know your feelings.

Write to this page… and let your feelings as well as your support be known!

Write to your congressional representative. Write the White House. Stand with the soldiers and with Congressmen Allen West who says with a noble heart, “As a Combat Veteran, for this President to unleash his campaign cronies against our Military is unconscionable… Barack Obama is undeserving of the title Commander-in-Chief."

Ohio’s military knows it; Now America must know it…Forward to November when American military soldiers can give President Obama his separation from service papers for dishonorable conduct. This is a change that America can believe in.


Let me know what you think: http://shar.es/v6iuL

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